• ¡Welcome to the Zelda Cavern Forums: The Legend of Hyrule! (n_n)
    We really hope you have an enjoyable time with us.
    Here are the guidelines to have fun interacting and together build a good community.
    Please, take time to read the full post.

    1. Be respectful.

    Mind our diversity

    - Do not troll, insult, or flame against other users
    Members are not allowed to engage in threatening behavior toward other members. Use the report button if you spot an offensive message or contact the staff privately according the situation.

    - Keep your content suitable for all ages
    We want to bring a positive experience where people can openly and comfortably interact no matter their age, sex or location; We provide the [NRC / 15+] prefix to warn in topics about gore, language not recommended for children or that others might find tasteless.

    - Do not overuse swear words
    While we might allow a few bad words that are not aimed directly to another person, we ask you keep in mind that we have underage visitors and want to keep things to a minimum.

    - No adult media, adult links, or adult account trading.
    Your profile included.

    - No posting of personal information that isn't yours.

    Privacy is to be respected here.

    2. Don't abuse the forum tools and resources.

    Be responsible and use common sense

    - Don't be a backseat moderator.
    If you find yourself about to type things like "this topic is in the wrong section" or "This thread should be locked" use the "report" button instead and tell us all about there.

    - Always credit the author.
    If you are pasting something published from another site always make sure to somehow include a link to the original place where you found it. If you're sharing a drawing, a video, etc make sure to make clear if you created it or just found it.

    - Search before creating a new topic.
    We don't mind if you bump old threads with your replies (necroposting).

    - You cannot ask for or offer 'likes or reputation in posts, signatures, or PM.
    Fishing for them with comments in the style of "likes are appreciated" are also frowned upon.

    - Predatory behaviour using negative reputation.
    Use reputation when a post deserves it not because it comes from someone you don't like.
    There is a ignore system in your user control panel you can use instead.

    - Signature images are recommended to be kept under 650x300 pixels and 500k size.
    Staff may modify signatures at their discretion.

    - Multiple accounts for Ban evading and other shady activities will result in the permanent closing of your old account and new accounts.

    3. Keep Spam outside the serious areas.

    Avoid posts and habits that contribute nothing

    - Use the "like" to show agreement, approval, gratefulness or fondness for a post.

    - For quick questions or comments that only concern one member use the member's profile wall or start a Private conversation.

    - Going a bit astray in a topic is fine so long the posts are still holding some relevance to the original topic.

    - Do not cross post.
    Cross posting is leaving the exact same post in different threads.

    - Double Post is (usually) fine...
    ... as we have an automatic merger. Double post is best to be left for when the thread has been dead for awhile (as the merger will still bump it), or if your post is long and needs to be broken up into multiple parts.

    [INDENT]Don't worry, we're not born knowing the netiquette and we understand that it is easy to slip; keeping a good attitude goes a long way. We're here to help, so do not hesitate to send us a PM if you have any questions. We will keep working and fixing posts without making a big fuzz about it just do your best to be on topic, be respectful and avoid short, pointless, annoying messages and you will be fine.[/INDENT]

    There might be other issues not covered in the general guidelines that might make the staff take action, most of the time technical issues or an atypical situation that requires our intervention. These rules might also be amended as the staff deems necessary, in which case we will bump this thread with a temporary reply explaining in detail what was amended and for what reason. Minor cosmetic edits to this thread won't be notified. Also keep in mind the ToS you must agree to follow in order to register your account.

    Thank you for reading. Now go and have fun! :lol:

  • I have updated the rules offering some guidelines to help you better understand our approach with our 3 original rules.
    Inside the "spoiler" you will find common situations and guidelines; they can serve to illustrate better what falls into each rule but we're not limited by just the ones mentioned there.

    "Original Rules 25Apr15"

    Welcome to The Legend of Hyrule Forums!
    For now I'll keep things simple and sweet.
    If there is anything I'd love you to remember regarding the rules is three things:

    1. Be respectful.
    2. Don't abuse the forum tools and resources.
    3. Keep Spam outside the serious areas.

    There might be other issues not covered in the general guidelines that might make the staff take action, most of the time technical issues or an atypical situation that requires our intervention. These rules might also be amended as the staff deems necessary, in which case we will bump this thread with a temporary reply explaining in detail what was amended and for what reason. Minor cosmetic edits to this thread won't be notified.

    Thank you for reading. Now go and have fun!

    Thank you!

  • What about advertising?
    I have noticed that, you are allowing links to other forums and sites. So, do you have no-follow enabled for those links?

    Advertisement in signature and your own profile field is allowed. Shoutbox advertisement is discouraged but it is dealt with depending the situation. A good standing member sharing the link after some conversation lead to it, is fine. A new comer spamming the shoutbox to his YT or Forum address, is not fine. I'll set up guidelines regarding this just to have things clear. Thanks for bringing it up to my attention, Clara. :-D

    I am not sure if Xenforo has no-follow by default but I will look unto that.
    EDIT: Yes, I believe they use no-follow as default.
    Alright. I have edited the rules to add the change from likes to the reputation system and the double post merger.
    Slightly changed some wording in a few of the explanations.