Posts by Rauru

    ok.. Chrono Trigger is so easy, beat it with Rauru.. then we pretty much beat half the Final Fantasies.. most of the zeldas .. err Yeah we LOVE Megaman X .. Best megaman out there.. no doubt..

    I play lots of mmo's.. everquest 1..2. World of Warcraft.. tried Lineage 2. RYL, Guild Wars.. I currently play WoW>

    nerd alert!!! :D

    no he won't even care, unless he wants it back. but there's nothing people can do about it when people steal or edit sigs and make it into their own. it's just a picture, and there's no copyright.

    ps. dont slap me!

    [move]Please read these rules before you use the Fight Forum.. [/move]

    These special rules apply to members, along with the General Rules.
    Please abide by them.

    Rule #...

    1. Please try to give your opponent a fair chance to win. It makes the fight forum a lot more fun.

    2. A good idea may be to add a poll to your fight. You don't have to, but if you want to let others vote on who they think should win, go ahead, if you have the balls.

    3. Try to keep your fights formal if you can. It really helps with cleanliness. And by formal I mean announce the fight in the title and don't spam during them.

    Alright, I think that's it.

    Thanks a bunch!

    [move]These rules should be read by all new members before they go on and begin posting in the forums.[/move]

    Rule #.....

    1.Do not double post. This means posting a second message right after your first one without anybody else's first reply. If you forgot to mention something in your message, use the modify feature.

    2. Do not post redundant and stupid messages just to raise your amount of posts.

    3.Messages that contain only one word or simple phrase will be most likely deleted.

    4. Stay on topic. If you find your thoughts do not fit into any topic, suggest something to and admin, instead of using spam.

    5. Do not try to tell lies to staff members unless they are out of their mind asking you personal questions.

    6. Do not post links to any innapropriate websites without warning.

    7. You sign up with a nickname so call people with there nick name, calling eachother by your real names is not a good idea and defeats all purpose, so refrain.

    8. If you are told specifically to stop doing something by an admin, please obey.

    9. Please don't cover the whole board with posts by topping off everyone else's posts. It's a form of spam and it's very annoying, so don't do it.

    10. LANGUAGE:
    If you are one of those gamer-nerd sit on the computer all day 'owning noobs' kind of people, please keep the rediculous lingo off of these message boards. It truly isn't welcome. Also, refrain from using made up lingo. Who's going to understand it? Please just settle for English. Lastly, do not try to avoid word censoring by putting symbols in between your letters. Messages made with this technique will be either deleted or modified.

    This should be it for the rules. I think I covered everything. Feel free to send me a message if you disagree with any of these rules or have a suggestion for a new rule. Thanks