Twilight Princess for Wii not only upcoming game Wii want.

  • In the midst of all the delays, the horrible waiting time, and the waiting still, It sure seems that the game of Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is now surely coming out sometime in november, with it already being legendary before it's release. It's planned to come out for Gamecube and Nintendo Wii, with Wii having the added features of the Wii's nun-chuck (which, quite literally, is what it's called). But, as Wii wait for the game to come out (expect tons of Wii puns), Wii apparently get another hit, as a SECOND Wii Zelda title was announced. This one was not specified in any or all of its features, it was just stated that there is going to be another Zelda coming up in the near future. But right now, Wii can expect Twilight Princess to be one great reason to get a Wii.

  • See,that's funny, because an MMORPG Zelda sounds kinda like it. But then again, the zelda from Super Smash Bros. was fun to play as, so they might make something along the lines of that, but they also mght make it a strategy, an rpg like Final Fantasy, or more actiony, like uh...Spartan, or God of War.