• What is our world but an empty sphere. We have skyscrapers, we have weapons that do near as much as a stars birth. Our creations will come to haunt us. This of which we created is going to hurt us. Nukes are made, but why. Would there not be no violence if man had not made these. We created the violence and are making more to end of which is being created by our own selfish ambition. We are worried about the Apocalypse which is eminent. Does it figure we are fighting in vain for of which doesn't matter. Without wealth, their is no greed, with no greed there is no violence, with no violence comes no suffering, with no suffering comes no evil, with no evil comes life. Doesn't this describe of what we do. Video games bring in a reason too get away, it pulls us from what is needed. Work is doing labor for a small amount of NOTHING. Money is an illusion, and nothing more. What is IT if we can not take it with us. Life (not referring to the meaning) is for getting our deeds done and testing our strength. We do competitions to show our superiority to what in comparison to what matters is a meager and vain attempt. This is what we work so hard for on earth. Mayan calender ends on 2012 (http://www.levity.com/eschaton/Why2012.html) They claim that our land is gone. In the bible we are tested, our ethics are tested. Are yours prepared. Are your wrong doings punished. Can you survive this.........No, nobody can. You can't escape the force that watches you while you sleep staring at the clock. The whole reason we die is because of what we create. What do we create exactly? War, poverty, social groups, money, wepons.....our world is of the wicked. In an instant you could be gone!!! Are you gonna waste your life, or are you going to do what is right.

  • I can see your point, with life having no meaning and we're all just going to die eventually, however I can say that life does have a point. You have to enjoy life to the fullest, and make it matter to you and to others. Your life in particular doesn't have to matter to the entire world, but your life can matter to family and friends; by doing so giving joy to them. So, my motto for the meaning of life is "Have joy and give joy to others." That is about the cheesiest thing ever but it is so totally true. If having fun makes you feel good, then you should have the most of it you can. Do what you love, and help others to do so as well. Cucco out.

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.