• PHProtect

    This is some PHP software i am making, it's only BETA and is in it's early stages with not much to offer right now, but it's worth a look. It's designed to be a "content protection system".

    Here's the Linky

    I'm looking for people who would like to help with this project, and hopefully make it into a better system. You have to know PHP ^_^.

  • I might be interested, I just downloaded it and am scanning through the files now checking out the code.

    What exactly is this supposed to protect, from being scrapped/cURL? Guess I can scan through and see or check the manual :D

  • Oh Hey Killswitch :),

    I've been testing PHP and stuff for school project and it was all over the place, so i decided to do something with what's already there.

    1. The Person can configure a username and password via a config.php file
    2. The person can logon to the system
    3. If the Username and Password is correct, then it will show them the page they are authorized to access.

    4. If the username and password is incorrect, then it will return an error message.

    4a. If a person has forgotten their password, then they can retrieve it via a form, if they don't have access to the config file.

    It's only come into Stable version (My Teacher said it was stable enough, however i don't think so.) so they are many bugs.

    A Big flaw, is the input form, it would probably allow someone to execute malicious code, because it doesn't sanitize input.

    Thanks for popping by.

  • Oh I see, it protects pages from public view. I thought for a second you were trying to prevent others from using PHP to scrape content from your site or something.

    As far as the input, the input itself isn't being used inside a query so it really isn't too bad. There isn't much that a person could do maliciously. Might want to strip_tags, trim (for whitespace) and possibly toss htmlspecialchars against it (if you print the supplied input to browser you will want to). You may also want to use get_magic_quotes_gpc to check magic quotes setting and addslashes or stripslashes from there.

    I just installed Ubuntu due to virus' on the Windows disc I downloaded, but I will download again and scan over everything.