• This is my first character and it might take a few days for me to finish so please stick with me. Thanks!

    Name: X Vitros (Full name never mentioned)

    Age: 16

    Race: Irregular Human

    Sex: Male

    Hair: Blue with a few white streaks

    Eyes: Right eye/yellow hazel eye, Left eye/deep sky blue with tiny red outline on the pupil.

    Weight: 146 lbs.

    Height: 5 ft. 11 in.

    Theme Song: Stand

    Weapon: His weapons include a Legendary, single-edged, thin longsword that he named simply X Blade. The blade is made of a polymerized Adament with a solid Diamond tip. It has proven itself to be indestructable many times in battle. The blade has the power to turn from Holy Adament, to a Fire blade that burns at a tempurature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit, to Ice Crystals of -150 degrees Fahrenheit, to pure Plasma Lightning.

    X Blade changes forms when its wielder is under massive physical or mental stress, and when it does, it changes to a buster blade, nearly as wide as Vitros' waist, as well as a good head taller then him in length and has 5 razors on each side of the blade.

    He also wields cannons on his elbows that shoot what is called Ebyss Vinom, Ebyss Vinom is not like a poison on Earth, what it does is if it hits a human, demon or anything but a non-living thing, the victim will lose sight, hearing, and weaken their senses for 20 seconds.

    His last weapon is two halfs of a Vitilament staff that he can clamp together to make a powerful staff, same strengths as the sword but with longer reach.

    Armor: Vitros does not wear too much armor for the fear of slowing him self down, so his armor consists of one slightly mechanical suit. The suit is slightly tight on his upper body but baggy down on lower. He wears a blue jacket over his upper body, but nothing additional on the lower. His suits lower part looks alot like jeans exept that one pant leg is shorter than the other. The suit absorbs all dark damage but offers little protection against melee attacks, unless switched to that proper defence, which slightly slows him down. His jacket also has a mysterious metal slate on the back, which if triggered the proper way by Vitros, will allow mech wings to shoot out the sides. They look like dragon wings, except the skin inbetween that catches wind and allows flight, is blue aura that can work also as a shield. The wings allow Vitros to have much more control over his flying as well as speed.

    Strengths: Vitros's best strength is his endurence. He has perfected swords of all kinds and can use most to his advantage. Thanks to his slightly mech suit, all dark spells, no matter how powerful, will be absorbed by the suit and Vitros can shoot them back through his palms, with additional power of his own dark power, which is very low. Any mind-reading, mind-control, or
    mind-stuns are reversed to the person who used it, and will stun them for a little while. He is capable of dodging most attacks to the best of his ability, and to reward of his strong will power and attitude, he never lets anyone make him lose his focus of the fight at hand, and he never gives up a fight unless his life is on the line. He is also a undead's or vampire's worst nightmare, for he is almost like God's knight, for the fact he can communicate with Him and also seek His advise. He cannot be killed by an undead, demon, or vampire as long as he is able to fight.

    Weaknesses: Vitros' powers almost always come with a small price. His powers and abilities must always be activated through focus, if he has more than one ability active during battle, each are slightly weakened with each additional ability activated. One of his most annoying weaknesses to him is when he becomes under pressure during a fight. If this happens, he will go to safety, sit down or stand, and think to stratigize. No enemy of his wants him to do this because once he does, it almost always gives him the victory, but it is more of a weakness than a strength. When he does this, he is highly vulnerable because it takes him 10-30 seconds to pull it off. He also never uses his black hole attack unless in an emergency, for pulling it off puts enormous strain on his body, tearing apart his muscles. He does use all element attacks but there is one that he is weak against, Lightning. It hurts him nothing too major but can stun him badly. If he is in heat for too long(120 degrees or above), he also starts to become weaker.

    Skills/Magic: Vitros had a very open mind to studying, which made him uninterested in just mastering one element. He is a user of every element known, here is a chart explaining it, 0 being no talent, and 100 being mastered.
    He also has healing magic studied down, minor injuries are healed automaticly, and medium sized wounds he has to put focus in, and serious wounds cant be healed without alot of time.
    Vitros also has numerous natural abilities. During battle, he is capable of running 70 mph and can teleport small distances with 1-3 seconds of focus. While traveling though, he is capable at best to fly at speeds to 800 mph after building momentum. Thanks to his fathers training for 10 years, his reflexes and senses are far more than the average person, making sneak attacks useless. He also has one more very important ability, his left eye. His left eye is capable of mind-reading, mind-control for short times, illusions and future visions. It also lets him see completely around his body. He is also capable of making small black holes, that he can build up and let it stay as long as he can. Last, but not the least of his abilities, on a scale, Vitros always weighed around 130-140 pounds, but when other people tryed to pick him up, or bump into him, it was like trying to lift a giant ball of steel, or bumping into a brick wall.

    Appearance: Vitros always was one of the better looking guys in his schools he went to and always had girls looking at him, which started to get old with him. He has flawless skin, blue hazel right eye and a yellow, red outlined left eye with a blue X deep inside it. He is a little shorter than maybe 55% of other people his age, and had a very toned body for his age. He had brown hair at one time then changed it to blue with white streaks, with everyone saying,"Nice change in hair!", and not in the make fun of him way either.

    His clothing includes his usually worn; white under shirt. The shirt is made of normal cloth of Earth, as Mira got it for him shortly after finding him. His blue mech jacket is worn over the shirt, and Vitros also occasionally has his right arm in the sleeve of the jacket to let it rest lifelessly against his torso. Due to his nature back on Morsoth, if you lose a fight of any kind in official sight, you must use one limb, less then the rest. This is what Vitros chose, but he still uses it when he feels he is in need of it.

    He also wears jeans that have the same technology in them as his jacket, but has made it look exactly as if it looks just like jeans. Other then the jacket and jeans, his shoes and other clothes are normal. However, his experimental fingerless gloves help his water manipulation triple in power, but drains him of energy once 20 minutes has gone by.

    Personality: Vitros was always one of the quiet kids in his childhood, so no one bothered him much. When he was a young boy, he was always serious when it came to sports and always took up for others that needed help. His attitude often got him into misunderstandings, which often led to fights. His saying, try to calm the foe and stop the fighting at first, and if that doesnt work, protect yourself. He is anything but ruthless when it comes to fighting, and fights with honor in his heart. If he defeats his foe, he trys to help them subdue their rage, if at all posible. Many people he knows will often say, "I fought that young man with nothing but the thought of killing him, and yet now, he has turned my life around."

    Biography: Vitros was born on a planet light years away from Earth, Morsoth, where he used to live, with a happy family, a mother named Kala, a father whos name was known throughout their world as Galahand, and an older brother named Mitachi. His mother was 27 years old when Vitros was born, his father was 30, and his brother was only 3. The first thing his mother realized about Vitros, was his left eye. She noticed his right eye was much different, it was a yellow, hazel color. His left eye however did not appear normal to her at all. It was a was a light, sky blue with a little red outline around the pupil, and a deep dark blue X shape in the back of his eye. She examined his eye with deep thought and wonder until Galahand asked if everything was okay.
    She said, in a surprised state, "Yes, we're fine, I'm just shocked at his eye."
    "Well, it was been quite a few hours sinse you were able to hold him, and I just..."
    She turned her head to him with her eyes wide, "What?"
    He raised an eyebrow at her, "What, you didn't notice? You've been staring at his eye for nearly 5 hours now, I was starting to get worried."

    She had a blank face for a while. That was impossible, she thought to herself. How can it have been that long, I just now stared at....
    She looked down at her baby, Vitros and into his eye.
    "....his eye."
    Galahand looked up from a daze, " Hmm? Did you say something?", he asked in sleepy voice.
    She looked up, "Oh,....no..nothing."

    Most of Vitros's life is unknown, from him growing up from 1 to 11, he seemed to be stronger than the average child. His speed was seeming to get faster and faster the more time went by. His parents got more worried by the years. When they talked to his friends, they were all saying that he seemed smarter than all of them. By the time Vitros became
    12, the leader of their planet sent a message to all the people of Morsoth, warning them all that power to the entire planet has been disabled by an unknown source and that a red shining light was getting bigger and bigger as they saw it in the clear orange sky.
    His mother and father knew was coming. Luckly, Vitros's dad not only was a fighter, he was also an inventer. He took a look threw a C3 Twili (like a telescope on Earth, exept alot stronger on distance of sight. What he saw was devestating. He saw a man, ingulfed in a firy hellfire, with what looked like his fist out in front of him. From the looks of the man in black and red, he had complete control of what he was doing, yet, he was mere miles from the planets surface.
    He was aiming to go through Morsoth completely.
    Galahand knew one thing, if he went through, he would go through the core of the planet, desilating the planet and its habitants.
    He did the one thing he could do to save his family. He went straight to the only invention that he kept for his family only, a teleporter, or a Dilitefier. He did not have time to explain things to his wife and kids, so he just told them to get in, and quickly.
    They all rushed inside having no idea what was going on. While inside he made a quick desciption of what was going on and told them something terrible.
    " Listen closely everyone, I have not been able to perfect the targeting system for this machine. There is no dought in one thing, it will get us out of here but, I have no idea where we will be sent to. I have it in control enough to send us to another planet, but this might be the last time we ever see each other. Vitros, I want you to have this, take good care of them", he shoved a big bag that had heavy items inside it.
    Before anyone could object to his quick idea, he hugged his wife, Vitros and Mitachi. Before he went through with it, he said one last thing.

    " I promise, I will find all of you again, and please, never lose hope of finding each other, because it will happen!"
    With one simple press of a dial on a pad, the last thing everybody saw was a blinding light of yellow and white.

    Vitros awoke in a blurry daze. It took him a few minutes to gather his thoughts.
    Ok, we saw a man flying in a hell blaze, the...
    The teleporter...
    He jerked his head and sat up from the unusually soft surface as fast as he could, only to get a dreadful pain in his legs and back. He grunted as he relaxed his body.
    "Boy you gave me quite a scare out there."
    The uncalled for voice startled Vitros and he nearly jumped off the bed, receiving another jolt of pain for his trouble.
    "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you there."
    Vitros looked to his side and saw a woman, from the looks of her she was at least in her
    "Wh...where am I, what happened?"
    The woman tryed to explain to her best understanding,"Well little boy, I'm not sure myself. I was sitting on my porch when I saw a flash of light behind my house. I came to where I saw it, and I found you laying on the ground. I thought you were dead to be honest, but you seemed to have an odd heartbeat. I brought you in here and laid you down, you've been asleep for nearly a week."
    Vitros asked the one question that almost blew his cover,"W..what planet i..is this?"
    The woman raised an eyebrow,"Why silly, this is Earth."

    The rest of Vitros's life was taken into the hands of this woman. Her name was Mira, and she said she had a daughter who lived about 10 miles away. From the ages of 12 to 15, Vitros trained in secret with her word that she would never tell anyone that he was not of this world or had these powers unless in an emergency. She gave him his word and that is where he is at the moment. He plans to leave soon to find his missing family. In the bag his father gave him was a mech suit and a sword, the X Blade.