Which game has the best Zelda Design in your opinion? My vote would go to Twilight Princess. Her dress looks a lot more intricate and detailed than in her other games. I also like her design in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Posts by Andyman9491
I don't know if it was made official yet but I just really wanted to know. Whenever Zelda transforms into her alter ego, her voice gets deeper and I think she develops these masculine qualities like broad shoulders, etc. I think depending on the game they still make her chest a little pronounced and in Super smash brawl you can see her ponytail. I was just curious if it's official
I also like a lot of games from Rare! My favorite in general is probably Mario Kart. Ocarina of Time was a good one too. I played a lot of SSB Melee but it was usually just for recreation.
Let's see. Not sure if I'm pronouncing these correctly but I'll give em a shot.
Hyrule - Hi rool
Twili - twih lee
Hylian - hi Lee in
Farore - fa roh ray
Nayru - not sure if it's Nay roo or nigh roo
Din - just din
Midna - might be meed nah
Nabooru - nah boo roo
Kotake- ko ta ke
Koume - ko ooh meh
Darunia - dah roo nee ah
Mikau - me kah oo
Kafei - like café
Termina- just as its spelled
Lon Lon - lohn lohn
Girahim - je Ra him
Vaati - vah tee -
My first Zelda game was Ocarina of Time. I liked it and all but all I can remember was how mad I would get once I was stuck. I was really young then too, so I don't recall too much about the experiences. After that I've only occasionally played other Zelda games.
I personally don't own one yet but I think it's a great console. It's definitely been a step up from their previous consoles in my opinion and I love their games. I usually play Smash 4 on it and that's always a lot of fun. So far I just have the original Wii but I plan to get the Wii U sometime soon!
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