Posts by Kaynil

    The Secret Garden. I can't even defend it. I wasn't attracted to other cartoons like it , but this one got me curious.

    It was also one of the few anime at its time that did not get its intro dubbed to Spanish, so this song lives rent free in my head.

    Later on learned it was based on a book and there even is a movie. I suspect this anime was padded out with extra characters and stuff but I never got my hands in the book.

    an image showing Zelda with three different outfits, the Disguise attire at the center, the Royal Travel to the right which has her on loose pants and a pony tail, and to the left is the Customary Attire which has an elegant pinkish dress and her hair dow From left to right: Customary Attire, Disguise and Royal travel Attire.

    To be honest I finished the game and didn't really do much to find the other costumes, but I am hoping this thread shows me just how much of a mistake that was, haha. Maybe you have a favourite.

    Out of the main ones displayed in the image above, I like the first two. Specially the one with the Pony tail however, if I can be really honest. My favourite look is the Customary one, that is on the very left. I guess because it reminds me a lot of the one Young Adult Zelda used in Ocarina of Time. :J


    We had the Portable Zelda games in one zone and the console all as subfolders for their console. I've been meaning to unify a way to have:
    A) The games easily accessible on Zelda Talk.
    B) The games as subforums of the different Nintendo Consoles in the Gaming area

    Basically my main beef was how many boards would be at the top before the discussion if we had all the Portable Zelda + Console Zelda on top of the Zelda Talk topics. That's almost a twenty forums to scroll. On the other hand I definitely get the old' school structure of consoles with the subforum for the Zelda game along with any other cool particular games we like to talk about often so we're keeping that.

    Taking's advantage of my basic HTML knowledge inside of Zelda talk I made two categories that are nothing more than an excuse to have as their description a collection of links to each specific main Zelda game. I omitted side games like the Crossbow Training and the Warrior titles to keep the list neat and the spotlight on Zelda Talk.

    I think it makes the forum index look neater while still allows us to quickly navigate to specific games without taking nearly as much space away from the topic index.

    Hi, guys.

    I just wanted to let you know I did a bit of tidying up in the forums.

    I decided to hide from the index the areas that are not being worked on at the moment. Areas like Zelda Network, Website News, etc. are still for the most part in the same locations and if you know the URL or their IDs you can access them easily. So for example, if you click in comments from our website, you can still access the Website News area. It is just not in the index for now.

    Wii U and the 3DS, have been tucked in the older consoles and handhelds folders.

    I also want to work in restructuring a bit the boards, mostly the Zelda areas in a way that hopefully be okay with you.

    If there's anything you reckon I need to look at, let me know. I don't have as much free time so I am going to be rolling these slowly.

    I think it's been more than enough inaction and I love this place too much.

    We also have a good chunk of stuff to talk about with the newest game and the movie in progress, haha. :grinning:

    I'm kinda excited, but I like to reserve my judgment.

    Haha. Fair enough.

    It is a very weird feeling for me. to be completely honest at times it still feel like the it is just a rumour. I've lieved through decades of people faking movie posters and debating whether a movie would be a good idea or not.

    In fact, I cannot think of a Zelda movie without thinking of that one fan film "The Hero of Time" by BNB Finishes. I remember how they talked about taking years to make it but then they tried to put it in small local cinemas or something similarly profit, if I remember correctly, and Nintendo fell on them straight away. it was close to Christmas so they let them have the online film but to be deleted right after. I mean there are some pretty interesting live action shorts around that will give me hope, but I also feel like it is going to be difficult to create a a movie that will be without controversy. I feel as a community of passionate fans there will be a lot of nitpicking in just a few moments of a teaser, haha.

    So I am curious and I will probably will be there on first row when it comes to the movies but I am also keeping my excitement restrained until more is revealed.

    With the technology we have today, I'm okay with it being live-action. As long as they don't make it too visually dark, like the DC movies.

    I always thought the series would go really well in 2D animation or even CGI given the fantastic work of recent 3D films. CGI has definitely gotten better but also, point taken that this also applies to the CGI effects inserted in live action movies, a lot of the effects from studio to digital ones definitely blend better than what they did some decades ago, hahaha.

    I think the first hurdle is going to be who they choose to play which roles.

    I think I'd prefer an adaptation just because I don't want them to add to the canon.

    Oooh, that is an angle I hadn't even considered. I was thinking that I'd rather an original story so we don't pick apart every little thing they do differently to adapt it.

    There's so much to talk and speculate, but I'll start with some questions and let you know my thoughts in the replies.B-)

    How do you guys feel about the revelation of a movie being in the works?

    Are you okay with it being live action or do you think a different medium would suit it better?

    Are you hoping for an adaptation or an original story? :tektite:

    Man, it's been a while.

    Right now I am trying Opera, trying their gaming one. Looks like it'll take more resources but I am enjoying the (Zelda) themes.
    Funny I originally downloaded it because it was clean, fast browser. I guess I can't help my cluttery-tendencies. (°^O^°)

    I am using Brave Browser.

    I used to have Brave on my phone, it worked really nicely.

    Oh, man. I love reading fanfics. it's been a good while since I sat through one and my high school mess of a fanfic is still somewhere. This got me thinking about our blog area that might be cool to add some fanfic related categories there.

    Anyway, I'm really eager to start reading your fanfic, Laxy!! :grinning:

    Hi, mastofire. Welcome.
    And yeah, that kind of question is fine. At most we might move the thread around if we decide it fits better in another area.

    've been going through my old Wii U digital purchases (though you can't buy stuff on the eShop anymore, you can still access it and review the stuff you bought in the past), and when I got to Hyrule Warriors, I noticed two very similar-looking DLCs: I would like to know what, if any, difference there is between these two.

    Oh, boy. It has been a long time since that happened so take what I say with a lot of salt. I tried to google a bit to kind of pierce together what I remember with what appears to be the case. This reddit thread seemed to bring the best results.

    Basically, when the game reached the WiiU / 3DS they added a new plot line in addition to the original one of Link & Lana's plot from the Wii. The wiiU/3DS versions was when they revealed Linkle, and I believe one of your DLC there (possibly the second one since I can clearly see Linkle) is where you get her character and other ones such as Tetra and Toon Link.

    Then the Hyrule Warriors Legends Pack would be the season pass for the back then newer character being revealed (from Link's Awakening I remember Marin) and new weapons for other characters.

    I hope that helps. :grinning:

    Hello hello! Welcome Laxy!!
    That sounds really good. Please continue to share it.

    OoT was also my introduction to the series so I have a massive soft spot for it! (^^)
    I hope you enjoy your stay!

    Hey hey, doing alright. I got some minor stuff going on in life, but I mean who doesnt have problems.

    Fair enough, haha.
    Hope things look up.

    I watched my older siblings play Zelda games (LOZ, LOZ II, ALTTP, WW) growing up but I first played one in about maybe 2018 or 2019. It was Link's Awakening DX for the Gameboy. I really liked it, so I continued to collect them and play them.

    That's pretty cool. Link's Awakening was the first handheld I played. The DX version is definitely the better version. I love the pictures, hahaha.

    My favorite one has to be Majoras Mask.

    I still think OOT is the greatest, but I like MM the most.

    That's pretty neat.

    I have a lot of appreciation to both titles. :grinning:


    I have to admit I'd forgotten about this place, until I got an email notification about this thread being posted to.

    That's alright man, It is always great to see you when you decide to pop in.

    orry to hear things aren't great. Someone in my family got diabetes a couple of years ago and he's turned it around, lost a ton of weight and now all the tests are clear. Although the dodgy knee isn't going to help.

    That's really cool to hear!! Mad respect to that member of your family. It isn't easy.
    For now I got it under control. Trying to keep active and take care of my carbohydrate intakes. Because of my back and knees problems I am getting pressure to lose weight and well, let's see how it goes. I am fortunate enough to have support.

    I'm doing alright, finished my novel (finally) and gone back to working from home, mostly, which is better.

    Oh! Congratulations!! that's so cool to hear!!

    Also working from home sounds pretty neat.

    I thought for a moment we were talking about the sky islands , which were alright if not a bit underwhelming. There weren't that many to begin with, like to have so many copy&paste. I get they couldn't be as big as the tutorial island but I would have liked to have a bit more of sky remains to explore and maybe even some SS easter egg given with how heavily they tried to hint a correlation with the game when they were doing their promos for both games.