Posts by Kaynil

    I tried it briefly with a Werewolf. I got bored of it straight away.
    I think I didn't give it enough time and I was not used enough to the keyboard controls. I am still not used to them but I am more used to the idea now.

    I have never played any single one, but they seem fun when they get Indy quirks and the movies humour right.
    I just remember the first one you reviewed as the Nintendo Fanboy, it seemed very glitchy.



    Well, that's that. Everyone who has posted in this thread is officially banned. I'm very disappointed in all of you. Especially you, @LinkSkywalker .

    I have merged both threads now.

    월식 [A lunar eclipse]

    I took this translation froma random livejoiurnal, as I think it makes more sense than the literal one that keeps popping up.


    I mean, isn't everyone who makes that joke in 2015 a little slow?

    It was used so much that every time I want to pull it off I get laughed at, so I avoided it till now. I still love it. Great wisdom. :P

    I agree, advance brought some nice ports and remakes.

    Though the OoT style yips and YEAGHs added to LttP were criminal. =P

    At first I thought it was something neat but wow, it does wear off and becomes grating after a little while. Besides that voice and the official artwork didn't really match on my opinion.

    That's cool. Advance was a solid console. It is in the sweet spot of SNES type if details in your palm. And between the original and the SP you could have the recharging and light or classic batteries depending your taste.

    Also, the old gameboy color should get an honorable mention for being lightweight, tiny, and having a phenomenal library of games.

    Game boy color is definitely my second favourite. A shame cartridge batteries on many of them not longer work. I miss my Pokémon yellow and crystal as well as the 3 Zelda games.

    Same here!

    The new 3DS has definitely become my favourite handheld of Nintendo. I love the streetpass functionality. The demos really makes easier for me to decide what to give a different go,
    The Ace Attorney games and the crossover with professor Layton. Then the possibility to have some NES and gameboy color games. I am slowly making my collection.

    I don't know. ThougH I am enjoying the WiiU version a lot. I miss some characters as I fill there are too many peaches and Marios, but I really find neat the newer coups and characters. They really helped return to the game for a second wave.
    Mario kart 64 is the one I always return to, even with its outdated looks the tracks are still a lot of fun.

    Doublde Dash is my favorite.

    I missed double dash. :(

    I really like the Gamepad. It makes things like watching the map or changing items more fluid than having to pause the game for it.
    I also like the 5th player mechanic in game slike Mario party and Nintendo Land. (n_n)