Posts by Kaynil

    There is a point in SS where someone will ask Link to deliver a letter. This quest has two endings depending on your actions.

    So... What did you originally chose?

    What ending did you like the best?

    Fours Swords came bundled with the A Link to the Past port for gameboy advance.

    To play with friends you needed link cables. Other than my sibling, I had no one else to link with.

    Now that the VC let me have it. I joke I can beat it, if only for Zelda pride though not much fun doing it with AI.

    What did you think of Vaati?

    I really liked him, it was nice having a different Villain not hijacked by Ganon.

    I also like how people in fanarts give him different personalities.

    Did you fuse all the Kinstones?

    Basically you had to fuse your half with someone else and something good would come for it. But some characters had only a temporary margin of time for you to get the right half and do the fuse.

    I missed a few.

    So, the game has been out for a while. I wonder what was your general impressions of the game.

    Some people felt it was closer to their idea of a core-Zelda while others felt it was lazy.

    In there anything you'd change in the game?

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    Hey everybody! I just wanted to make a thread to welcome to all our visitors and to ensure you that things will pick up soon.

    I recently invited many of you through Facebook, and I know the forum looks a bit empty as it is starting. I didn't want to wait any longer as many of you were good friends and excellent members of past Zelda communities we enjoyed and loved. Heck, maybe some of you actually know me from the Glory days of Zelda Cavern.

    In any case, I will be posting new threads and things will take a more defined form in the upcoming days. I am very excited and I am grateful you guys decide to join us. We're going to raise this place high.

    If you have any ideas and feedback, please do let us know. I'd love to know what would you like and what is what you think other Zelda Communities may be missing that we can incorporate to make your stay and any Zelda fan the best.

    We'll define some rules and finetune details, populate the areas with some threads and then officially launch it into the world very, very, soon! Once again, thank you very much for being here! :D

    Majora's Mask 3D had a lot more modifications than OoT3D, some subtle and some more in your face, such as Link Zora's inability to continuously swim fast and the "eye" in the boss battles.

    So what changes have you noticed?
    Which ones do you think are for better?
    Which ones were mistakes or could been handled better?

    Majora's Mask was the successor title after Ocarina of Time, both console and chronological timeline order. It was a game that bore on their shoulders a great deal of expectations measures based on the acclaimed predecessor.

    Despite this, the game decided to go with risky changes that made it unique and these differences were the ones that once divided the fans. MM was not always been seen as a model game. Its save mode, the short amount of dungeons and an ending far from perfect for the taste of many people, made some to praise it and others not even bother after the first play session.

    MM used to be seen as an imperfect game, an acquired taste wine, where it was necessary to take the sting from the first drink to see what the game had to offer. Once accustomed to the taste then MM became a different and enjoyable experience. Not that it was not tedious at times, but digging around and growing attached to that world put a different spin. One wouldn't play just to finish the game but to unlock and see all events, reactions and possible resolutions.

    Eventually this title, which has always had a rabid fans, has come to light, not with little help from the articles of Dan Hylian (Message of Majora's Mask) and nostalgia that makes us want them to take elements for future games or solve the mysteries caused in the series timeline.

    After the release of the remake OoT 3D, people claim through the "Moonfall" project that a similar remake of MM is released.

    But is Majora's Mask as good of a game as people claim?
    Perhaps is now being placed on a higher pedestal than it deserves... What do you guys think?

    This thread is a classic. Talk with us about your favourite bosses and why did you chose them as your favourite.
    I know sometimes it can be hard to pick an absolute best so how about your Top 3?

    Any funny story to share?

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a game that marked a generation. It is probably my favourite game, not the best Zelda game, simply the first one I had and thus the one that marked me like no other.
    Anyway, with the 3DS came the promise of the remake. Then the game came along. I want to know what did you think of it compared to the original. Do you like it better or worse?

    Which one is superior?

    A video I found online to help refresh our minds:

    Top is the North American one.
    Bottom is the European/japanese one.snesdifferences.png

    Which version did you own?

    I have own both. Back in mexico I bought from a neighbour his SNES.
    Now that I moved to Australia and my friend and I are re-making our gaming collection we got a SNES and boy, is it a weird sensation holding the cartridges, seeing the console and feeling that it doesn't align with my memories, hahah.

    I like the colourful buttons of the PAL controller.
    What version do you like better?