Posts by Kaynil

    I actually kinda regret getting these speakers. It's a 5.1 system, but the sound is pretty weak. I can barely get it loud enough to hear it in the next room without blowing the levels.

    Next time I'm buying computer speakers, I'm going to buy them from a speaker store, rather than a computer store.

    Soubds like s plan.

    Yeah they are not very loud. I got them for the surround effwct but I want to replace them with proper hometheather speakers at some point. Our current desktop sorakers are worse so I'll probably start by replacing those. :XD:

    I know Erin's work back from Newgrounds but I think his sequelitis is of the stuff I enjoy the most. I particularly like this video because it dares to tear the "OoT is the best N64 aura" aura that seemed to permeate the Zelda discussion - Now MM seems to be the one being hailed as the Masterpiece.

    Anyway I really want to hear your opinions on Arin's opinions, haha.
    The video last around half an hour but brings excellent points even just from the game developing angle.

    That was pretty interesting. I thought at first once they diverted from the movie that there was going to be just general media "did you know" of Mario Bros. but all the interesting bits thrown after were pretty cool.
    It is a shame the movie changed so much into something so separated from its root.

    Also this video answer some questions posed in "Everything wrong" with....

    Hahah. I don't know why would they purposely neglect giving you some, maybe the workers that received weren't aware of their existence if their job wasn't related to handle them at the back.
    Glad you found some. Maybe you should use the rest to cover yourself in a cardboard armor and just visit again said businesses, haha.

    From now on when you create a thread you will be given the option to choose a prefix to better illustrate the nature of topic. Of course you can choose no-prefix if you think none are relevant.

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    That's all for now. I hope you like them and give them some use. :)

    I guess I am a theist, if that is the term. I still believe in the Christian God but I can't see eye to eye with organized religion and of course with people just trying to get under your skin because you don't think like they do.

    "I grew up with a mixed bag of beliefs from different sects of Christianity and after college I stopped going to any church altogether."

    I grew up surrounded by people of different religions and I was an avid reader so I grew up with a Mixed bag of beliefs, a bit from Jehovah witnesses a bit from catholicism a bit from Pentecosts and so on. I was a goody two shoes believer kid. The crack started after puberty when I started to resist some ideas. Simple stuff. I naively still wanted to find the right religion so I tried a bit of everything. It turn out religions have a very specific set of beliefs you must have in order to fit to either but I just couldn't be convinced to shred any of the ones I had to fit.

    The last time I went to organized religion it started with small meetings at homes of some college studies. It felt way better being in an informal setting. They were from that famous Temple. My grandma knew it by name and I was kind of excited to actually be invited there. Visiting it changed my perception of it all, it was when the crack turned into a fissure. The place was so huge it has basketball courts and frigging Table tennis just behind where the preaching was taking place. They had this "rock" bad playing songs and it was too commercial. They reminded me of the passage when Jesus flips a table because the Temple was a brand and they had in the entrance shits, pen and stuff, at least the guys Jesus flipped at were selling things required in church like animals for offerings this was just sad, unrelated, cynical merchandise.
    Then the sermon was guilt tripping people for donations and basically saying they were to blame if other people were still in sin for not insisting enough. Jesus never give up on you so you don't give up on them because when you die he will ask you for each of the person you knew during your life that didn't share your point of view and will demand to know why you gave up on them. Even for my standards this was pretty low. It wasn't empowering, it wasn't hopeful and it felt like the only message being told was" If you're not constantly bringing more people and giving at least the real 10 percent of what you earn then you're a horrible Christian and you should feel really ashamed and consumed by the guilt. I just saw clearly how it was all another business not really caring for it. It also was like a pyramidal scheme. The purpose of meeting is find another candidate to start meetings at their homes and keep spreading it and then get more ranks into the church and get missions like flying overseas and stuff. I saw real passion from some people entering the place and even some of the ones giving the talks. I just couldn't take it and had to stop going. It was awkward and hard given that they used to pick me up. There were already details I disagreed like the frigging anti homosexuality prayers and stuff. Other than that the guys were positive, caring and genuine and came to me at my lowest.

    If it wasn't for some experiences around my parent's family I would probably would have stopped altogether from believing. Even those experiences have been from re-telling. I was either asleep or in a different location. It is more who has told me they experienced them that makes me believe them. It is people I just wouldn't believe capable of lying or playing with something like that. There is also a very specific one that I was indirectly involved with, that incident is the thread that keeps me a theist.

    All in all I am pretty chill when it comes to religion and jokes. People often assume I am atheist because I didn't bark at them for making fun of Jesus or God. I just think that it is all in the intention. If they are just trying to have a good time is fine to laugh, laughing doesn't mean you truly believe each thing. It is many times the absurd of it makes it funny. Anyway I just don't think we should feel guilty if we find an image funny or something a friend says. Guilting yourself over feeling something you think shouldn't just damage your self esteem, can't help a natural reaction. With things other people say if you agree great if you don't then don't sweat it. We all think differently.

    I honestly thought this was not a serious post at all and the tag was just poking fun at this. I think at times you overestimate our knowledge, haha.
    Only after you answer SP I understood better were you were coming from. I think if we teach a robot to fish we all eat but if we mass produce Robots with the ability to fish we all starve.

    I think the idea of humanity free of their labours to pursue knowledge puts way too much faith in humanity. I think without labour things can go in very different ways as not everybody values knowledge or learning as much as other individuals and even those who do the topics of their interest are also so diverse as their intentions once gained certain knowledge. I think the internet is a good reflection of what kind of things we pursue. The other extreme is scary but what makes it feel closer to reality for me is how great of a business is War and the constant fight for the upper hand. Before military suit armours or Robotic Armies I am more concerned with nano-robots. As technology allows for more capacity being planted in smaller chips.

    I like the rules of the robots regarding human interaction but I don't think we should build something that can screw us over if they decide to disregard the initial purpose. When I was in school I laughed at the notion of Robot with awareness. Now while I am not believing a Robot can see itself as "I", it is possible to program self-learning techniques. I also guess Hall did leave an impact when I watched the Odyssey, haha.

    Whatever you do, don't count the days, that will just make it seem longer. :lengua:

    You can think whatever you want of the console design and control, in the end the important thing are the games. Who knows? Maybe you find a soft spot for it once you get to play the games you have in mind.

    Actually, they changed the moving date to next weekend, so it hasn't happened yet. However, they said they have noticed a big change in me and how I've been acting and they're proud of me. I think it has to do with puberty/maturity, but I see my attitude changing too. They said I'd be allowed to come back by the end of December.

    That's very nice news. I am happy to hear that about your parents. Take it slowly.

    The only Soul Caliber game I've ever played is Soul Caliber V for my Xbox 360. I thought it was an alright game. I thought the cutscenes were crap though. I dunno if this was my TV or what, but the sound kept cutting off randomly during cutscenes. And, although the story is AMAZING, the main story of the game is really, really short. That kind of dissapointed me, but meh. After hearing that Soul Caliber II has Link on the Gamecube version, I would absolutely love to play it if I could find it.

    I have SCV on the PS3 which promt me to create this thread. The sound also goes off to me in some cutscenes in the 1p story mode.

    Taki boobs hahah.

    Raphael was an interesting character. Tira us also fun to use.

    In SCV I like to make custom edits to make them look contemporaneous. Hahah.

    Another one coming.

    Whoever chooses the poll in Europe males themes boring. So América gets autobots versus decepticons.We get: singing versus dancing.

    The one before: America hot dogs versus marshmallows and we get North or south pole.

    I like Ocarina of Time's Water Temple. If you take it slowly and check your map often it is okay.

    Many people seem to like better the Majora's Mask one. I didn't. Although the more I play MM the less awful it becomes.