I really underestimate that Captain. Glad to hear you are enjoying that game.
Reminds me ALOT of Super Mario Galaxy.
I really underestimate that Captain. Glad to hear you are enjoying that game.
Reminds me ALOT of Super Mario Galaxy.
I want to be a pie.
disgusting cis white male scum you're triggering me with your blind misogyny.
I want to say Super Mario Level Creator... But.. heh.. Captain Toad wins...
Actually there are many sitcoms about Hitler in England and Sweden.
Honestly, feminism is completely overrated. Sure I would be one to step up for myself of I felt threaten in a sexual manner or down right wrong because of gender differences. However, this dosnt give either side the advantage. All males and females are equal in manner.
Without each other, none of us would find our perfect match, for instance I feel that the more common believe is love is love. Although, feminists are more on the Atheist side of how to deal with religious values towards male specimen, which is down right wrong.
Not to mention that many feminists, support PlanParentHood, and Prostitution. Not only are those two subjects offensive to many women, but only show the repensentation of degrading women.
Enough said.
Honestly the Nintendo Wii with the Homebrew hack, is basically a NES, SNES, N64, GB, GBA, DS, GameCube and Wii combined.
I love the wii.
In all honesty, I spent a lot of time in the *coughs* Collectaton of a game *coughs* The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
Bugs, Poes, 5 Pieces of Heart PER Heart, Having to learn about a rupee every time I boot the game. Having all Sword Abilities... collect collect COLLECT THEM ALL.
I'll more than likely purchase it as soon as possible. Seeing that I loved Four Sword Adventure.
Exactly they went to such an extent as ordering the takedowns of creepypastas featuring mario fan art and the word mario in the title. The strange thing is though is that the american branch of nintendo is doing this which is somewhat unsettling.
Creepypastas are fan made content, they can't take it down just because it has the word "Mario" in it. That's just outrageous.
To be honest. Pokemon GO is gonna beat this completely. However.. I read somewhere that in order to transfer Pokemon from Pokemon GO you will need a new Pokemon game...
Perhaps Pokemon Z or Pokemon GO will have a cartridge for the Nintendo 3DS? To import Pokemon GO Pokemon to Poke Bank is a legitament thing... Not sure how the concept will turn out though.
hahahah it does.
Seeing that YouTube is protected under the Bill of Rights, as Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. Nintendo honestly dosn't have a right to take down footage of something, just because it's "their game" or "their creation". If you want to get very technical about it, it's really the producer of the footage's creation, not Nintendo's.
See, many people, which includes Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Chuggaaconroy, ProtonJon, PurpleRodri, and so on. They all record video games onto the internet. The Internet is a world wide phenomena and can not be controlled or censored. So, clearly if Nintendo trying to do this is completely in violation of American citizen's rights.
At this moment in time, I suppose Nintendo does have the right to take down downloadable content of DLC characters, ROMS, and Emulators. But what they do not have the right to take down, is the creation of someone else's video that has their own content alongside Nintendo's game.
I do not know what Faces of Evil, Wand of Gamelon, or Zelda's Adventure is. I don't know what you're talking about. (We do not speak those names)
Don't play dumb with me silly... you know exactly what I am talking about.
*insert loud evil laughter*
I already fell off the edge
Interesting video game. It looks like it was done in MS Paint, but I actually fairly enjoyed it!
Thought this might be nice to have.
LTFE - Link: The Faces of Evil
ZTWG - Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
ZA - Zelda's Adventure
FPTRR - Freshly- Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
TBFDS - Tingle's Balloon Fight DS
LCT - Link's Crossbow Training
HW - Hyrule Warriors
HW3DS - Hyrule Warrior's 3DS
Luvdisc. It represents Love and Kindness... the worst qualities.