Thanks for clearing this up Tywar.
But Purple still rocks !!!!
Thanks for clearing this up Tywar.
But Purple still rocks !!!!
Hate to see you leave CC,
But it's your choice, if you want to leave you can.
Come back later ya hear....
I think the Purple Rupee is more... shall you say, shinier.
Yeah i let my brother have a try of this and he failed miserably, he got so angry at the end, he nearly smashed the monitor.
This has got to be the hardest mario clone ever, period.
Hey Guys,
Thought i would post about my project i am doing for school this year, to go towards my grade for Technlogy.
Click here to view it
Thanks Guys
Oh yeah... that doomed system. I played it once it had some good games, before they scrapped it.
Pity though...
Welcome Chaos Black,
We hope you have fun here, be sure to post heaps and advertise the forums :tongue:
I think i remember you from somewhere :tongue_smilie:
Welcome Back Light Link,
Be sure to stay active this time
Have fun and most of all don't leave, oh wait you can't. It's Eternal Hyrule after all.
I will reinstate your RPG leader status then
^^ don't leave
Don't leave Ti-Link
Just because bad things have happened here doesn't mean you have to leave.
Hmm agreed,
I mean those Silver Puzzle Rupees (As they're called) don't give you crap anything, except for like what was it 10 rupees.
If only there was a Rupee Statue somewhere in Hyrule, and when you kicked it in the nuts it gave you a Silver Rupee.... oh wait you can't kick anything in Zelda because Link's actions are.
No Kick action ^_^ i also notice that he doesn't have
Go to Toilet
Think for yourself
Kill Fairy
I hate the blue rupee but it too. I hate it because there is a bug in Twilight Princess that causes the game to say "WOW you got a Blue Rupee, wooptiedoo" mostly everytime you get a blue rupee.
The Rupees in OOT look really nice, i mean when Link is holding it above his head and it's spinning.
I like the silver rupees because they're elusive and so are the orange rupees, the only place i know to get an orange rupee is in the Fire Temple (PM me if you want the location).
*sigh* I try getting this point to people, it's not the graphics that matter, it's the gameplay. I mean someone's not going to stare at a wall and look at how pretty it is, they're going to blow up that wall and continue through the level, if you get what i mean.
Well we don't want to see those images Tim ^^.
You might turn on some people, not me of course.
So keep it in the pants man!
Welcome Back, Wayfaringhope.
Am i that "main admin" ^^, duh of course i am.
We hope you will stay active with us during the new year and beyond.
Be sure to recommend this site to your friends.
Welcome Pandora,
You should create your own introduction thread when you are feeling more... awake ^^
Welcome anyways
Thanks for the help Muigi!
I'll use this if i ever decide to try beating it's ass.
It's not the power that matters within a system, it's the ingenuity that matters. The Wii has the best of both worlds, graphics (Have you seen Metroid Prime 3 , or Super Mario Galaxy's) and most of all controls (The Wiiremote revolutionized gaming controllers).
So it's not what's on the inside, it's what people think of it and how they use it, and enjoy it.
Welcome to Eternal Hyrule, where dreams (and sometimes nightmares) can happen.
Have fun, post lots, and most of all be happy.
P.S: I love your avatar, and your name.
This is the Official New Years Resolution Thread, post your resolutions here.
1. What is/are your new years resolution(s) going to be?
2. How do you hope to achieve it/them?
3. Will you dedicate yourself to it/them?
Here's mine,
1. To become fit and healthy
2. By Exercising regulary
3. Yes