I've gotta tell you in my years of video gaming this has to be the hardest frickin game ever.
So many unexpected happenings.. i tried it myself and got frustrated after my 30th try.
I've gotta tell you in my years of video gaming this has to be the hardest frickin game ever.
So many unexpected happenings.. i tried it myself and got frustrated after my 30th try.
Anyone got any tips on how to beat this seemingly invincible and tough, may i say MINI-BOSS of the Sanctuary Fortress in Metroid Prime 2 Echoes?
It keeps killing me and maneuvering is so frickin hard with the boostball.
Can anyone help?
I mean geez it's just a Darkling Pillbug with the Spider Ball Augmentation... geez
Will the Nintendo Wii's seemingly invincible Popularity Bubble ever burst?
In my opinnion i think it will eventually, maybe not in the next year but in about 3 years, by then the world will be ruled by the Nintendo DS and Shigeru Miyamoto will be self proclaimed god of all that is.
What do you think, will it burst and if so when do you think it will?.
TK don't demote yourself just because Shrukan says so.
This isn't even her forum anymore, why should you be influenced by her. Seriously if she's gonna do this sort of thing, then she seriously needs to grow up (No Insults intended Muigi).
Don't cave in to peer pressure, it will be the end of you.
It's sad to see Shrukan go, but i guess she can't deal with the times.
Currently playing
- Metroid Prime 2 : Echoes (Stuck at stupid Spider Ball Guardian, i wish someone could help me)
- Metroid Prime 3 : Corruption (Finished it, but i like exploring and stuff)
- Super Metroid (Yes, i am a metroid fanatic)
That's all i am playing right now, i am in a Metroid Frenzy right now.
Welcome to *insert crappy place name here*
Hope you have a wonderful day, hope you brought your companion cube, you're gonna need it.
This is some PHP software i am making, it's only BETA and is in it's early stages with not much to offer right now, but it's worth a look. It's designed to be a "content protection system".
I'm looking for people who would like to help with this project, and hopefully make it into a better system. You have to know PHP ^_^.
Oh that's just me.
I get in pissy moods sometimes... harm intended. But then i go back to "Happy Happy Joy Joy Mode, no harm included".
Goodbye CC,
You've been a good member, sometimes.
Shame to see you leave.
Welcome Volkner,
Enjoy your stay at Eternal Hyrule, where anything can happen. I already smashed Haeshi's cookie jar... he like well died and well the protective barrier around the jar went away, so i smashed it and ate all his cookies.
Anyways, enjoy and post lots but don't spam, or i might go admin on you :grinnod:.
Very Good Thread Mythical =P
I will be following this when i start writing fan fiction.
AVG Free Edition is a great anti-virus protection program. However it does not include Anti-Spyware or Firewall protection, that's in the professional edition.
Download AVG definately.
-Moved to Advertising Section-
Nice site Zelda Hunter. =P
Link works, but sends me to a login page.
How bout you post it here, that would be easier.
Very Good Story Tywar.
I love it ^.^
Keep up the good work
These mixes are awesome, i'm only through half of them and they rock.
Thanks for putting these up here HMS :wwlink:
Any Threads promoting flaming or anger will be immediately locked.
This is a warning Blast.
Australia has decided!
Kevin Rudd wins Government by a margin of 85 Seats including Bennelong and Moreton.
Kevin Rudd will be sworn in as Prime Minister on Sunday Morning at Kiribilli House at 8:45AM
Goodbye John Howard you f*cking bastard.
NOTE: These are not final results or data, only 80% of votes have been counted, final results at 10.30PM.
Download the program again, it's an updated version. For the answers use the one provided in my post.
I am still working on the programs bugs.