Posts by _LS_

    Probably Starfox 64. The controls are tight and responsive, the levels are creative, the gameplay is fat paced, and the game communicates some pretty interesting characters who experience a pretty interesting story, without bogging the game down in flow-destroying nonsense.

    Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

    The Sailing in Wind Waker is so boring it literally put me to sleep. I ended up never finishing the game* because it was so boring, and it ended up being the last Zelda game I played. All because of how boring the sailing was.

    (*Actually, a few weeks ago, I did beat Wind Waker for the first time. Something like 10 years after I first started playing it.)

    Kids are great. No desire to be responsible for one myself, but they're certainly delightful little creatures. What do you do now that you're out of the army, Link?


    I wouldn't say Minecraft or League of Legends are pitiful these days. Certainly I don't enjoy playing either of them, but neither of them have really strayed from their original vision as far as I can tell. And, of course, there are hundreds of successful indie games that haven't "sold out" the way those two have. =P

    I've played a lot of Civ 5 lately. But even after installing all the expansions, I've found the diplomacy frustratingly shallow.

    Last night I decided to give Crusader Kings II another try, since that game has much deeper diplomacy. I think I'm starting to get the hang of the game. But despite its interesting depth, the game lacks a lot of polish that is a tad bit frustrating to deal with.

    I'm also playing Max Payne 2 now and again, when I find the time.

    I've got a buddy who is an alum of digipen, that's a pretty great place to get into video games by all accounts. Though these days he actually spends most of his time on web design and back-end inventory management nonsense.

    What aspect of game design do you think you want to pursue? I'm not really well educated on the process. Programming obviously allows you to be the most self sufficient game designer possible, but it's hardly the only route into the field these days.

    Any long-term career plans? Companies you want to found or work for, games you want to make?

    (Sorry to harass you with questions!)

    Food service has always intimidated me, and I've managed to avoid working in a restaurant so far in my life. Sorry you've gotta deal with sexist bullshit, but at least you don't hate your job I suppose.

    Are you working on getting a better job, or are you pretty happy where you are?

    At some point, we became grown ups. Now, instead of complaining about our parents, we've got jobs to complain about.

    I'm currently looking for a paycheck job, so I find myself thinking about this subject a lot. Normally I prefer not to think about or talk about work when I'm not at work. But what the hell, right?

    What do you do, and how much does it fucking suck?

    The only Pokemon game I ever played was one of the Gen I games, and I only played it for about an hour. But I'll always remember that Bulbasaur was my starter, and everybody seems to think I'm very wrong for choosing it.

    The terminology I've always used is that the whole shebang is the forum, and the individual sections are the sub forums, and any sections within those sections are sub-sub forums or something. Not that it matters. =P

    Whats wrong with a subforum for every game?

    Well there's already a subforum for every console, why does it really need to be divided up further? It's a Zelda forum, and you have an SENS subforum. Obviously that's where LttP threads should be posted. Why have a separate LttP subforum within the SNES forum? And all of the specific game subforums are pretty dead. They have 1, maybe 2 threads in them. All of them, I think, an attempted discussion starter posted by Kaynil. So they're not being utilized right now. When a new person visits a forum for the first time and they see a section with 1 post, made by the admin, that hasn't been updated in months, they're going to assume the message boards are dead or dying. Which, in turn, will make them less likely to sign up an account.

    The boards currently have fewer than ten active posters. Hopefully that number will go up, but until it does there are more subforums than there are active members. Personally, I find it kind of frustrating to find threads to participate in, because I have to dig through so many sub forums.

    Anybody play many Steam games? I'm not often one for multiplayer, but I have a fairly large collection of games and we might have some games in common we could play sometime.

    I'm "LS The Less Than Great." on there.

    This is the first Lovecraft story I've read. He gets better than this, right?

    I'm sure this was a little more intimidating before 1000 other people told similar stories about bringing the dead back to life and having them be altered and monstrous creatures. The wax head guy was a nice touch, but I kept expecting something surprising to happen and it never really did. (Aside from the sudden shift into military life halfway through, perhaps).

    Also, it's the most repetitive fix-em-up I've ever read.