Posts by Cressel
but guys it's past the due date.
homework is garbage but me procrastinating is worse rip sleep
Never gets old.
I'm older than it by a year hey.
lol sorry if my post sounded abrasive or something, no need to apologize.
consoles that are based more on story and actual exploration than competitive play (as the handhelds are).
Sounds bland and boring to me, the highlight has always been the competitive play, and 6gen did greatly improve on it. Sure, they could focus on the competitive side without needing to sell new games but this formula just works so they'll keep doing it and I don't mind it as much, except for ORAS's new megas that was bs. -
I spam less than you and that's not something you should be proud of.
I'm going to a melee tourney this 28th so I've been picking it up to get the rust off.
guys you're inside my genjutsu
honestly shut up.
What about colosseum and XD? those are from over 10 years ago.
should be decided via who knows izagar the longest and im p sure you lose lex.
I mean with how pretty oot, mm and ww remakes where, finding out they're using the same old gamecube models is a turnoff.
A lot of hate for this man, unjustified in my opinion.
they're just jealous he's comedy himself, protected by irony ascended from the physical restrains to the metaphysical plane. -
I tried pokemon crystal version...but I don't know how to start the game.
Even when i click the start button, nothing is happening and this is getting on my nerves >.<
Am I missing something here?
a functional cartridge. -
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