Posts by Knight Link

    I recently found some new info regarding TP hope you guys enjoy it :n_n

    1)Eiji Aonuma confirms that we can indeed expect around 100 hours of gameplay in Twilight Princess.

    2)He is most pleased with how the puzzles in Twilight Princess have turned out, though that is not to say the game in whole is not a gem.

    3)We can expect more dungeons then in any previous Zelda game.

    4)Among the many different characters, we will see the return of old characters and races, as well as new ones.

    5)They have planned extra's and unlockables, most likely to be put on an extra bonus disc, as we've seen with The Wind Waker.

    Enjoy :happy Ps: t=This is valid info i got from an interview from E3. More info coming soon hopefully. :happy

    First off for those of you that don't know TP is coming out in FALL 2006 :cry and that is dissapointing in itself but because of that nintendo will make it the best it can be and it will be the best 80+ hours youve ever spent playing a game for those of you that havent i reccomend reserveing this game or you may have to wait awile to get a copy i personally cant wait just to ride the horse and go around killing baddies and exploring the huge world of hyrule finding all the secrets it has within there is also fishing and you can ride other animals than just your horse also all the new items you get like the lantern sure that has been in the first zelda and watnot just the fact that you have to use it because it gets so dark at nite..... hmmm i wonder if you could use it on you horse hmm..... also you can box gorons annd i think racing zoras in the water would be awesome hmm.... maybe you can ride some sort of aquatic animal hmm..... just the possibilities are enduring also the use of other swords such as the biggoron, or kokiri maybe though i doubt that one consiering its just for kids but also maybe a comebak of the mirror shield too... also forgive nintendo for the delay i personally think they should just release it for the gamecube because from now until it comes out their mainly working on the revolution features... yes there will be exclusice revolution features.
    Thats all for now i may make more posts on The Greatness of TP. P.S. this is my first post so tell me what you think :n_n