homing attaack would give sonic an unfair advantage if it actually homed.
Posts by majora
nintendo said there is a 10% chance now, and after the debugging, about 7%.
you have not been here three days and you are LEAVING?
An Action replay is a hacker code system. Kind of like a game shark. You can buy it at a nearest best buy, wal-mart or any retailer. You get better codes on this, but it has a 10% risk of damaging your game. You should take this into concideration. You can get things like, sonic the hedge hog, and the wire frame fighters in super smash bros. melee. There is a complicated number input, and i suggest you ask someone who knows how to use it for help before inputting codes.sonic the hedgehog is nt in the game's data. gigabowser, the hands, and sandbag r tho.
I'll miss you even though I have no clue who you are :cry
a hell's a woodchuck is a chucker of wood from hell
it would be possible if you could bottle reugular fire buty you can't so bleh.
if you shoot your slingshot through the other window a guard comes and throws a bomb at you.actually, it is the eindow opposite the pictures. the one with the plant.
pft MM is fun.
oh my god you read my mind
was going to say that first! :cry
what r u talkin bout????? :=p
:omg that is soooooooo perverted........you remind me of my pen pal! :n_n
4? huh? :glare
3? :glare um......ok.........
how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? does that make you feel better? :lol
no. I once ordered a jelly filled. they gave me a box of spinach ones..... :cry
yea how DARE he spanjk himself on the clock tower at link????? :XD
who would mind that? :n_n
what kind of welcome is that? :happy
don't worry, I understand. :glare
without changing time from the future, there is no way to see thawed zora's domain.
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