Posts by Shrukan

    RAWR! Random pictures of my family. I'll get a new one of me in the future.

    Caitlyn (two months) and dad:


    Theresa, Jason, Caitlyn:

    Cousins Joey and Julie:…5192343afa9.jpg

    (Left to right) Aunt Claudie, Cousin Joey, Cousin Jeremy's gf, Cousin Julie, Teresa, Jason:…b6e31175537.jpg

    I'll promise to get my recent picture up here. Hope you like my "bastard" family. ;)

    If I made a site for my own art (none fan related) would any of you visit? I would put down my Doujinshi's (amateur Manga Novels) my stories, and my own characters, like Shrukan, Avinash, and Elsius. Would any of you visit? The rest of the fan art will placed here, on Forsaken Legend.

    After this, I'll be working on it. Chapter 3-4 need MAJOR WORK.

    Chapter 2- Shadow Beast

    Shrukan?s wings extended out wards, flapping up and down in a rhythmic motion through the morning sky. He sighed as his right arm still winced in pain.

    Something was inside his body that made him feel stronger and so full of energy. He knew not what was the source of this unknown energy, but it made him feel better than he did before.

    ?Maybe I?m not weak?? Shrukan said.

    Argath paused around the house as he searched for Shrukan. ?Not in his room, or the study? Not even the kitchen? Blasted boy didn?t listen to me again.?

    He heard the door creak as he was pacing back and forth. He turned his head, and saw Shrukan standing at the door, slowly closing it before making direct eye contact with Argath.

    ?You didn?t obey me again did you?? Argath said, dead serious. Shrukan looked away. ??At least you are safe??

    Shrukan looked back, dumbfounded that Argath spoke so softly. ?You are??

    ?You are the only son I have, and probably will ever have.? Argath sighed and turned around. ?I promised your mother after she died that I would protect you, at all costs. She saw something special in you.?

    If only she really knew? Shrukan thought. ?What did she say that was so special??

    ?Not much before she died in the kitchen.? Argath scratched his brown beard. ?She just said that someday? you?ll do something great.?

    Shrukan looked away and grabbed his right arm. ?Do you really think I can fulfill her wishes??

    ?In due time.? Argath sighed. ?Well I need a favor out of you, Shrukan.?


    ?We need some meat from Tamior?s down in Gaydr.? He tossed a few deer skins to Shrukan that were tied up in leather ropes. ?We need as much meat as you can get to fill the deer skins up. After you get the meat, try to fill up some water skins as well.? He tossed a few of the water skins to Shrukan.

    ?Why can?t you do it? Studying?? Shrukan said sarcastically.

    ?No. Working on the house, of course. I don?t study all the time.? Argath chuckled and walked away.

    Shrukan smiled and ran out the door. His wings extended and he raised and lowered them to shoot into the sky. They extended out once more to glide onto the jet stream towards the valley below.

    Gaydr was a busy city in the Ilidar Mountains, filled only with Scalix. There was East and Western Scalix, as well as Northern and Southern ones. Eastern and Western Scalix didn?t live in Mountains, most lived in the plains. Northern and Southern Scalix lived only in the Ilidar Mountains, which were in the center of the world.

    Eastern and Western Scalix were easily identified. They were lean without many muscles, and their wings actually grew from their arms, not their back. They were more agile than other Scalix, but far weaker.

    Northern and southern Scalix had bulkier bodies, but larger wings on their backs. They were heavier and less agile than their counter-parts, but stronger. They were known to be more vicious than their counter-parts.

    Shrukan flapped his wings hard on the ground as he landed. Gaydr was different than he last remembered. He remembered it to be calm and everyone was nice. Now it was busy and everyone shouted in anger and disgust.

    ?This meat is too rough!? one shouted.

    ?These prices are too high!? shouted another.

    A woman literally almost got into a fight with another over a dress.

    Shrukan sank under his jacket and zipped it up just enough to see where he was walking. He was pretty much like a foreigner in this town.

    Everywhere he went, people looked at him for a quick second then continued to go on their business to stock up on supplies and food. Dresses, meat, tools, all scattered around as people stocked up viciously.

    Tamior?s shop was surprisingly quiet. It was usually the first place people would go to get meat, unless Tamior had no meat.

    Shrukan turned the handle at the front door slightly as the door hit a bell on the side on the shop. He shut the door and it hit the bell again.

    Tamior?s shop was an extension off his home. You could see beyond a counter on the far end of the room was his home, the entryway to the living room. There was another counter to the right of Shrukan, which was the counter Tamior used to cut the meat.

    ?Tam?ior?? Shrukan said, a bit nervous.

    ?Busy, kid. Leave me alone.? came a reply.

    ?Sorry... I really need to buy some meat.? Shrukan said.

    ?Shop?s closed. I?m sorry, but go buy some meat somewhere else.?

    ?But my family needs good meat!? Shrukan snapped back. ?Argath told me to get some meat!?

    ?Argath?? Tamior stepped from behind the meat room, and a smile crept up his face. ?Hahah!?

    Shrukan was caught off guard for a second.

    ?Hahahah. It?s been a few years since I?ve seen you, Shrukan.? Tamior laughed hard, just as he always did.

    ?I guess?? Shrukan said rubbing the back of his head.

    ?My have you?ve grown, Shrukan. The last time I ever saw you was when you a wee little tike.? He laughed again. ?How long has it been? Four, Five??

    ??Seven years.? Shrukan said, turning his head around. ?Just about a few months before mother died.?

    ?Still hung up on that memory?? Tamior sighed. ?Shrukan? It?s nearly seven years since Misura died, and I really think that you should have been over it by now.?

    ?You and Argath really do act the same.? Shrukan said. ?She?s the one who took care of me for eight years before she died.?

    ?Well?? Tamior sighed. ?You wanted meat, yes??

    ?Yeah. About enough to fill these bags.? Shrukan replied. He placed the meat bags on the counter.

    ?I?m guessing that will be five silver.? Tamior said. Shrukan slid over five silver coins. ?Ah good. I should be done in a few minutes. Go finish some other things while I get this meat ready.?

    However, a loud roar came from outside of the shop. Tamior nearly slipped and cut in the wrong direction, but he regained control.

    ?What the hell was that?!? Tamior yelled. He ran over to the window and his face filled with fear. ?The Plague is here!?

    Shrukan?s heart sank as Ayumu?s words echoed in his mind. Darkness is coming?You only have a few days before? it comes?

    A figure appeared before the Shadow Beast. It was wrapped in a thick cloth, with only its wings and tail showing. It appeared to have a large, muscular frame that seemed to frighten the other male Scalix.

    Another Shadow Beast came by holding two people in its mouth. One of was a female with blue wings, and another was a male with red wings holding two swords.

    The Plague opened his mouth to speak. ?Either you back away from my destiny or I?ll kill these two people!?

    Shrukan looked closely at the two dangling people. Anger ran in his veins as he took a mad dash out of the building, screaming fiercely.

    He took his fist and jabbed it forward, hoping to get a clear shot, only to get caught by the Plague?s left hand.

    ?Foolish child.? The Plague smiled. ?How very noble of you to save these? pests.?

    The red winged man stirred a bit. ?Shru?kan??

    ?Argath!? Shrukan snarled and jabbed a fist forward, only to be blocked by the Plague?s other fist. ?Let go of me!?

    The Plague laughed hard.

    ?What?s so funny?!?

    ?It?s amazing how you show no fear at all?? The plague tossed him to the side and raised his Shadow Sword. ?Are you the one perhaps??

    Shrukan snarled and aimed another well-aimed punch. The plague caught it, but felt a burning sensation in his palm. He snarled and let go, rolling off to the side.

    Fire? He is the one?

    The Plague laughed and spoke: ?You?re such a noble fighter? Just like your crest!?

    Shrukan snarled. ?What crest??

    ?Plain as day on your forehead. It glows brilliantly with power every time your emotions are let through?? The air filled with an eerie cold feeling as he pointed his sword at Shrukan. ??At long last? I?ve found my prey!?

    The plague rushed forward towards Shrukan, hoping to hit Shrukan in the chest. But a sudden intervention came as Argath ripped from the monster?s teeth and took the blow.

    ?Fool!? The plague said as he attempted to pull the Shadow Sword out of Argath?s chest, but Argath kept a firm grip on it.

    ?I will not let you harm my son!? Argath shouted, even though he struggled to breathe. ?Shrukan run!?

    Shrukan knew he had no chance against the Plague at this moment. Even though it pained him, he had to leave.

    Argath tossed the two swords he was wielding to Shrukan who took them and ran through an alley. Flying was pointless now if the Plague could see, so he continued to run though the darkened streets, hoping to flee with his life.

    Chapter 1- Balance Awakens

    ?Ayumu is the god of dreams. He walks back and forth through people?s sleep, sending them dreams and nightmares. The only time he sends nightmares is when he has seen the bad deeds of those unfortunate to receive the nightmares.? A red winged dragon male said, skimming through a large book. ?Ayumu maybe sending you these nightmares.?

    ?Why though, Argath?? A golden winged male said. ?He?s sending me nightmares about mother! Why?!? A tear ran down the male?s head.

    ?Shrukan, calm down.? Argath sighed and put the book away.

    ?Calm down?!? Shrukan snarled. ?She died nearly seven years ago from now!? Shrukan grabbed a chair and tossed it to the other side of the room, before landing on his knees and crying. ?No one cares for her, even all these years ago. We see less people visit her grave every year! No one cares! She was a great mother and yet everyone forgets about what she did!? Shrukan punched the ground, sending a wave of pain up his arm.

    ?Calm down, Shrukan!? Argath snarled and pushed Shrukan to the ground, which only seemed to fall back and curl back up. ?Shrukan stand up and suck it up.?

    ?I can?t?? Shrukan said, tears running down the sides of his face. ?Argath. I can?t handle this like you!? Shrukan gasped for breath.

    ?I?ve been with her almost as long as you were. I loved her deeply, but I moved on with my life.?

    ?And then you married Nava!? Shrukan snarled. ?You forgot about my birth mother and you married Nava, like you didn?t even care!!?

    ?Shrukan. That is no way to act like a Scalix. You have to suck it up and move on, and don?t disrespect your elders.?

    ?The only reason you tell me to not disrespect you is for the scars you bear on your face!? Argath snarled and turned around, walking away from Shrukan. ?Yeah! You better turn your back!?

    ?Such a disappointment. Your mother would not be pleased that you back talked me.?

    ?Hah! Nava doesn?t care!?

    ?I meant your birth mother!?

    Shrukan snarled and turned his head. ?Hah. What a fool. Mother would have loved me anyways? Would she???

    Shrukan stood up and proceeded out the door. He walked over to a nearby stream and looked at his reflection in the water. He appeared depressed. His dark red hair was slightly spiked, naturally, and flowing in the breeze. His eyes were half way open, seemingly angry and depressed at once. His golden dragon wings were folded inwards, glowing brightly in the afternoon sun.

    He clutched in his dark blue jacket over himself and sighed. Argath knows nothing about me, he thought, only himself. No one cares for mother and all he cares about his love to Nava. She will never replace my birth mother? even though Argath told me to forget about her. I can?t forget her, even after seven years?

    Shrukan sighed and returned to the home, as the sun quickly set in the western sky.

    The copper handle turned easy as he stepped inside the home and quickly ran for his room. The walls were painted pure white, while the carpet was a deep red, almost a shade darker than his hair. The walls were covered with paintings of him, Argath, and his mother, Misura. Next to his bed, on the table, was a small candle that he watched the flame on the tip of the candle dance in the night. Just above his bed were two swords, both of which were sealed within their own sheaths. Across the bed, to the eastern side of the room, was a balcony.

    Shrukan jumped onto his bed, as dust flew off the crimson colored blanket and the white pillows. He sighed and looked at the ceiling, remembering that it was nearly the same day as when his mother died.

    ?Seven years? and counting.? He said quietly to himself.

    He looked at the eastern window and sighed as his room became darker and darker. He sighed and took a match from his table drawer, lit it, and ignited the candle. Shrukan waved the match a bit, putting out the fire, and setting the match in a small bowl beside the candle.

    His eyes closed as his body slowly slept. He felt his soul, almost coming out of hiss body, and float into the realm of dreams.

    A thick and dense fog covered a dark and dreary forest. Shrukan spent what was like hours searching the forest, but everything looked the same. He snarled in distaste and looked around for anything of use or importance.

    The ground started to shake and Shrukan instantly shot himself into the sky with his dragon wings. A large tower came out of the ground, shaking as it came out from under trees. The fog lifted and shown the full tower; a bright marble tower nearly several stories tall.

    Shrukan stared there in amazement before turning his to the right as a figure formed to his side.

    The figure has a light green tinted hair that was pulled back into a small ponytail. He wore a similar shade of green on his clothes, as teal zigzags ran across his body. His eyes were a bony chilling ice blue.

    ?Ayumu!? Shrukan shouted as he tried to punch Ayumu, but was only frozen in the same spot. ?My? body.?

    Ayumu pointed at the tower. ?Go here before the darkness comes.? He said, his voice raspy and deep. ?You have only two days till? it comes??

    Shrukan?s eyes shot wide open as he looked around his room. His breathing was quick and hard, as his body felt weak and sick.

    In the window was a faded image of Ayumu pointing in the direction of the eastern sun. He stood there for several moments, but gingerly put down his arm and disappeared.

    Shrukan rubbed his eyes and yawned a bit. ?It was just a dream? Nothing?s going to happen.? Shrukan yawned again.

    He stepped out onto the balcony and looked in the direction of the sun. He gasped for a quick second and looked at a shadowy figure standing before the orange sun. It was a large tower? just like the one from his dreams.

    ?That tower is there? But what did he mean by darkness? And what is there that?ll protect me from the darkness? I?m so confused.?

    Shrukan sighed and walked over to the kitchen. He grabbed onto a nearby apple that lay on the counter and chewed on it. It was sweet and ripe, good to eat.

    ?Up already, eh boy?? Argath stepped into the kitchen.

    ?What do you want?? Shrukan growled a bit and walked a few feet away. ?I don?t want to be bothered by you today.?

    ?Shrukan, please excuse my behavior yesterday.? Shrukan looked away. ?You?re still upset aren?t you??

    Shrukan paused for a moment and then turned his body and looked into Argath?s eyes. ?Ayumu?? Shrukan said.

    ?Another nightmare??

    ?Ayumu? told me that darkness is coming?? Shrukan looked away as he saw Argath snarled a bit.

    ?Darkness? What darkness?? Shrukan shrugged in response. ?I was afraid Ayumu would only tell you half of the needed information.?

    Argath walked over to a piece of paper and wrote quickly on it, writing a quick note, although it was hastily made and looked like random lines. He then walked outside and placed the paper in the mailbox.

    ?Shrukan. Just promise me you will not leave the house for the next week.? Argath snarled. He then spoke under his breath: ?I didn?t know it would resort to this??

    What?s his problem? Shrukan thought to himself. Nothing is going to happen as long as we are up here?

    Shrukan smiled as he noticed Argath wasn?t watching him. He wanted to see the tower, and there was no one to stop him.

    He rushed out the door quickly and quietly and shot into the sky. His golden wings extended out and with a quick flap he flew on the morning jet stream.

    The tower came into full view as the sun rose into the sky and illuminated the mountains, turning them from a dull dark hue to a bright tan color. The tower remained a marble white, sparkling in the distance. Golden bars around the windows also glowed bright.

    ?So this is the tower?? Shrukan said to himself. ?Not much of a ?tower?.?

    He was right. The inside was worse than the outside. There were slightly burned drapes, broken vases and pots, and destroyed statues.

    Shrukan turned his head, around, examining the room, understanding more and more of the tower. There were pedestals, most likely used for someone to speak over everyone else in the room, or maybe to pray to a god or deity. There was free moving water in one room that fell from the floor above to the floor Shrukan stood on.

    He sighed and walked to another room. Surprisingly this was the only room that wasn?t damaged. It was completely white, besides the painted walls that depicted past battles. Shrukan couldn?t tell who was good or evil; there was simply too many men spilling blood.

    Another wall showed the same battle, but two sides rushing into battle, with a silver light parting each of them. A man stood before them, almost nearly naked, holding a blade and shield in his hands.

    Shrukan knelt over and read a small passage below the painting, but a few words were unrecognizable to his language. ?Silver light parted the two armies of An?gehls? And? Dem?mons? With the power of Light and Darkness, he separated the two armies, forever sealing them in their own realms? Heaven and Hell.? Shrukan paused. ?Angehls and Demmons?? He shrugged. ?Damn human language?? Shrukan pouted.

    A silver light entered the room and turned all the colors in the paintings a dull grey. Shrukan stood up and looked around as a symbol in the center of the room glew brightly, almost damaging his eyes.

    ?Ack!? He shouted. ?What is going on??

    ?Shrukan?? a voice called. Shrukan?s ears shot up. ?Shrukan??

    ?Who calls my name?!? Shrukan yelled. No one answered. ?Figures.?

    A fainted image of Ayumu appeared before him. Emotionless, he beckoned Shrukan to come closer to where he stood, before the glowing symbol.

    ?Your destiny is ready to be awakened.? He said, in a raspy voice.

    Shrukan walked over to the symbol. ?Destiny? Who believes in that any more??

    Ayumu only continued to stay emotionless, not showing any anger.

    ?Your right hand?? Ayumu said. ??on the symbol.?

    Shrukan agreed and placed his hand on the symbol. The symbol faded for a quick second, as pain shot up Shrukan?s arm, who yelled at the top of his lungs. His arm pulsed with pain as new energy filled every section of his being. His tail whipped around as he felt new vigor and energy whipping through in veins.

    The pain subsided and the energy calmed down, resting in his muscles and veins. Shrukan gasped for air very quickly as he fell forward onto his knees, leaving his arms dangling and his head looking at the ground.

    Ayumu stood before him and turned around. ?The key to defending yourself from darkness is now within you. Cherish it and hold onto it.? He started to walk away as his body disappeared. ?Darkness now approaches. Hurry and leave.?

    Shrukan nodded as Ayumu disappeared. He stood up and rushed out of the tower to his home.

    No tables or nothing, just insert the code directly from the cutenews in the options of something. Its a link called: "Intergrating Cutenews" or something similar. PM me your account stuff if you need more help.