Posts by Shrukan

    Being a Christian man, we unfortunately have a bad reputation amongst ourselves from the extremists who do that, The Eternal Skeleton. I mean, I don't go around telling everyone who doesn't believe in Jesus that they're going to hell, because that's not what the point of Christianity is. They should be talking about heaven instead of scaring atheists and agnostics with eternal damnation. >_>

    My family says all you have to do is believe in Jesus to go to heaven and such. There is times I question it though.

    This will be the official topic for the story.


    A faint breeze of air covered the small valley plain. Located between two sets of large mountains and nearby a long and powerful river, laid a small village. The village was covered in a blanket of twilight, as the sun set off to the west, just slowly going past one mountains tops. Small lanterns then illuminated the streets as the light of the sun faded away.

    “Another pitiful town.” A cloak figure said. The figure was larger than a normal human male, but stood just as straight. Two black dragon wings extended out of its back, as well as a slithering dragon tail. A few strands of his dark red hair came from out of the hood that casted a thick shadow over his face. “I hope they put up more of a fight than the others… I thirst for their blood…”

    The figure’s tongue came out, wiping his lips with thick saliva. His mouth opened, the muscles in his jaw turning his smile into a very sick and twisted emotion. A chill filled the air as his wings extended outwards and his tail whipped from side to side.

    “The moon is almost rising,” the figure hissed with a sickish delight, “I must be getting ready.”

    His feet turned a black-like color as they sunk into the ground like he was a shadow figure with no physical being. Nothing was left of the figure. Not even the cloth he wore.

    A few men in the village were put in charge of guarding the streets. They had a light mail armor on their chest, arms, and legs. A long metal tipped spear was in each of their hands. Their faces were concealed under a metal helmet. Below their armor was soft and worn down cloth, to keep them warm in the night.

    A man looked from side to side, observing the twilight streets. Nothing was supposed to be out of the village, but the strong men that defend them.

    Suddenly the man felt something grab a hold of him. He turned around as he saw a decayed left arm grabbing a hold of the armor the man wore, bending the metal easily and gripping onto the man’s shoulder. Soon, tendons, muscles, and bones yelled in pain as the whole right shoulder of the soldier came clean off. Blood splattered to the ground as the soldier fell over, closed his eyes, and slowly bled to death.

    “An easily kill and nothing more.” The cloaked figure said, withdrawing his arm back beneath the cloak. “A useless kill…” He smiled sickly, just like before. “Ah well. A death is a death, and that is all I live for…”

    Another soldier came to the scene. He was slightly bulkier than the last soldier. He stopped in front of the figure and held up his spear, at the same time shaking from pure fear.

    “T-the Plague?” he managed to say. The sound of his voice came out shaky and quiet.

    “Another soldier to kill? Ah good. I was bored with this one. Let’s see if you put up more of a fight…”

    The soldier picked up his spear and jabbed it forward, only to have the Plague grab it before impact. The plague smiled as sickly as ever, bending and shattering the wooden spear.

    “Is that all you got?!” The Plague laughed hard as saliva dripped the ground. “Come on! Fight me! It only makes me want your blood even more!”

    The soldier was frozen in fear for several seconds before turning around and running. The Plague laughed hard as he shot a shadow sphere from his palm directly into the back of the soldier, instantly killing him.

    “Come on! There must be more men to fight!” The plague cackled sickly.

    “Mommy…” A small girl clutched onto her mother’s dress. “When will he go?”

    “Not until his ‘hunger’ is gone…” The woman said, closely looking out her window.

    “Come on! Fight me! I will not rest!” The Plague laughed evilly.

    Another man came before him and stood before him. He held a shield in front of him and a steel sword. The shield was large and heavy, but he managed to hold onto it. From head to toe he was covered in armor.

    “Daddy!” The little girl yelled, before her mom clasped her hands around her mouth. “Daddy…”

    “Leave this village at once, creature of darkness!” The man raised his sword as if to strike. “I’ll kill you once and for all!”

    “You cannot kill me.” The plague’s head was turned down and his voice calmer than before. He walked closer to the armored male, his arms dragged down and lifeless. He moved slow and weak, somewhat like a zombie. “You cannot kill that which has existed since the beginning of time…” His mouth curved into a sick smile. “You cannot cast away the shadows.” His wings extended outwards, as his tail slithered from side to side. He raised his head and his cold dark blue eyes peered into the armored male’s soul.

    “I’ll kill you!”

    The armored struck forward and raised his sword, only to be blocked by the Plague’s own Shadow Sword. They stood in the same spot, each trying to push one another’s blade forward before they both jumped backwards. The Plague rushed forward and slammed his sword once again onto the armored male’s sword, both still trying to trip the other.

    “Ah so you do have some fight in you fool!” The plague laughed, before quickly dipping into the ground. He came back and sliced the armor from the back of the male, revealing a weathered down old man. “Ah. For one so old, you fight with such vigor.”

    “Fool! Let your guard down!” He rushed forward before gasping. Sharp pain erupted in the center of his chest as he looked down. The Shadow Sword had made a clean shot in the center of the old man’s chest. “No…” The old man stood there for a few seconds before closing his eyes and dying.

    “Weak…” The plague drew out his sword and stuck it in the ground, as blood came out of the dead body. “So very weak…” He looked to the east as the sun soon began to rise. “Time is sure fast. The sun rises… But soon. Even she will fall before the darkness.” He looked at the sun before the Shadow Sword exploded and the darkness slipped into his body. “Ayumu lied though. I was sure he said here. Is he leading me in circles?” The plague bit his lip a bit in disgust and shrugged it off. “Ah well… He knows I’ll keep killing until Balance comes. And when he does, I’ll finally win after these long months…”

    Do you think that Zelda should be more gory than before? Namely, we seen blood in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess. Why not add more to an extent? That and being able to kill characters on the street and having some sort of effect on the Storyline. Would it be awesome to kill someone, like a Zora, as their blood spills and its a different color? I'm just throwing some ideas. =P

    Anyone read the Inheritance Trilogy? It's Eragon and Eldest basically right now. Who is your favorite character, what do you hope to happen in book three, and misc discussions of the sort.

    If you could be a Dragon Rider what would you do? What would you study most? Would you study or just fight? An open thread basically.

    Basically to answer my questions in order:

    • My favorite character has to be Saphira, because she can be silly and serious.
    • I'd like to see an EPIC BATTLE (EPIC!!) against Eragon and Galbatorix that lasts more than a chapter.
    • If I was a Dragon Rider, I'd study more on healing spells and a few defensive spells. Afterall I have a massive dragon to own others with.

    I gotten mad at Henry and Mystic of Zelda Dimension. They were mocking me, laughing at me, saying they were the best. I was angered, and out of my rage, I tried to kill someone, with my own two hands. I felt... happy... while doing it. It was releasing my anger. But now, as the dream has passed, I feel scared of myself and what I can do. What I can do to harm people, or their feelings. Sometimes I wonder...

    Is there a demon inside?

    Leaving these forums cause of personal issues on the sister site of here, Zelda Legacy. I don't care if you are with BeauG or not, I'm leaving. Think I'll cry over this and be an "overly emotional baby?" Think again. I don't need to cry. All I have to do is laugh at the fools.


    Want to flame me yourself? Feel free, I'll just laugh at you.

    Go ahead. Flame at me.


    What you say here is irrelevant, because at the end of the day, you have a totally pointless life, and I do not.

    Flaming people, noobs or veterans, is pointless. All it does is over inflate your ego and makes you superior. Go ahead and laugh at me, call me an ass or some other witty remark. All I'll do is laugh and shrug it off.

    No I'm not depressed and incapable to cry as most say. I'm just mature enough to say that I shouldn't cry over something as stupid as a petty insult. I don't have time to deal with people who won't act their age or not.

    I'm also fed up with the lies I've heard, and who to trust or not. Swiftblade or Karashimu, I can't tell whom to trust. But I know who I can trust. My own friend's I've known these Months. Muigi, Raziel (the TRUE GUY WHO OWNED BEAUG), and Noble Talon. They are what matters.

    Go ahead and say what you want. I know Swift won't care. I know some others won't care. Even I don't care what is thrown in here. Sure I'll take a gaze after, but not post. I can hold back my emotions, and nothing will drag me down.

    I have friends who support me. Those who like me for who I am. Not those who like your for actions, like "pwning noobs". They like me for who I am, a caring person for those new, and not some "bully"

    Here ends my rant.



    Why would you leave these forums because of something that happened on Zelda Legacy? I don't understand that. I don't really give a shit if you do care or not if I'm with BeauG, I'm always going to say openly that BeauG is a ****ing prick that needs to get his ass kicked by somebody stronger than him because I'm sure for the last few years he has hanged around kiddies to make himself feel superior and cool.

    I'm only leaving seeing the amount of ZLers that'll come here. Fine. I'll stay if you want me to, only as long as some asshats don't come here (Bomby I'm not sure of).


    No. I think that I will pass on your generous offer. I only flame people who deserve it. Like BeauG and Chrono.

    WHOO! We got some agreement here!


    That isn't true honestly. Flaming people can change their lives, or make them see a new light -- honestly, only mostly idiots use the technique of "Flaming" to put down those weaker than them but it is truly a technique to teach those whom need it a lesson. Go ahead and laugh at you? What kinda shit is that? If you don't care about this so much then why do you keep building up a fortress of "I don't cares" to seemingly protect you from any insults that are thrown?

    I've dealt with enough insults anyways, so I really don't care.


    One thing you'll learn in life: Nobody gives a shit.

    Actually I've learned that a long time ago.


    I haven't told you any lies at all Shrukan. I don't tell anybody lies. We did give Beau the password to the Zelda Temple server to attack someone else on there, not you, because we thought he was cool and down, but he's just a fat phoney *****. Now, with that said, once he attacked YOUR website we cut off his access. By the way: I'm the one who owned BeauG, look through the threads in "The Ark" and my Photoshop edit and you will see the truth. I'm the one who originally flamed Chrono and BeauG.

    I know you guys caught off his access, but I told Swiftblade before he hacked my site the IP address of BeauG and he found out it was him indeed. Yet you still let him come? Ah well.

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    shut the **** up you fat ugly *****im the best thing to happen to these forumsand you forgot an apostophe in it's

    This is all I have to say:


    BeauG, did it ever occur to you that if I wanted your opinion about my weight, I would beat it out of you, most probably with some form of blunt object, like a frying pan? What do you care about my relationship status? You want some? Sorry to disappoint you, I happen to like men that actually have some balls. All you do is sit at home trying to be some l33t h4x0r keyboard warrior, and to be honest, you fail at it. You need to learn that this is the internet. What you say here is irrelevant, because at the end of the day, you have a totally pointless life, and I do not. Feel free to enjoy it, but bask in the glory of the knowledge that I truly wouldn't care if you got hit by a bus tomorrow and died a horrible death.

    Sure, you have friends here that are probably going to back you up and decide to try and flame me, but I don't care. Wanna try and jack a forum of mine again, in some poor attempt to try and gain any shred of self-worth? Go ahead. I'll just make a new one. Want to flame me yourself? Feel free, I'll just laugh at you.

    People like you are just walking billboards for birth control. In the words of the Darwin Awards, please go and bless the Human Gene Pool by thoroughly removing yourself from it.

    Thank you and have a nice day. ^_^

    lol. That's a lot of f's :P



    [Today 04:09 PM] RAM1125: I parked my car in the Mountain Park Park parking lot
    [Today 04:09 PM] RAM1125: so that means...
    [Today 04:09 PM] RAM1125: So I was driving over there,
    [Today 04:09 PM] RAM1125: And that town has a park
    [Today 04:09 PM] RAM1125: hehe, there's a place called Mountain Park where I live.