Posts by Shrukan

    ^ 1) Two days? Hard to do. *cough*gamesharkorAR*cough*
    2) In how many days? If you say two, then once again you are cheating.
    3) Congrats. You have some many Arceus' that you can pwn anyone because that is cheating.
    4) Uber Pokemon user = cheater. Try not using anyone with a base stats all over 600 (That includes all stats like: HP, ATK, DEF, SP. ATK, SP. DEF, SPEED etc.)

    Yeah. If EH ever went down or something (not saying it will ;)) I would save up and get the $160 dollar one (a free year of updates, and after that it would be $30 per update I believe which is a good deal).

    I'm going to get a job after or during High School this or next year, depending on my grades. My grades are better than last years, and I have a 2.444 score overall out of 4 (4 is like All A's and 2 is average).

    If I haven't listed my grades....:

    Computers: B+
    English: D (maybe raised due to turning in grades)
    Spanish: C
    Algebra 2: A-
    Psychology: A- (may lower if I don't get two projects done, namely a webquest and a "Random Acts of Kindness" one).
    Drama: D (maybe raised for turning in work/participating)

    Ah well. Life is boring as hell. X3

    I was going to make a manga when I got more time.

    The basic ideas I have for the four Mangas are this:

    - Each is a part of the Seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter.
    - It takes place approximately several months or years after my book when Shrukan freed Avinash from darkness (typed of course).
    - Each of the seasons has a different Oracle. Spring and Winter are girls, while Summer and Fall are males.

    "All was well after the Darkness God was finally cleansed of his sins and misdeeds. The world was brought back to normal... for a time.

    Darkness still exists from the rampage of the Plague, and even now the seasons are in trouble..."

    Basically the seasons are in trouble, Shrukan needs to save them, and all the sort.

    Shrukan still doesn't have complete control of his powers. He knows how they activate, but he needs to completely master them. The Oracles of the Seasons will be guides on how to control his elements; Spring (Water, Wind, Lightning), Summer (Fire), Fall (Earth), Winter (Ice and Water).

    I was thinking of adding a few friend's characters, but its all my decision.

    How does this sound?

    Do they actually ****ing know how the **** to run a forum?

    Quote from Mystic_Faerie

    Ugh, you know what Shrukan I'm sick and tired of your problems and everything you have put these wonderful people on our forums through. I'm banning you forever, don't ever ask to come back, I'm so over you!

    Wonderful members? Well let's see.... Crow, HMS, and Hylian Knight? Great members? whatever. Full of asshats anyways.

    Well I'm really depressed at school. I hate joining in groups in Spanish. I hate my English Teacher. And a lot of other things. I'm basically incapable of smiling at any point of the day, unless something funny happens. *sigh*

    My grades as of now (4th week out of 9):

    Computers: ??
    English 10 (flunked English 9 two years ago): About a D
    Spanish: C
    Algebra 2 (which is beyond Algebra 1 and Geometry): A-
    Psychology: A
    Drama: ??

    *sigh* Psychology is probably going to drastically drop to a F if I don't turn in my 140 point project in (which is now eligible for half credit for being late) or if I don't do my 200 point "Random acts of Kindness" project, which is impossible since I don't like helping anyone. I stick to myself.

    Spanish is a *****, since I need to partner up with people and discuss in Spanish about myself. I HATE describing myself, cause it ultimately makes me depressed more than I am at the current moment.

    Algebra 2 is funny. Lots of good jokes flying n there. XD.

    Computers is boring.

    Drama... We're starting auditions for "Stocking Stuffers" play.

    I was just thinking this. How about we make a gift for some members and spread some love? You may use, paint, GIMP, photoshop, or anything, but it needn't be amazing. Spread some love!