Posts by Shrukan

    ((I'm doing this while playing PH. Sue me!))

    Prologue- A Ghostly Ship


    ???: Ahem... I will now tell a vast and wonderful story about a fair legend that happened not long ago... Once there was a pirate queen called Tetra. She rode on a vast ship with a bunch of handsome pirates. When she came to one little island, she noticed a small boy garbed in green... Ah skipping the vast majority of the really cool stuff that went on between the island and... Ah yes there... Ack... Stupid paper... Move! Anyways, she became a princess, got captured by an evil wizard named Ganondoof... Ganondorf sorry and was saved by the young lad! Well Link! How did you like my paper cut outs?

    Link: *snore*

    Niko: ACK! I spent fricken forever going through Tetra's diaries and cutting out pages for it! I wish someone would like it.

    Tetra: OI! LINK! *shakes Link up* Wake up! You and Niko were supposed to be on lookout for that ghost ship!

    Link: *continues to sleep, ignoring Tetra.*

    Tetra: What a hero!

    Pirate: SHIP AHOY!

    Ghost ship randomly appears. You can hear the song "Happy Happy Joy Joy' in the background on the ship before slowly turning off.

    Tetra: Burrr... Using that song makes me really chilly. Ah well! Time to get onto this so called Pirate ship!

    Tetra jumps onto the ship, where randomly she screams as lightning strikes in the background. The ship slowly moves off, but Link wakes up and rushes towards the ship. He dangles from his left hand, trying to pull himself up, before falling into the ocean below.

    Niko: Think we should help the lad?

    Pirate: We used the last flotation device on you last week, and it would ruin the storyline.

    Niko: Ah yes.... Let's go raid Tetra's dairy!

    Pirates: PARTY!

    It doesn't matter if you think it's your music, those lyrics have a negative impact on you. If you listen to them all the damn time then you have no justification in complaining because it will ruin your credibility of being depressed if you don't post the lyrics or the song everywhere on MSN and on the forums.

    That's how you always feel when depression hits, but if you honestly cannot pinpoint the reason, then I suggest a psychiatrist. Although the one I went to sucked...

    No one is fully mature. Everyone acts like an idiot sometime in their life, and I do all the time, but your maturity is sometimes defined by yelling at people. You need to take control of a situation properly and take the consequences for your actions.

    .You're trying to justify the actions you followed through that affected you and everyone else negatively by saying "I'm angry and depressed, so ignore everything I say, because I want to be free from responsibility."

    1) Whatever. I have no comment for this.

    2) You honestly think I can f-ucking afford a damn psychiatrist?

    3) Whatever. I'm not commenting this total BS either.

    4) LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!!!

    Steelia, the pain I am feeling right now is awkward and not hard to define. I think it is really centering with school, and really I think I'm going to one day burst into random tears at school. Everything is shit right now, and I'm depressed really bad. People tell me to f-ucking move on with my life. How the f-uck am I going to move on with life if I don't ****ing get my diploma on time? The f-ucking-wonderful-god-teachers explain the work "so well" that I don't need them.[/sarcasm]

    Nothing in the f-ucking world is right no more, and I can kiss my ****ing ass good-bye and ****ing work at Mc Donalds for $5 an hour if I can't get all this school business down and over with.

    Edit: Now I don't feel like doing anything but curls up and rest. I don't care for anyone or anything now.

    And stop listening to goddamn Three Day's Grace and Linkin Park and Phoenix Down. "I CANT ESCAPE THIS HELLLLL...NOESSS" "IM BRAKING DA HABIITT" and "IM READI TO BELEEF!!" does not help your situation at all.

    Meh. My music is my music Twistkill. I have yet to listen to those songs today. And plus, you down right piss the **** out of me cause I caught the Ready to Believe song from Raziel.


    I can't help you because everyone will give you the same response: "Deal with it", or they offer suggestions to help but not realizing how a depressed person's mind works because they've never experienced it or never experienced it on the same level.

    I've dealt with this for awhile and yet I am still depressed. I feel constantly like crying, and yet I don't know why.


    You're just not fully matured yet. I'm not quite, either, but at least I'm realizing how the world works.

    Hell, even Raziel is not mature, but he can at times. I'm mature at points.

    Sighes whatever. I'm just going through an angry phrase again now.

    I've been depressed for over the past.... I dunno month? And I need some help figuring out why. Mom blames it because I know my grades (a D in English), and I seem to give up on everything, even my English Class.

    I dunno what is going on with me as of late... I think I pretty much have given up on a 140 point project in Psychology and am not doing a ****ing thing about a 200 point "Random Acts of Kindness" project.

    I'm very angry, depressed, and I don't really feel much like doing anything, even work on Zelda Temple or Mario's Playground.

    I need to know why I feel like this or any tips of ridding it.

    It just keeps coming back everyday... Sometimes worse than before...

    I am always up for the moderator position, but I currently have enough to handle... and I know that you don't like the way I handle things if they are not done your way, so I'll stay out of this for now, I suppose. Good luck with the forum.

    I understand you being busy and have a lot to work with.... but...

    Dude I told you I am sorry about the second thing, didn't I? >.>;;