Posts by Shrukan

    Here be the story of my character Shrukan. Steal... and you know what happens.



    A long time ago, there was a world full of chaos. Upon this chaos came forth ten mighty gods that created a world in the center of the chaos, creating a world of peace. Six of these gods created the world: Fire, Water, Wind, Ice, Lightning, and Earth. Three gods after that created all the beings in the world. Light gave birth to all animals that were kind and gentle. Darkness corrupted them to bring about order. Spirit came and gave them all their own soul. And the final god was Balance, who was the strongest of all nine.

    Then one day, something broke order...

    Darkness, with all its hate and distaste for Light, gathered his armies and set foot onto the world, destorying all he wanted. Light came, and with her angels flew across the world, correcting the wrongs of Darkness's minions. Until finally both armies met at one point now known as Blood River.

    Darkness commanded his army of demons to kill the angels, as well did Light. But one another never gave up and continued to strike one another. Each soldier died and was revived. The war lasted for days on end and every soldier lost was revived and killed again.

    Until one day, the Balance god walked off his throne and stepped foot in battle. He struck the Darkness god with a blast of blistering light while he struck the Light goddess with dark flames. With his silence, both knew they had done wrong. He simply looked at both of Light and Darkness, and banished them from the world, sealing them within two symbols. Balance knew that others would try as well and he banished the other seven into similar symbols.

    With his last strength, he himself banished himself through a symbol and scattered the other nine remaining ones across the land, to be found or not, was all up to destiny...

    * * *

    Now in the present, a dark being of sicked and twisted thoughts, roams the land. With his dark powers, he killed many before him without a simple ounce of mercy. Women and children were not even sparred; he could care less for their fate.

    A lonely village in the middle of a vast sea of tall grass was now his next target. It was already midnight and the lanturns gave the dirt streets a twilight feel. The doors were closed, letting little or none of the candlelight out. The only noise in the streets were gusts of wind, and a few mumbling voices.

    A blast of purple lightning struck the center of the town. Men rushed from out of the wooden homes to the noise; all armed with shields and swords.

    "The Plague is here!" One shouted, "Protect our village!"

    "Fools...." A cloaked figure stepped forward from the dust cloud created by the lightning. "To think you can protect your homes from my wrath? Hah! You are wrong..."

    "We have had enough of your sick and twisted games, Plague. Fight and die!"

    A man rushed over to the Plague, raising his sword high and sunk the blade between the chest of the plague. The man laughed and smiled, as though he thought he won.

    However, fate had other ideas. A blast of purple lightning struck the man in the back, instantly killing him. Landing before the man was the Plague.

    The Plague laughed in a sickly way, making his dragon tail swing left and right. His jet black wings extended outwards, as though the Plague issued yet another man to step forward and fight him.

    "Come! Come! Fight me if you dare! Your pitty excuse for attacks only feeds my soul!"

    The men only stood there in fear for one second. the next they ran like cowards.

    "Your fates are sealed!"

    The plague laughed again, more sickly than ever. He concentrated all the energy in his body and all you could here was the sound of a massive explosion.

    "NO!" The plague shouted. He looked around at the burning mass of wood and bodies. "HE wasn't here! HE was hidden again!" He snarled and blasted another piece of wood, instantly shattering into small fragments. "I swear I'll kill whoever holds balance... And I shall cover the wrold in darkness!!!"

    Quote from Tywar

    So, your saying to make a seperate paragraph when someone says somthing? Its going to look wierd if I do that, besides, arent books required to do that? I dont know...

    All wiritings are put into Paragraph form like that. All writings...

    The story is fine, but just make sure you seperate paragraphs besides it being such a long paragraph to read.

    People talking is different:

    "Hey Zelda!" Link called.

    "Hi Link!"

    "Oh brother." Navi sighed, "Get on with it!"

    Quote from Steelia

    I'd recommend all your Pokemon be levels 55-60 when you hit the Elite Four... I made the mistake of going in in my early 50's. X_X

    I'll be trying that. I'm hitting the 18 hour mark right now, and just before the 8th Gym. I'll be trainging everyone well before than. EXP. Share FTW!