Posts by Shrukan

    And OoT was a remake of ALTTP, your point?


    1. 3 Dungeons
    2. Master Sword
    3. More Dungeons and saving 7 Maidens.
    4. Ganondorf.


    1. 3 Dungeons
    2. Master Sword
    3. 5 Temples and saving 5 Sages
    4. Ganondorf


    1. 3 Pearls
    2. Master Sword
    3. Wind and Earth Temples.
    4. Ganon


    1. 3 Dungeons
    2. Master Sword
    3. 3 Dungeons and saving no one
    4. Twilight Palace
    5. Ganon.

    Avinash only gasped before getting struck by the surge of Light energy. He slammed into another wall, this time a larger crater than the last. Akira put down his sword and gasped for breath as he awaited for Avinash to come back from the hole.

    Avinash gasped for breath as well as he pushed himself out of the hole. But what no one expected was that a portion of his decayed flash went back to normal. The skin the decayed under his eye was gone, as well as his upper left arm. However, the rest of the arm was still decayed.

    "Akira.." Avinash said, in a calm tone of voice, not like he used before. "STRIKE ME NOW!"

    Akira stood dumbfounded at Avinash as Avinash snarled and said it again.

    "STRIKE ME!"

    Avinash grabbed his head and shook it around, screaming in terror and pain as the decayed flesh came back.

    "Heh..." Avinash said, his voice back to the original tone, " finally cracked my seal..."

    "What are you?" Akira said.

    "Fine... Since a lowlife like you hasn't realized who or what I am..." Avinash smilied sickly as he eyes widened, full of madness. "I am Avinash's dark side, and the one you just saw moments ago was my original, weaker and lesser, form of me." He clutched his fist into a tight ball. "I can still remember the day I was... 'released'."


    Oh that day I so long remember.. Avinash was training to please his father, but never got the recognition he wanted. A failure in his father's eyes, no matter what he did. And from that hatred that bleed through his mind, I was born.

    I fed on his rage and anger towards all he hated. It was sweet tasting as I grew and learned more from Avinash's past...

    It was at one time that I become Avinash's second personality, myself telling him to kill, murder, destroy. But he locked me away, far in his mind.

    He grew angry once again and set off to cool down. But fate had other ideas. He entred a forbidden temple, locked away deep in a dark forest, where not even an ounce of sunlight touched the ground. Spirits possessed his bodies and I fed on their rage and anger.

    I became stronger... Stronger than before. Darkness ran through my cold veins... I had become THE GOD OF DARKNESS!

    I killed his father soon after.... I no longer needed him. He was just a pawn in my plan...

    -End Flash back-

    "You see Akira?" Avinash smilied. "I am a demon, as you said." But if you harm me anymore... you put a life in danger..." Avinash smilied sickly and closed his eyes. "Although... I'll leave you alone for this moment..."

    Avinash stepped away.

    "Wait! Our match!" Akira yelled.

    "You win for now boy, but I have other plans..."

    Avinash disappeared through the shadows and then to reappeared right next to Misao, touching her across the back. He smilied sickly, looked at Akira once again, and finally disappeared from the Arena.

    Quote from Timothy

    I personally find this a fairly idiotic questions to be asked
    on a Nintendo-based forum, actually.>_<

    So do I, yet there are Zelda fans who like Sony stuff. *points at Muigi who has an XBox*

    Quote from Vaati

    The legend of shrukan

    Lol, the original name was Legend of the Scalix.... lol.

    Man its hard to come up with a name for this book, but I made Oraca and the Oracle of Beginning easy. lol

    I'm going to have to make this mandatory from NOW ON!

    Please explain more on the character and give them more detail. Most people will think that the person is a stick figure if you don't give them much detail about your character.

    Dark Red hair, Blue eyes, and wears a red shirt.

    Wow, stick figure!

    Dark Red hair, spiked at the ends with sky blue eyes. He has a meduim frame.... and blah blah.


    Also, the Bios must be 3 to 5 paragraphs minimum. We need to know your character well.

    Divide is unacceptable...

    Beam is too god-modding....

    Dark Victory is too powerful...

    Black Hold is definately not going to be in.

    More on the appearance. Explain more cause right now I am imagining a stick man..

    Personality needs to be explained more. In and out of battle personalities...

    More on the Bio please...

    What does Aronath have to say?

    Both Avinash's dashed at Akira. The clone took a sharp right and the real one took the left. The clone leapt at Akira and was slashed by Akira's blade. But he suffered no injuries.


    "I cannot die Akira..." they said, "I cannot die..."

    "Enough of this!" Akira said. He dashed at Inhuman speed and slashed the real Avinash across the chest, letting fresh red blood wipe on his blade.

    "Ack!" Avinash said as he fell backwards. At that instant, the shadow clone returned to Avinash's shadow. "No my clone!"

    "Time to die demon... Time to die..."

    Avinash snarled. "Not in your life human!"

    Avinash only stood in complete shock and looked up at the ceiling, where Akina had just fired a large blast of energy.

    Avinash quickly thought and charged up another shadow ball. This time it was far larger than the original and it headed directly at the beam.

    The two attacks struck one another and created a massive explosion, causing Avinash and Akira to slam into a wall.

    "L...Light... energy?" Avinash managed to say after hitting the wall. "...No... I mustn't let him... come back..." He coughed a bit and blood ran out of his mouth. "No.. I will not relinquish his soul..." He pushed himself out of the wall and landed in the center of the arena, knelt down on the ground, holding himself with with left decayed arm.

    Akira recovered soon after and stood a few meters from Avinash.

    "Had enough demon?"

    Avinash shook his head and stood up. "You're good, human.. But how do you fair against two?"

    Avinash laughed as his shadow extended before him. A small blackish blob came form the shadow and started to pulse like a heart beat. Soon the blob took a shape; two wings, a tail, a human body...

    "What?!" Akira exclaimed. "A CLONE?!"

    Both the shadow and Avinash laughed in sync.

    "Did you think one with dark powers like myself could not do this?" they both said. "You have a lot to learn boy!"

    Avinash walked into the Arena and stared at the charcoal haired boy named Akira. The aura around Akira made Avinash feel uncomfortable a bit, but he managed to stand strong and keep calm.

    "Good luck to you human..." Avinash said, a slight vibrating in his voice. "You'll need it."

    "Same for you." Akira said

    Misao was on the sidelines, holding onto the wall tightly as she feared for Akira's safety.

    "I'll give you fair warning, Akira." Avinash said in a loud voice that all the audience could hear. "That last fight... I DIDN'T EVEN SHOW HALF OF MY STRENGTH!"

    The bell rang with thunderous noise as Avinash leapt at Akira. He swung his blade in front of him, only to have to blocked by Akira's Blade. He snarled and flipped backwards from Akira, who just ran up to Avinash with inhuman speed.

    Avinash only gasped quickly and sidestepped away from the attack, but it was already too late. Akira's sword pierced through his cloak and pulled it off of Avinash.

    The cloak landed gently on the ground as the crowd, even Akira, gasped at what Avinash looked like beneath the cloak.

    He had dark red hair, that was nearly brownish color. His eyes were a deep blue color. He wore a gray tunic with blue jeans. A quarter of his skull was dark and decayed, as well as his left arm.

    "W-what are you?" Akira managed to stutter.

    "Me?" Avinash smiled displaying the many dragon teeth he had. "Oh I don't think you need to worry about that.." He stared at Akira with an icy glare. "I would worry about now... For now I'll show you my true strength!"

    Avinash concentrated on his dark energy and formed it into a small ball, tossing it at Akira, who barely managed to dodge. The ball landed right where Akira was a moment ago and created a small explosion.

    "Don't you like it Akira?" Avinash smiled sickly. "The darkness has come for your soul! HAHAH!!!!"

    Quote from Aronath

    I'm not really one to believe in all this junk, I'm a religious person; So I pretty much believe the end is when Jesus walks the earth again.

    Ditto for me. I rather be "saved" than killed by Meteors and stuff.