THIS, IS... Wait, where is this again?
Posts by Desquode
"Where am I?!?"
*Hits self*
"Oh..." -
BIG siggy! Not over and/or above the limit. :D
I ate you! O_O
Ragu sledding! Yay!
Said Spoon?
Ack! Womb!
Sound that beep! -
the world exploded untill...
Ma-ai-haha! -
"Pretty lighting!"
Ememy: Darknut. (TP)
Boss: Argorock. (TP)
Villian: Gotta think about that one... -
Lol, most of the people who have voted are 14. XD Just like... ME!
Quote from Steelia
Wonder how many new members we'll have by then...?
And how many active members we'll have. -
gtod of ze3ldean pwnws at6 6thyis game3.
Next poster will type "Yay for me!" with their nose. -
What kind of help do you need?
I'll stick with Mountain Dew! ^_^
Quote from Twistkill
Well, the e-mail kinda requires the internet... so no.
He should follow my instructions.
XD oh, duh. -
Not too bad!
Why don't you take the picture of you desktop and then send it to yourself via e-mail to another computer? -
You have two? oh, mine is all in one button. But I know that you hit the "Print Scr" one becuase "Scr" means "Screen."
Wow! That's pretty neato! The coloring is good, and I can't see anything wrong with it.
(Sorry 'bout that. XP I'll remember that for the next time I have a gigantic image. :P)
I can't wait to see it. XD Knowing what little I do about you, it will probobly be interesting. -
'Ello! Feel free to post your odd, nice, cold, cool, or "totally whatever" desktop here. ^_^
_________________________________________________Quick way, and only way I know, to get a pic of your desktop:
1. Look at the arrow keys.
2. Look up to the top of your keyboard.
3. Press the button labeled "Print Scr/Sys Rq." (If you have two seperat buttons then hit the "Print Scr" button.)
4. Open Paint.
5. Select the "Select" tool.
6. Click "Paste."
7. Click "File" and then "Save."
8. Name you desktop.
9. Click the "Save" button.
10. Upload it somewhere (such as Photobucket, or and post it here!
_________________________________________________And now, what you've all been waiting for (or maybe not...), MY desktop!
I'm a Zelda fan!
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