Quote from Twistkill
...Well then your keyboard must have been worshiping QWERTY.
Not really. And I think I know what caused this to happen.
MYSPACE (I think)
I got one popup from MySpace and my whole comp screws up.
Quote from Twistkill
...Well then your keyboard must have been worshiping QWERTY.
Not really. And I think I know what caused this to happen.
MYSPACE (I think)
I got one popup from MySpace and my whole comp screws up.
Quote from TwistkillOh, and try to get your computer fixed, if you can... if it ever recovers, google Ad-Aware 2007 (You can pay for licenses, but you don't have to. It'll protect your computer if you don't register), Spybot Search and Destroy, and AVG anti virus. If your computer doesn't recover, then get these on whatever computer you'll be using in the future.
Actually, I had all of those programs when this started happening.
Welp, it's official. My computer has been killed.
Some kind of Spyware or Trojan has found its way into my computer and now the comp constantly reboots at the Windows loading screen. Safe Mode no worky either, so now I'll be stuck with no computer for the rest of this week and next until everyone comes home.
My internet life sucks big.
Wario is teh own'd
BTW, Pit's stage is now up.
Quote from Desquode
That's an easy one! Bleh, Sonic Heros. That is just about the worst game I have ever played. Bleh.
That wasn't as bad as the terrible Shadow the Hedgehog.
Last one:
Quote from mortuaries
hes so cute here :]]
That looks like he's saying whazzup. XD
*edits Shadow Link's post to make it correct*
*throws Bowser using a catapult*
*stares into light*
Just post any picture you find funny, and post it here.
The pic can be anything that you find funny. Just remember the rules.
Okay, I'll go first.
Quote from Shrukan
So do I, yet there are Zelda fans who like Sony stuff. *points at Muigi who has an XBox*
How did Sony buy Microsoft so suddenly? XD
Eh, Sony's flavor with me died when my PS2 died. That and its lack of interesting games (except for Katamari and Okami, wouldn't mind trying them out) I blame our young age and poor console care for the death of our PS2, though.
Is it just me, or does this screen seem a bit disturbing?
Magneto says no more asplosions for you!
*smites evil*