you are very wise, happy mask salesman
Quote from dynasty
tp, better graphics, better story line, and it was a little more challenging, plus more emotion.
like happy mask salesman said, that is only limited by technology. Make OoT and TP both have the graphics of LoZ. like i said before you CAN'T judge a game on it's graphics. And as for TP's storyline, it wasn't better at all. the story wad BARELY explained in that game, it was riddiculus. and TP wasn't even hard. anyone could beat that game, even if they had never even played any other Zelda game before.
Quote from Happy Mask Salesman
Ah yes, but then again if Ocarina of Time wasn't made, than it is possible that Twilight Princess wouldn't of been made, Ocarina of Time basically started Zelda, sure it was popular when the first came out, but it was WAAAAAY more popular after Ocarina of Time, I would have to say Ocarina of Time is better, it has better gameplay, not as much time wasted traveling and much more secrets.... OOH and the Ocarina sounds better than wolf link's howl.
i agree with that as well. way too much time is wasted traveling, i like the scenery, but its just too big, much like sailing in TWW.
dont get me wrong, TP is a great game, but games like OoT, ALttP and MM were better. and with that i rest my case. go OoT!