Posts by zeypherlink

    maybe you're the one that needs to take it up with Nintendo. the only reason that it comes up in the zelda "universe" is because of the fact that tingle is in it. and the people that made that game(nintendo) also made many many other games, and they aren't zelda. you're just too iggnorant to face the fact that you PMSed again over something that isn't zelda, and that you're wrong. but whatever you say to make yourself feel better dude.

    Anyway, whats even the point of this game?

    Quote from TriforceMaster3000

    I'm not gonna use the poll, because it's more of your opinion on Tingle than the game itself.

    Anyways, yes, I do hate Tingle. BUT, I want this game. Why? Because no matter which way you look at it, it's a Zelda game, and I want every Zelda game. I rest my case.

    its not a zelda game dude. just because it has tingle doesnt make it a zelda game. is SSB, SSBM, SSBB, and soul caliber 2 zelda game just because they have link or zelda? no. i respect you though for having the guts to play that game though.

    Quote from TriforceMaster3000

    Yes, even CD-i. Yes, the games are PROBABLY horrible(won't say if they are or not because I haven't played them myself), but wanting them because they're Zelda isn't horrible o.o

    yes they are horrible, take it from my personal experience. if you want to watch the ending to the second one(wand of gamelon) then go to my website and click (under multimedia) then click worst zelda endings and watch #3 on the countdown.*catches breath*

    Quote from TriforceMaster3000

    There is no way it's beatable in two hours, I'll let you know that right there. You must be over exagerrating. The game is short, probably maybe 8-10 hours, if not somewhat less. Not 2 hours though, no way.

    yes way. although it was my third time through it, and i didnt waste time with side quests or kinstones. it really is that easy.

    you are very wise, happy mask salesman :)

    Quote from dynasty

    tp, better graphics, better story line, and it was a little more challenging, plus more emotion.

    like happy mask salesman said, that is only limited by technology. Make OoT and TP both have the graphics of LoZ. like i said before you CAN'T judge a game on it's graphics. And as for TP's storyline, it wasn't better at all. the story wad BARELY explained in that game, it was riddiculus. and TP wasn't even hard. anyone could beat that game, even if they had never even played any other Zelda game before.

    Quote from Happy Mask Salesman

    Ah yes, but then again if Ocarina of Time wasn't made, than it is possible that Twilight Princess wouldn't of been made, Ocarina of Time basically started Zelda, sure it was popular when the first came out, but it was WAAAAAY more popular after Ocarina of Time, I would have to say Ocarina of Time is better, it has better gameplay, not as much time wasted traveling and much more secrets.... OOH and the Ocarina sounds better than wolf link's howl.

    i agree with that as well. way too much time is wasted traveling, i like the scenery, but its just too big, much like sailing in TWW.
    dont get me wrong, TP is a great game, but games like OoT, ALttP and MM were better. and with that i rest my case. go OoT!

    triforcemaster 3000, have you played/beaten ANY of the Zelda games? Because you seem to have little knowledge about Zelda. OoT wasnt slow, it had a pretty short opening vid, then you go get your sheild & sword then before you know it, you're in the first dungeon.

    The majority of Zelda "fans" that say TP is better than OoT are total Zelda n00bs. They only say that TP is better because its most likely the only or one of the few Zelda games that they have beaten. Sure the graphics are better in TP, but who cares? Graphics don't make a game. Halo has good graphics but that games plot and all that is as boring as hell. TP doesn't have that wide of a story, and it doesn't explain it well enough. "Go get those fused shadows for me and i'll tell you who the king of the twilight is" thats basically the story in TP at the begining of the game. OoT tells it's story much better.

    If you're going to judge which game is better, don't grade it in graphics. Ecco the Dolphin could have the best graphics in the world but its still a shity game.

    Thats all I have to say for now
    BTW- why do you guys think Midna is so cool? She's annoying. Midna isn't going to be in any other Zelda games because the Mirror of Twilight has been shattered, unless Nintendo creates some retarded excuse to put her back in...

    Quote from mortuaries

    well it doesn't look that big to me gawjus,

    its got like what, 2 members?

    it'll probably be dead in about a week. which is why im saying good luck


    accually the sites been around for about a month now, and ive writen way too much content to just give up. and i admit the layout isnt the best, but its getting better.

    BTW-- we have 9 members

    Zelda Adventures is a massivly growing Zelda fansite! On Zelda Adventures you can find a lot of content for each individual Zelda game, somewhat active forums(please join!), and lots of other stuff. Right now I am putting the new design on all of the pages :D

    Anyway here is the URL please check it out and reply on this board n_n


    btw all of the advertisements will be gone soon :D