I am NOT a zelda n00b, and I like TP. It was simply funner. The graphics were nice and all, but they didn't really matter. The plot was awesome, and wolf link is so freaking fun. Horseback fighting was awesome!
Yah, sure OoT was really popular before, but here and now, TP>OoT.
OoT has too many dungeons, Not as much other things.
Posts by adad64
*kills all fans of cd-i* -
Quote from TriforceMaster3000
Cel shaded Link. Reason being is, come on, the name speaks for itself! (on the poll it's listed as TWW Link) Cel shaded graphics are awesome, and even though people may kill me for it, I have to say, Cel shaded > TP graphics
*kills him*
MM link! -
I could do it in a month! So ha!
But I wont. Because I like Navi! Poor Navi... Always picked on... -
What's wrong with you all!!!
Ganondorf friggin took over the world, and would have succeeded if he didn't do the same predictable moves over and over in the battle w/ Link.
Instead of plotting for the others, I would freaking blow the owners to oblivion, and steal them.
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/___\/___\ <-- Messed up triforce!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
OoS is so fun... Besides you can turn into one! -
A lizalfo! They're so fast and strong!
Termina, definetly!
It had a lot more depth to the NPC's.
There were so many people that actually had personalities! Plus Ikana was cool too. -
oracles of ages!!!
One of the very first Zelda games I ever played... Ahhh, yes... Good days.. -
I'd be stallord! He's so awesome!
kk thx
Name: Deimos
Age: 129
Race: Imp/lesser Demon
Gender: Male
Hair: n/a
Weight: 85 lb.
Height: 4' 7"
CLAWS/TEETH: Self explanatory, can be tipped with dark energy, and will poison non-dark creatures. Limited amount of energy, rarely tipped.
MINI-TRIDENT: Still an imp, so he still has a trident. It is red with swirls of black and is filled with dark energy.
FIRE SHIELD: A small fire shield forms around the user. Deimos is horribly bad at this. He was never very good (comparitively) at fire spells to start with, before he came to the surface. Now it happens to suck. It takes 3 minutes to charge completely and even then he can only hold it for another 3 minutes before he collapses. It takes 1 minute to get a flame.
Strengths: Dark energy, Decently Strong (for an imp), and Pretty fast, even for an imp. Mostly Fire resistant.
Weakness: Light attacks, silver (yeah, I bet you thought that only worked on Werewolfs, didn't you? Well it works on demons too, soo nyah).
Strong physical attacks, magic, and Ice/Cold. Has a limited supply of magic, can't 'borrow' from demons anymore. His magic is weak without a horde of demons near him. The more demons, the more powerful.Skills/Magic:
BERSERK: Goes into a frenzied state of killing, like a bloodlust.
DARK ENERGY BALL: A ball of darkness. Power varies.
JOINING OF SOULS: Needs another persons willing consent. It bonds him to another. Strengthens him enormously, but also makes him forced to do his bonds will. (Like a house-elf!
FLAME SHIELD: a shield of weak flames grows around him. Extremely weak at the moment. Takes a minute for it to get to its maximum capacity. It can also be put out with a bucket of water. He's trying to strengthen it, but it's not going well.
A red body with long wicked horns still coming in. Weak demonhide protecting him from moderate physical attacks. Extremely sharp pearly white teeth protruding from his mouth. Like a demon only a bit smaller and the wings aren't fully grown yet.Personality:
Deimos is a mischevious imp, who hasn't made the decision between good or evil yet. He's a fun-loving, mischevious little guy with a tad of arrogance. Yet despite this, he's practically a master mind. He's even organized a small group of demons, of which he's the leader (read bio).Biography:
Small imp who is still young. He was created, but didn't hatch until just recently. Concentrates hard on his studies, and tries to learn all a demon must know, He was extremely smart, and managed to convince a group of 6 demons to join him. They're the 'popular' group at the 'school.' He looks oddly out of place, as the other demons are past the imp stage, and look completely different. He's made plans to do all kinds of things, and they even set up an agency. They track down people and do all kind of odd jobs (the demon kind). One day, he got an 'A' on his final test (Atrocious, Bad, Cool, Devilish, Ferocious). He was devastated. He snuck into the teachers room and found out someone had paid her to fail him.) He was angry. Deimos and his possey of demons went out and extracted revenge by almost making her lose her job. One of his demons betrayed them and told on them. He was expelled from the school. Deimos was shocked, but quickly recovered. He managed to get into the school of Dark magic. He was the first Imp ever to pass the test to get in. He struggled through, all the other demons older and wiser than he. He managed to study ferociously, and quickly pull his grade up. He finally graduated, top of his class, and then found another dilemma. He had graduated and was officially an elder mage. However he also happened to only be 129 years old! There were no age limits simply because it was thought preposterous that someone under 2,000 years old could graduate. And he was also still an imp. He was allowed the position of elder reluctantly, because he was not very 'eld' (or old). So he packed his bags and left the demon realms. Leaving (somewhat true) legends of his cleverness and supposed power behind...However, on arrival to the surface, he found the sun to hurt his essence, and his powers shrank enormously due to his absence of caverns full of demons. He only had himself, and his powers could not emanate and come back, stronger. They would spread out, but no demons were to be found. His power needed a group of demons to maintain a large portion. His powers dwindled, until he was scarcely better than an average imp. At that point he was tired of living in shadows. He walked into sunlight, it burned him at first, but eventually, it burned him less and less, for longer periods of time. In only a few years, he could stand the sun very well. He set off in the land, one of the first imps ever to be able to terrorize in direct daylight.
I also got this approved @ ZU.
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