xD I'm sorry, I'll stop messing with you =3 :rodofseasons:
xD I'm sorry, I'll stop messing with you =3 :rodofseasons:
Hmm, I got link yay only problem is it isn't accurate!
If only I wasn't lazy enough to actualy count howmany times we said that in this thread =P I'm too confident in myself... and I'm too pridefull to take the test agian. I'm perfectly happy with the Zora.
Damn it all, Alera. It's just another good, loyal, and valuable member just walking out... I had no idea that you were going to leave, If otherwise, I would have been on MSN more often... I'm sorry, Alera. And you will always have my respect. Good luck to you, good sir.
Didn't you post your number...?
Damn. I keep forgeting to mention the number in my post >.>
836... 836... Did I mention that this is post 836?
99.9% of myself thinks that my brother, Radkin, is idiotic and also that Ti-Link's signature is too big. Put this in your signature is you suggest that your not this .1%
That's from my signature on Zelda Universe xD
You see, Ty is my middle name. That's how I came up with basicly came up with both Tywar and Tyna. I thought Ty was a wasteful name when I was a child, but I'm glad to have it. I have no idea what my screenname would be today if I didn't have that name xD
=P If I made a girl, I wonder what kind of person she would be... I think I would name her Tyna
Tywars profile has some mistakes in it...
It's fun, once you get the hang of it. You should read the In character thread till my large post in the third page. It's informational and entertaining. The rest is just Rad's spam
Are you flamilar with Role Play? My character is Tywar. He's a quiet and strong. His sheet is in that section if you want to look at it ;D
I spent a minute deciding if i should add the X xD
Truth, you bastard
raman numrlz? lol
Video games are for the weak minded... I'm on the Wii.
so i hurd u liek da oposit secks????
I've never had a BF, but with the boys in my high school, I don't really care...
I've had my decent fair of crushes though... :wink: =P
Summary: Both male and female are too afraid to talk to eachother.
Justine Sudomerski.
I love my name
Wow... pretty neat... Sounds made up =P Last thing I would have guessed, nonetheless.
You see, your smart because you joined and you enjoy this place. Boo-Yeah.
Not really. Your smart =P