Posts by Ti-Link

    My fourth character! WoOT! ^_^


    Name: Tania Kiria Yumi

    Age: 6

    Race: Superhuman

    Race Explaination: Tania is a full human of no other quality, but she is just improved in the limits of a normal human.

    Sex: Female

    Hair: A bright pink; short to about the middle of her neck. Smooth and shines when in light.

    Eyes: A pine colored green hazel.

    Weight: 41 lbs.

    Height: 2" 10'

    Weapon: A thin, small sized katana that was reforged to fit her size. Appearing normal at first, Tania's sword has a handle wrapped in a pink and white cloth, but the cloth is not only on the handle. The cloth is always wrapped around her right arm as well; so tightly that it doesn't normally get in the way of anything she happens to do. The blade of the sword is a metal not known to anyone including Tania. The metal is so strong, it couldn't be broken even by the strongest forces, as well as its ability to cut is not to make fatal wounds, but to make decent, but small sized cuts, never failing. Its metal is positive to make a small cut even past the strongest of armor. It was gifted to her from Shero for her fifth birthday, since she always found swords to be appealing.

    Strength: Thanks to her small size and normal speed, Tania makes an extremely hard-to-hit target for just about any attack. She also, even as young as she is, can think more quickly then most could, which comes in handy in any tight situations.

    Her Guardian and Dash Talismans are also underneith the back of her small dress, which means they are almost alway active.

    Weaknesses: Also due to her small size, if she is hit at anytime without her Guardian T on; it hurts her more as much as any normal attack would on a six-year-old girl. Thankfully, it is almost never deactivated.

    Even though she is quick in the mind, she is still only 6, which makes her thoughts still quick, happy, and sometimes stupid and pointless. This sometimes interferes with serious situations. She has also yet to use some of her Talismans, and/or are unfamiliar with some.

    She has also never had to use her sword, and has no practice with it whatsoever. Only in fear, does she ever even place a hand on it. She is also, scared of the dark. (XP)

    Armor: Tania wears no physical or magical armor on her body except Talismans.

    Skills/Magic: Tania is not only the wielder of a sword, but she also has a massive variety of paper written Spell-Talismans. Each has its own unique, enchanted ink of writting on their surface. Each slip of paper is about 2 inch width and 8 inches, making it easy to carry a large number around, and each can only be activated once the ink is burned, which involves burning the entire Talisman. The Talismans also all have a time-limit, which is determined until the entire Talisman is burned away. Her types are the following on a list. /Perm: means that the Talisman can be used constantly without it being dispersed with fire as permanent Talismans merely need to be chanted by the users voice only. Here it is:

    Fire Ban Talisman: Once activated and straped against a certain material of the user, it dispels any use of fire nature or magically made from harming the user.

    Water Ban T: Repels any water from the user. This Talisman can protect against ice spells as well, but is less efficiant. Can also be used to walk on water, as it repels the water away from the feet as well.

    Lightning Ban T: Halts any lightning or plasma based attacks from harming the user, and disperses them in all directions of random.

    Wind Resist T: Any wind-based spell is curved away from the user of this Talisman, no matter what magnitude of force.

    Abyss Ban T: All dark spells are dispelled once near the user.

    Guardian T/Perm: This Talisman creates a small, skin layered, magic barrier around the user that lessens damage from physical attacks. Although it is at its strongest when it is first activated, but the barrier weakens as it takes damage, and recharges while it is not being attacked.

    Brute T/Perm: Ups the users strength to 5 times their limit. With her small strength as it is, this Talisman comes in need many times. It only lasts 5 minutes once activated, and can only be activated once every 5 hours.

    Dash T/Perm: Ups the users speed by inhuman means. All who witness this power in use believe that it lets the user teleport, since the speed is so great, normal eyes cannot see the user move. The time-limit to this Talisman is unknown to Tania, as she has not used it long enough for it to quit on her.

    This Talisman can also not be used unless the Guardian Talisman is also in use, since the speed of this would damage Tania without a force protecting her from such.

    Possession T: Once attached to an enemy, this Talisman refuses to come off, and it as well, gives Tania slight control over the area of the Talismans' presence. If it is stuck to an arm, by mere thought, Tania can control that part of a person by unbelieveable force.

    Wraith T: Once stuck to anywhere and activated, this Talisman summons many immense bolts of blue lightning crashing down to the spot of the activation.

    Appearance: By first glance, people see a small, innocent little girl. As her sword is usually hidden in the handle's cloth, making it look like part of her dress. Her hair as mentioned before is short to the middle of her neck, mixed with a bright pink and white.

    Always wearing a small dress for her size in her favorite color of pink, she rarely wears anything else. The skirt to the dress falls to about her ankles, and has a unique design lining the bottom with laced white. The dress in nothing extremely fancy, just something for her to wear, and it also seems to never get dirty or rip in any places. The fabric in the dress however, feels smooth, yet rough to the skin; since its material is used to activate her Talismans when needed.

    Personality: If someone were to take a deep, more accurate look into her eyes, some would see a depression that isn't noticed even by her. Usually, she is in the happiest mood anyone would see in just about any occasion. However, due to her young age, she has serious moodswings that take nano-seconds to change.

    Tania can be slightly frustrating when happy or when she is slightly angered. When she is sad however, people cannot help but try to comfort her, or wind up missing her happier mood. She also is a good listener, as well as ready to learn anything that is interesting to her.

    Kind natured, and innocent are the two simple words that describe her best.

    Biography: Tania lived in a small village in what was nothern South America, which consisted huts and small log cabins, since most of her people either didn't know much about technology, or they didn't like it at all. During her days as a mere baby, she had a life that was a normal for her and would be considered by anyone else that were to know about it.

    No one was familiar with technology, all in their small village except one man. That man, or all people was Tania's father; Shero. Of course, he was a responsable young man of 23, and tried to spend more time with the addition to their family more then with his so called 'lab'.

    After building a small trapdoor in the floor of their cabin's living room, he dug and succeeded in making a small underground, experimental area for him to try out his many ideas to help the people of his village, even though everyone did not like half his ideas.

    One memorable day when Tania was barely past one year of age, her mother; Carmon, was playing with her while sitting on the floor throwing Tania up and down in the air, making positive to catch her when she comes back down as the little girl screamed in joy, not yet able to speak any real words. Her father today was in his lab underground, trying to create a new vial of material that might be able to help with healing injuries that are almost fatal. Sadly, he was trying to now figure out how to fix the fact that the material is highly reactive to movement.

    As Carmon threw Tania up again to catch her in her arms, a voice carried its way through the house in almost a yell. "Carmon! I need you to hold something for me!"

    Making sure to catch her child before jerking her head toward the trapdoor. "Oh. Coming!" Carmon quickly but gently placed Tania on the floor and rubbed her head of dark brown hair. "I'll be right back sweety," she replied as she jogged over to the trapdoor and made her way down the ladder.

    Tania watched as her mother went down the hole she had never been allowed to enter, but not much caring, as she only wanted mother to come back and play more. The little girl rocked back and forth, trying to get herself to fall forwards so she could start to crawl. Finally, she was able to fall forward, catching the ground from hitting her with her hands as she starts to make her way toward the spot where her mother was playing with her. Coming closer to the spot, she saw that something was laying there where she was. It was one of her mother's most precious item in her possession, a diamond braclet that Carmon was playing with Tania with, since the child was instantly facinated with anything that caught her attention.

    Gently, Tania picked up the braclet and dangled it in the air as she watched the sunlight from a nearby window reflect its sunlight through the braclet's diamonds and let off a spectacular show of colored light. Tania, merely gleamed with joy at the piece of jewelry as she tried to get on a chair that her mother usually held her in, but she was too small to step in.

    Stretching to reach the arm rest and pull herself up with her empty hand, she got a small grip of the chair, and pulled. With that, she lost that grip and fell back to the floor, never letting go of the braclet in her right hand. A small bit of pain came from her back from the landing as tears started to form in her eyes, and she let out a cry, not even aware she was inches from the trapdoor her mother had gone in.

    From inside the trapdoor, Carmon was holding the small vial of material as her husband went to get a second vial from a holder. Suddenly, hearing the thud, and a cry from her child, she gasped and looked up to door, only for a drop of the chemical inside the vial she was holding to spill from the glass.

    As soon as the drop had hit the ground, a violent explosion erupted from the inside of the trapdoor, blowing it open in a loud creation of sound that knocked Tania a little ways away from the door, as well as sending sending odd colored smoke and fire through the entire house. Luckly not hurt too badly from the blast, the girl simply stared in awe at the smoke hovering over her head; inhaling in a lot of the chemical smoke while watching red fire light and smoke consume the walls near the trapdoor. She then stared at the front door, which was blown open by the blast since it was closer to the blast. Sunlight that was gleaming through the door and shining through the diamond braclet she still had in her hand. Putting two and two together the best she can at her young age, she started to crawl toward the door of sunlight as fire and smoke continued to rage all around her, unaware that she would never see her parents again.

    Luckly, after about half a minute, Tania had made her way out of the door and onto the soft ground. Little did she know, that the smoke that she had inhaled has not only senged her hair pink, it also changed the limits of her body for the rest of her life; as she continued to crawl, still holding the diamond braclet that her mother held most dear. Next to the girl holding it.

    His feet taped against the rock burden ground, but he was at a walking pace. To him, there was no rush, even though he was wanted for a horrible deed he did not commit. No one knew of his innocense but himself, and that was no surprise to him.

    He tilted his view upward for the first time since he left the site of the insident, looking at the tree covered path, shadows creeping over the path from the sun directly above, that he was now following to nowhere. His long white hair flowed with the cold wind that swept the road of dust as he covered his eyes with his sleeve. There was no telling how long it would take them to find him, but he had to hold out for as long as he could.

    His feet started to pace with the rythem they had before, leaving the man of twenty-nine completely unaware that he had stopped in the first place. Thoughts of what was now at hand we're clouding his mind. Even in this deep thought, he was still in reality enough to hear a small whimper from that he would not have noticed, had the wind been any stronger in its howl over the forested area.

    His eyes scanned the area in which he had heard the sound, but he saw nothing. The man was tempted to continue on his way, but he was now caught in the obsession of what the sound could have been.

    " someone there?" he asked in an almost sweet voice as his steps turned toward the direction of the whimper, only to receive another one as his foot landed on the dirt. The man approached a tree that had its layer near its roots overrun by an unknown plant with large leaves, twice to three times bigger then his head. As his hand cupped a large leaf in his fingertips, he pushed it aside to reveal a pink shine forth from underneith. The baby girl quickly held her hands together and scooted closer to the trees trunk, trying to keep as far away as possible from the stranger as he stared in awe at the child hidden in the leaves.

    " what are you doing out here?" he asked her as if to receive an answer as he reached to pick her up, only for her to bite his finger with the few teeth she did have.

    "Gah!" Pulling his hand away, the girl slid further under the leaves as she continued to hold her tiny hands over a shining object.

    Staring at the girl, the man now didn't have the heart to leave her out here. He stretching his bite-marked finger as he reached for her again. "I...don't know if you can understand me, but...I don't mean you harm," he said to her as he laid his hand under one of her shoulders. "You don't belong out here," he said while placing his left hand under her other shoulder and gently lifted her out of the leaves. The young girls mess of pink hair became more visible as he lifted her to eye level without trying to scare her.

    Tania simple stared in awe at the mans white hair, as she has never seen anyone with white on the top of their heads as she reached for his hair, attempting to tug it with her empty hand as her other hand remained closed, a piece of whatever it was she was holding reflected sunlight in a flash of many colors as he stared.

    "...what you got there?" As he carcassed her in one arm, he reached for her hand that held the unknown object, and while doing so, Tania found the opperatunity to get a grip on his hair and start to yank, crying with joy at her success as his head bobbed downward toward her constant pulls on his hair. His gaze, however, remained with the diamond braclet that he had retrieved from her hand.

    It was absolutely beautiful. Sixteen perfectly sphered diamonds, all stringed together with gold all the way around to the clasp, is what his eyes saw as the sun continued to make the jewelry shine with all its beauty.

    The young girl continued to pull at his hair as he gave it back to her, only this time, clasping it around her tiny neck, since it fit almost perfectly along with the small necklace already around the baby's neck, reading in small cursive lettering: Tania. Now their eyes finally meet, Tania now pulling on one of his bangs as he looked.

    "'t belong to anyone. Do you?"

    Of course, the girl would not understand what he was saying to her, but continued to laugh in joy as she pulled on the smooth, white hair on his head.

    "Well...I guess I've always wanted a good pupil," he replied to himself as sniffed the air as he continued on his way, not liking the smell at all.

    "...and it looks as if you need changing. Huh?" the man asked as he chuckled, his head now slightly soar from constant yanking.

    Four. Four and seven months to be exact; have passed since the day she had met Shero, who ironically had the same first name as her father. Tania had just yawned in her sleep after she had dreamed the day back into a reality. The sunlight hit her eyes from the window by her bed as well as waking her dream.

    Yawning again in reply to the dawning of a new day, the young girl slowly pushed the covers off of her neck and down below her feet as she also kicked them further down the bed; had it now become a habit. The action let the dress that Shero had made for her not a week ago as she hopped down from the bed and onto the hard wooden floor of her room. She only just then realized that it was morning as she quickly changed her pace from a slouched walk, to a hyperactive run as she darted down the stairs as quickly as a blur as she almost in an instant was clinged to Shero's leg, hugging it with all her strength. "She-she!" she called out to him as she cotinued to squeeze.

    The man, almost spilling his morning coffee all over, placed the cup on the wooden table he was seated at before his young pupil had interupted, not that he much minded. "Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?" he asked as he rubbed her head of short, pink hair.

    "Nooooooo," she replied as she continued to cling to Shero's leg, even after he began to walk toward the oven to take out the girl's favorite breakfast.

    "Yes I did. I told you yesterday, and the day before that, and everyday since you started," he stated as he laid the plate of food on the table, Tania still clinged to his leg, now slightly dizzy from going up and down in his steps.

    The young girl put a finger to her chin, a jester Shero usually made when he was in deep thought, as well as one she found worthy to copy. ".....Oh! Yeeeeah!" she said as if she had forgotten. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she smelled the air of her favorite thing in the world next to apple juice, which was also waiting for her on the table with a small straw in the glass. Tania quickly let go of his leg and frantically hopped up and down for the plate of pancakes that were just out of reach on the table.

    In a frown, Shero lifted her up. "Do you want to eat, or not?" he asked. He then sat her in her chair as she as quickly as she came downstairs, started to eat down the three cakes as well as take an occasional sip from her glass of juice. Sometimes, as he watched her from his chair, he had wondered how she stays so thin even from how much she ate. She almost seemed to be 'in shape' more then someone her age should be.

    Nevertheless, he paid no attention to the thought as he asked her his usual question. "Did you finish making what I asked of you yesterday?"

    The girl jerked her head up from her plate, her eyes wide as if there was a giant spider on his face as pancake syrup dripped from her mouth. "Yeth!" she stated as proudly as if she had won a marathon as she hopped down from her chair, now finished with her morning meal.

    "Does it work?" he asked, taking another sip of his cup of coffee.

    The girl quickly took the slip of paper with black inked writing on it from his sleeve pocket, waving it in the air. "Yeah!" she said smiling.

    "Well then, lets see it."

    The girl nodded rapidly before stepping outside, Shero following close behind her as she strolled out the door, half skipping. As they reached the open area of which their practice is held, Tania held the piece of paper between her index and middle finger as she was taught by Shero. Not yet keeping a correct stance, the girl stretched the Talisman wielding hand behind her and swung it back around, scraping it across her dress sleeve as it soared from her hand and landed on a tree. "Wraith Talisman!" she said with glee as blue lightning shuddered the cloudless sky and boomed down, ripping through the tree mulitiple times before subsiding.

    Shero stood and stared with a look of satisfation. "Very good Tania!" he almost yelled in cheer as he held her shoulders. "I told you you could make your own, didn't I?" he asked as he looked at the scorched mess that was a tree.

    "Yeah!" she answered with a smile to Shero.

    Suddenly as he still had his hands on her small shoulders, his eye caught a suspicious sight to the left of his pupil's head. A tiny, but still noticable red light was traveling around the area of the girl's head, almost as if it were shaking.

    Just as surprisingly, he realized what it was as his eyes shot wide. "Get down!" he yelled, and as soon as his hands pushed the girl to the ground, the red light disappeared, and whizzing sound screeched by the two's ears as a hole suddenly appeared in the trunk of a tree next to them, wood splintering from it.

    "Get inside! Now!!" he yelled again as he pushed the girl toward the door of their small house, bullet holes now quickly and rapidly making anew in the ground and in the wood of their house as they barged through the door.

    Not did they find me? Why now!?

    Knowing that this moment would come eventually, he shooed Tania toward the front door. "Tania...I need you to get as far away from here as possible!" he almost yelled in her face, trying to keep his voice low for her.

    The girl stared at him with emotionless eyes, completely clueless as to what was happening as the gunshots became louder. "...but...bu-"

    "Now is not the time to question me my pupil Tania! Please! Just go!!" he yelled, this time managing to scare Tania slightly as her eyes slowly started to form tears. Without second word however, the young girl started to run in the other direction.

    I breeze of relief swept over Shero as he turned to look through the now shattered window pointing toward the back of the house as he saw many men now littering the ground, all suited in black vests and helms, as well as eye-improvisors that made their eyes gleam orange.

    The white haired teacher quickly raised a hand, which was now holding 4 Talismans as he threw all of them outside and through the window, as three landed on one soldier's arm and two legs, and the other two landed on the ground where the other soldiers would surely run across. Chanting a few words, the man called out. "Possession!" The soldier who was hit with the three Talismans instantly stopped running, and his fire stopped as well. The black-suited man quickly looked down at himself, dumbfounded as to what was going on as his fingers holding the handle of his assault rifle turned to point the gun at his fellow men and open fire. Bullets barraged the men as a couple numbers at the bottom of the hill started to jerk before falling to spill their blood.

    The assault continued as his puppet was finally shot down from his possession and the men continued to make their way toward the house. Just as the first man made his way to the openning in which Tania and Shero had practiced, his foot caught something stiff. The man looked down to see that a gleam of light as thin as wire had caught his foot, and a burning piece of Talisman was almost at its end.

    Shero ducked below the wall of the window and looked at the door in which his pupil had gone. "....boom."

    Suddenly, the explosion of the two Talismans left over were now complete as rock, leaves, dust, dirt, all debre that could be on the other side of the window, now hurled through the walls and window. The wind howled through the cracked and broken places in the wall he had hid behind and his hair raged toward the other end of the house as men's yells of pain for a mere second filled the air.

    Seconds after the timely explosion, the teacher relaxed as his tension in his muscles relaxed, and he rests his head against the cracked wall. But just as soon as the silence had appeared, it was broken by the single shot eruption of a bullet. The teacher's eyes shot wide in pain as his back surged forward from an unknown force as his vision slowly started to turn dark.

    No...not...not now...

    The teacher slowly drifted out of consiousness as he fell to the side, revealing a small hole in the wall behind him, also stained with blood as one soldier came through a hole in the wall with a smoking barrel, grabbing the teacher and throwing him over his shoulder. "Captured sir," the soldier said, his voice muffled from the mask over his face as the commander, walked beside the man.

    "Task One. Is the subject alive?"

    "Yes sir."

    "Get him back to transport," he commanded as the soldier carried the man toward the opposite of the assault, stepping over dead and torn bodies as he waved the other men off.

    The commander stepped toward the open front door, his boots making the echoed thud on the flooring as he stepped to the dirt path in the front of the house, scanning with his eyes to see traces of footprints of the teacher's pupil.

    The commander saw the footprints, but ignored them, for now. " you took someone dear from me..." the man said as he removed his helm and mask to reveal a scared left eye.

    "...I'll take someone dear from you."

    Sure thing, buddy. ^_^
    *Comes up to Vitros, feign strikes him from the left, BUT instead, comes around and strikes him in the gut with the butt of his sword... While he is bent over he drop kicks him hard enough to lay him out, the he walks to him and points his sword at his chin*
    How was that? ^_^
    *The crown stands in awe of what just happen, but they don't notice*
    *He the offers his friend a hand to stand up*
    Need a hand? ^_^

    *clone melts into the ground*

    *comes from behind in a flash and wraps one leg around Radkin's neck, while using the other to stand, holding him sideways while his neck is behind his knee, the blade of his sword against his neck*

    ^_^ I must say, even as a clone, I didn't see that last strike coming.

    *lets him go, as he could have slit his throat right then and there* Not bad. ^_^ You okay?

    *crowd is still baffled on whether it's a real fight*

    Okay... As you wish. ^_^
    *Back flips out of the way and finishes the charging process*
    *Gives Vitros a volley of strikes from every direction.*
    ((*Points to above post*I said VERTICALLY, by the way! xD))

    ((I know. I ducked as I stabbed you, then shudder-stepped as the blade was coming down on me. Sorry, should've made that clearer. ^_^;))

    *uses his eye as he parrys and counters his blows while using the snow beneth his feet to move his feet accordingly*

    *as he parrys a blow from the electrified blade* I might as well point out a few things. ^_^ *hilt strikes him in the chest to back him off a ways*

    It is futile to try to be faster then me. You'll have to change your strategy Rad.

    ((might as well teach while I can. =P))

    0.o" Do you really have to, or want to pull that out, now? xD
    Alright, then... Here I come! ^_^
    *Again withdraws his lightning katana and starts charging it up... but with only half the normal power...*
    *First he comes at him vertically*

    *using the Russian Evelope, ducks below his strike and sticks him with the tip of his blade in the shoulder blade before shudder=-stepping behind him*

    I saw that resistance in your blade. Don't hold back my friend. ^_^ Let your blade shine with all its strength, because that is what it wants.

    Mine, just can't unless I'm in emotional stress.

    I still can't see why people like Silver Rupees other then because they're very valuable.

    Usually when I find them, I'm already less then 200 rupees to my wallets limit of holding onto the Law of Physics. =P