Lol never bought it, it was never worth the money in my opinion at that time with PS1 as its opponent but yeah now I enjoy its games on emulator
Posts by Servo
nah not your fault I meant empty inside !!!
Unless I start playing Zelda oh wait link ehhhh! guess I shud just name the lead character as Servo , after all I'm the leading actor of my own life 8-)
So you just not tricked me getting into this place you also tricked me with the mask !!!!
BTW now you can take your mask off , there is nothing to hide ** as you remove the mask I throw a cake at your face**
oh yeah here take this towel and wipe your face! see how kind I am !!!!
Ever seen a Gorilla ??? well while i was a toddler my parents took me to zoo where a gorilla grabbed me from my parents and disappeared . turned out the gorilla was a ninja gorilla and from then on he brought me up till i was 9 .. he taught me many ways of being a ninja gorilla but i did not learn a thing.. so one day he asked me ..
Tell me from what gorilla gene are you?
i said " For the love of peas i'm a human"
He said " Holy ice cream i thought u were a new Goriila gene, you look just like one!"
can you imagine a gorrila talking about my looks has he ever seem his face in mirror ? geez
anyways the moment he reliazed it he turned me back to my family..
so this makes me half gorilla half human ......
Its a sad sad story though cause neither humans accept me nor does Gorilla and ninja only likes monkeys ( cause 3rd Hokage was friends with them that old geezer jeez)
anyways I'm a Gorilla Ninja
Hey that helped a lot, YES now I can say with 100% surety that I know none of them !!!
I wonder why it feels so empty at times !!!! ** scratches my head **
Yea I'm pretty sure I know him
@The Inhaling One I'll sue you for Animeism ( discriminating on base of anime liking or disliking) .....
OK well as for recommendation try Gate Jieitai Kanochi nite that what I'm gonna watch its an Action, Fantasy , Military anime
Sadly no, I have not played any Zelda till end
DAMN I have been discovered as a spammer
I know none of them , well I may knw them but not by name
I went to Kaynil's place to play some zelda and later discovered there was no zelda he trapped me to join this plac
@Pekachew Thanks a lot milady for comparing me with such a hot guy , no all girls must love me .... You know why I cant take mask OFF , because girls would get a heart attack!!!!!!
and you remind me of Pekachew from Zelda Cavern forums
and my bad guys I did a rcount and its 15 letter with two words
first having 8 letter and second having 7
What nobody is interested in my secrete ** goes in a corner and sulk**
wow @Kaynil nice name for zelda
No I'm not Good ...... I'm Evil Very Very Evil Muahahahahahaha *** Cheerful Music play in background*** what who switched my evil music cd's with cheerful one....
What else but Servo and Zelda let me think .. hehehehehe its a secrete
well Fairy Tale i just don't seem to like the series dunno why
Btw @Kaynil u voted for Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri in LWAT so how bout watching that next
Well Tekken 2 devil theme
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