Posts by OGSniper

    Hey there, OGSniper, not sure if we've crossed paths but welcome to Zelda Cavern!
    How are you doing?

    What Zelda game got you in the series and which one is your favourite?

    Hey hey, doing alright. I got some minor stuff going on in life, but I mean who doesnt have problems.

    I watched my older siblings play Zelda games (LOZ, LOZ II, ALTTP, WW) growing up but I first played one in about maybe 2018 or 2019. It was Link's Awakening DX for the Gameboy. I really liked it, so I continued to collect them and play them.

    My favorite one has to be Majoras Mask.

    I still think OOT is the greatest, but I like MM the most.

    Hiya, everyone! I am OGSniper. I am a member on a lot of different Forums and I use the same name on all of the other Forums that I am on. If you know me from another Forum, give me a message.

    (Does this place get a lot of activity? It seems like it is a little...out of its prime, so to speak.)