Posts by Sardonic Pickle

    Nokia N-Gage, therefore Nokia.

    No, Nintendo is my fav, I guess Sony would be my 2nd. Yeah I'm mainstream.

    SEGA a very very close 3rd to Sony, I love my Mega Drive, but I wish I had more of it in my collection. So far so good though.

    No, I think Zelda has always been a little westernised. Since the idea of a young hero with a sword (knight style) going after the big bad monster and saving the princess is pretty western. Some people think Twilight Princess has too much 'anime' in it. I don't really give a toss to be honest, I like Twilight Princess. People are so critical of things now, everyone is a game designer without a qualification.

    It's always had a western feel to it, that's why it's done so well in the western market. If it was Final Fantasy like, then it'd be way too eastern for some people's tastes and they wouldn't be interested in Zelda. It has still some eastern stuff in the animations and such, but the games are still phenomenal.

    I voted "No" but I don't think it's stupid to think either way.

    Apparently Spider-Man comes in around half way through, so we may get to see a lot more of him.

    To be honest I'm only seeing it because of Spider-Man. I love Captain America, but not enough to run out and see his movies. Iron Man is cool, but ... eh. I've just always loved Spider-Man. I like the new look of Spidey, he looks very classic. At first I was a bit weirded out by the eyes, but now I've changed my mind and I love it. Basically I'm just happy always to see Spidey in movies. He's just awesome.

    Hey, look on the bright side. At least Zelda characters are somewhat human like in terms of design. As someone's who a fan of the Mario series (and it's spinoffs), trust me, the cosplays for those games are ten times worse. I've seen far better attempts at mimicking Link than I have at mimicking Mario. Or Wario. Or anyone else from those games.

    Haha yep, the Mario series should definitely stay out of cosplays :P if we're too take them seriously that is.

    So much respect.