Nintendo announces Switch Online & More

    • Official Post

    As unveiled today, Nintendo has finally revealed the plans regarding their upcoming subscription-based online service: Nintendo Switch Online.

    Within the details of announcement was a bit of an unexpected surprise: 20 NES games are going to be available on launch of the service that will be included in the monthly subscription. According to Nintendo, these 20 games will all have added online multiplayer capabilities, cooperative and/or competitive! Among these titles is the original Legend of Zelda!


    However, despite the news of the NES games being including with their new online platform, Nintendo has announced that they will not be bringing the Virtual Console to the Nintendo Switch[1], as has been done on previous platforms. This news game as a bit of a shock to the community, as seen throughout the respective Nintendo subreddits, but many hope that this is Nintendo taking the opportunity to rethink and rebrand classic gameplay -- the NES game selection coming to their online service may be an example of such.

    What are your thoughts on this announcement? My personal opinion is that while it is wonderful we're finally getting saves on the Switch, it still makes Nintendo the only current-gen console that doesn't offer a free method of preserving your saves[2]...I don't think you should have to pay a subscription to a monthly service to have the peace of mind knowing your hard work is safely backed up. Additionally, despite my excitement of NES games with online play, I feel a bit worried... With them axing the Virtual Console platform I worry they could be ignoring their consumers desires and throw away any plans to have older games playable on the Switch. I personally have always dreamed of having a centralized Nintendo hub where I can play their games from any point in their history without needing to carry decades worth of equipment and hardware, even if it forces me to repurchase the games digitally.



    • Official Post

    I think on PlayStation if you do not have PS Plus you are not allowed to backup saves on the cloud meaning they are all local.

    I want the ability to play my primary nnid on any switch I pickup and already have my saves in tow. (So long as there is an internet connection nearby or hotspot via phone to load them first)

  • Kyde May 8, 2018 at 9:29 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Nintendo announces Switch Online -- NES Games, Online Play, etc.” to “Nintendo announces Switch Online & More”.
    • Official Post

    I copied the thread from its original location to here also, so it would be displayed as site news.

    Oh golly, in that case I rewrote much of it and made it sounds significantly more news-worthy and added pictures, because we all need those. ^^

    Sadly, the front page doesn't seem to respect the text alignment and also doesn't restrain the images from going outside the size of the text area. I think there are CSS ways to prevent overflow like that, but I'd need to test it out sometime.

    • Official Post

    Gotta check the details. Not that long ago apparently twitter was exploting with Nintendo not bringing the Virtual Console to the switch and now you;re telling me we'll get NES games with added multiplayer modes. It is interesting. I am definitely curious to see where Nintendo is going with this.

    I copied the thread from its original location to here also, so it would be displayed as site news.

    Hahah. You could have just moved it it so all the comments remain in the same place. :P