Oh, yeah. I decided to join this board as well. Heheh, if I keep this up I guess I'll be very famous in the Zelda community one day. :ouch Hmm, how many boards am I registered to now? Geez, I've lost the count. At least I can't find it. Have anyone seen my count? :=p
Er... whatever. I am Link Æwondåslåmon and I'm her to burn, erm, I'm here to be your friend. Yep, to be your friend. I'm a really nice guy, but if you make me sad I will turn you into a walking torch. :=p But if you have trouble pronouncing my name, just call me ES. So much simpler.^_^
Things about me? Aww, do I really have to give you a boring introduction? Oh, whatever. I'm a bi male from Norway at 21 who likes to play video games (especially Zelda^_^) and write fantasy stories. Nowadays it's mostly Zelda fan fiction, but I do have some plans for my own original stories, one of them bein The Legacy of Alrik (actually, that's the codename). Did I mention that I'm an old schooler when it comes to video games? Well, I am. I like old games (especially from the NES) much more than more recent games, and the Zelda series is no exception.
So, yeah. Welcome me or welcome me. You decide. :=p