tomb raider: legend

  • they couldnt have made a smarter move giving this franchise back to CORE where it belongs. ok, so the game is seriously short and has a few to many cutscenes. that irked me pretty well *if i want to watch a movie, i'll put in a dvd*, BUT to be fair, this game really is pretty fun to play.

    first thing is its gorgeous to look at. while it might not have the greatest camera angles on earth *they only get in the way occasionally* its still fairly easy on the eyes.
    second: the control is superb! the environments are fun to play around in as they added silly, mean nothing places to see and other things to do. collecting rewards, the real reason to play tomb, as always. these are extremely difficult to find at times, especially the gold ones. you have to just use your imagination when figuring out where they are and then pretty much make a leap of faith in order to find out if youre right, there in revealing the fun in this game.
    like exploring? like to observe? this is the game for you. do yourself a favor and rent it before you buy it. only true tomb raider fans will enjoy this and it costs to much for the short period of time that it plays for. rental or wait till it comes down in price.

    Holder of the Triforce of Wisdom