• What Did You Think of X-3? 3

    1. I fully recommend it. (1) 33%
    2. I haven't seen it yet but I plan to. (0) 0%
    3. It was so so. (2) 67%
    4. Saw it. Hated it. (0) 0%
    5. Haven't seen it and don't plan to. (0) 0%

    I thought it was pretty good. Thoughts?

    <br />&quot;Brothers! What we do in life, echoes in eternity!&quot;<br /><br />-Russel Crowe, Gladiator

  • The story could have been WAY better!


    If they wouldn't have killed of Cyclops, things would have been better. I know he was in Superman Returns so he had to work on that movie. But killing Cyclops, Jean, and Prof X was stupid. Makes no sense in the comic book stands. However, they aren't going to make a 4th movie, rather do invidicual movies on each character. I heard Wolverine is gonna have one.. okay thats bout it.

    Sora /Aramil<br />Server Administrator <br />Northfire IRC Network [irc.northfire.org]<br />Please visit us on IRC!<br />