The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

  • Opinion? 0

    1. Can't wait till it comes out. (0) 0%
    2. Wants it (0) 0%
    3. might buy it (0) 0%
    4. Not going to buy it (0) 0%

    A lot of people know about it already I just want to know your thoughts, hopes and expectations for the game.

    Formerly known as Spiff


    Ok... more overworld time. But, I still want it just cuz Zelda's awesome.

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.

  • Remember Miyamoto's words before: "TP will be the last Zelda game of it's kind..."

    With this game, we get all stylus, a new type of enemy that can't be killed, but can kill you in one hit(chasers), and a new dungeon-type theme. This theme consists of one master dungeon, but you can only work your way through it little by little. It's like, you gotta do stuff in the overworld and smaller dungeons, then come back and do some of the master, then go do more overworld and smaller dungeons, come back and do some of the master, etc.

    Hell, it's still the same Zelda formula we've had for 20+ years, they're just finally starting to tweak it. I mean, come on, this is Nintendo we're talking. They know what they're doing, I'm looking forward to this game, and I do not think Nintendo would screw up one of their top series. They're just going for something new, and seeing if they can succeed with it, and the way it looks like the game's doing in Japan, I'd say they succeeded.

    That's my 2 cents.

  • (btw, EB games pwns all the other game stores :P)

    Did you watch the two boss battles on the main site? They look interesting, and the two fairies you see at the end of each boss I think have something to do with Din and then Nayru. Their colors... their symbols... you do tend to collect things like that XD

    I'm psychic. When you see "-*-" my powers activate.

  • Quote from Wild Cucco

    (btw, EB games pwns all the other game stores :P)

    Hellz no. Gamestop pwnz it. Hellz yeah. =P

    Yeah, i'm still wondering what the hourglass itself is and does...and I'm sad because the Wind Waker has not been shown. Which sucks. I was hoping PH would bring out it's true potential, just like MM brought out the Ocarina of Time's true potential. Oh well.

  • Quote from TriforceMaster3000

    Hellz no. Gamestop pwnz it. Hellz yeah. =P

    Yeah, i'm still wondering what the hourglass itself is and does...

    They both pwn they're owned by the same company. As for the houglass I think it is the time you are allowed in the dungeons.

    Formerly known as Spiff

  • Quote from spiff

    They both pwn they're owned by the same company. As for the houglass I think it is the time you are allowed in the dungeons.

    The dungeon that Tetra is captured in, with the Power of the Phantom Hourglass you can walk in through the Dungeon for a certain amount of time.

  • kthxbai!

    heres what i have gathered from the various PH videos around the web:
    1st dungeon= din fairy
    2nd dungeon= nayru fairy
    3rd dungeon= forae fairy
    then theres somesort of climax(sword obtained, ect.)
    so link has to free those 3 goddess fairys in the begining for some reason...