Lunar Children & The Moon
- Official Post
I've only actually played Majora's Mask once, back in like 2002-2003. So my memory for the details, and ability to theorize about the game's meaning, is not so good.
My personal view is that a division has taken place within Skull Kid. When you're drunk, sometimes you'll do or say something, and a little voice in the back of your head will go "Huh. I would not have done that if I was sober. I would have thought about doing it, but I wouldn't have actually done it." Your normal controls over yourself aren't working the way they normally do. Which isn't usually a problem if you drink responsibly.
The mask is like being really, super, evil-magic level drunk. It's drawing out Skull Kid's worst impulses, and suppressing his inhibitions to the point where they're completely isolated. Skull Kid, after all, is a lonely and bitter person. I'm sure there are moments when he thinks how much better it would be if he just blew up the whole world. Of course, he'd never do it when he's sober.
The kid sitting alone is Skull Kid's control over himself. The kids which represent the giants are trying to reach him, but they can't.
Don't do Majora's Mask, kids.
Don't do Majora's Mask, kids.
Never realized it was a drug.
- Official Post
Hells yeah, man. But it's not one of the good drugs, like weed. It's one of the bad drugs, like meth.
Hells yeah, man. But it's not one of the good drugs, like weed. It's one of the bad drugs, like meth.
Well, I was going to say it's the worst of the worst, like LCD... butttttt lets save the whole drug content for another topic
- Official Post
I would totally take some LCD if I could get my hands on it. But yeah, perhaps for another thread.
How does my interpretation of the moon children jive with your own?
How does my interpretation of the moon children jive with your own?To be honest, you got the same idea down, just a bit different from what I would have said. All in all.. Nintendo was on shrooms when they made this game xD
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