The Rapture

  • Quote from Shadow

    Well my good christian friend told me is that you go to heaven if you accept Jesus in your heart but, I have lusted so many times and cussed :'(

    dude I cuss all the time and still believe in our lord.

  • Flag on the play here, No believer is perfect. But, as the bible says you should ask God for forgiveness of your sins.

  • Quote from mortuaries

    forgive me father for i have sinned

    Thats catholic, sorry to say it, but the only father is the lord god almighty.

  • Quote from Shadow

    And to make matters worse I don't go to church :'(

    Not trying to force anything upon you, but it would be a good idea to go to church.

  • Quote from Shadow

    Yea but, I don't like going to church

    In the end whats more important to you? Going to heaven? or Hell?

  • Hey it's ok if he doesn't like going to church, thats the beauty of free speech and thinking. I mean I was once quite a religious person, my nan was a deep Christian and we had our little pray every night. I was very young at the time probably somewhere between 7-10 and I didn't know what to believe, but I guess it gave me comfort a comfort I had very little understanding of. Over the time I have become very detached from all that since my nan died and I began to "see the light" so to speak. I won't go into it all but let's say i'm not a religious person as such, although I do believe in a life after death. I mean its comforting to believe that death is not the end.

  • Never once did i say it wasn't ok, i was merely asking what he would rather do, go to hell or heaven. And the beauty of freedom of speech is that i can say that.