• -Name: Aeson Dane (Im usually Maverick Aurion but me and Cneaus mixed it up a bit)
    -Age: 17
    -Gender: Male
    -Race: Half Elf
    -Height: 6'3:
    -Weight: 220
    -Armor: Dragon Hides and a Ranger Cloak
    -Weapons: Oak Longbow, small thief's dagger, good supply of arrows
    -Physical Attacks: Gives a good punch
    -Magical attacks:

    Fire: Fire Arrow (like Link's) and Fireball (shoots ball oif fire at target)
    Water: Water Blast (just a blask of water :P) Wave (wave of water), Undertow (if anyone falls into water it sucks under target)
    Ice: Icicle (shoots icicle at target) Freeze (temporarily freezes enemy)
    Lightning: Bolt (small lightning bolt hits target) Lightning Blast (shoots small ball of lightning at opponent)
    Light: Heal (a simple healing spell)

    -Weakness: Weak to Earth and Dark attacks
    -Appearance: Tall and Muscular. Black hair and green eyes. Has a good tan.
    -Personality: Has his share of fun, but is serious in his work. He is fairly intelligent and is mechanical too.

    After a pirate raid killed his family and burned his village, Aeson was left with nothing. The attack happened when he was 7. Aeson hid during the attack. He was fortunate enough not to be found and a week later Aeson was found starving by an older couple who lived in a town a hour or say away on foot. Aeson was brought up by the couple and had a brother who also survived a tragedy as well. Cneaus and Aeson had many adventures together. He had set his life on finding the pirates who killed his family and taking revenge for what he lost. When Cneaus decided to become a pirate Aeson was strongly against the idea. The two fought day and night and one morning when Aeson woke up, Cneaus was gone. When Cneaus returned a year later to make a crew of his own, Aeson grudgingly joined after finding out that Cneaus would help him find the pirates that killed his family.
    He longed for the day he would take his revenge

    East side love is living on the west end.

    In Soumasian: M?verik Ari?n

  • You need to explain his bio more. And his weapons, About how much damage does it do?

    And the water seems a bit strong, Just make it so you cant kill anyone whenever.

    And you forgot his strengths

    And his personallity.

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.
