• Name: James Martino

    Age: 17

    Race: Magic Wielding Human

    Sex: Male

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Forest green

    Weapon: Wields a sword with a black blade and a red hilt that he has had tempered several times. When James isn't using his sword he keeps it in in his scabbard that is strapped across his back. He also has a solid green steel kite shield which he recieved from his adoptive father.

    Strengths: James is muscular which adds on to his defense. He is also immune to excessive heat.

    Weaknesses: Since James is muscular that makes him slow not to mention that he gets colder quicker due to him liking heat.


    Magic -

    Dragons Rage - Creates a flaming dragon that rushes towards James' enemies.This magic attack is nearly unblockable if this attack can scorch anything in its path. If this attack is blocked it barely does any damage.

    Skills -

    Flame tongue - James can set his sword on fire with the following colored flames (coolest to hottest): Red, blue, green, and white. When James sets his sword on fire it can do extra damage depending on what color the flame is. Regular sword (no flames) does minimum damage and with a white flame does maximum damage.

    Teleportation - James is able to teleport. This skill takes no energy to use, so he can warp anywhere at anytime he wishes

    Kuroi Ryu No Densetsu (The Legend Of the Black Dragon - When James shouts/says/mutters This phrase he does a strike/seires of strikes at a remarkable speed. James can combine this attack with his flame tongue ability for extra dammage.

    Doppelganger - James can also make clones of himself. He can make up to 10 clones at one time. The more Clones he makes the quicker his energy will drain.

    Theme Song: Godsmack - I Stand Alone

    Appearance: James is 6"7 170Lb.s.He wears a red sleaveless shirt and green long pants, He has a scar from right above his right eyebrow to under his left eye. James also wears a navy blue cloak all the time and barely takes the hood off. He even wears solid white Nike

    Personality: James is the kind of person that tries to look out for his teammates. He tries to get along with people. But get on his bad side and you might die. James enjoys the thrill of a fight. He hates losing in battle and follows orders of those who are in control of a party or squadren. Other then that he follows his own path.

    Biography: James grew up as an orphan, so he doesn't know his birth parents when he turned 15 his adoptive ather gave him his sword and kite shield. A year after he got his sword his adoptive parents died. Now he roams countless realms improving his skills that he learned during his training. While he was roaming through a certain realm He came across an old man who taught him the skills that he knows.

  • You have some minor errors, including spelling.

    Biography is too short. A simple explaination on why he left his home would be nice.

    Some of the attacks and such are too powerful. There has always has to be on a limit on everything, including the teleport.