Legendary Knights still not official YGO TCG cards?

  • *Yay for Long title*

    If you watch the anime, you would know the three Legendary Knights of Atlantis: Lord Timaeus, Sir Hermos/Hellmos, and Sir Critias. They however, STILL have not appeared as cards!



    Sir Hermos:

    Quote from TriforceMaster3000

    timaeus can be equipped with any monster on your field or in your hand, and it gains the ability, then same thing for critias, except you have to activate the trap and use its effect, then when it would go to the graveyard, equip it to critias, and you can also equip monsters. Hermos would be hard, because he makes equips by fusing with other monsters. I would say maybe equip it and the monster of your choice to ANOTHER monster, and that monster gains not hermos, but the other monster's effect. Or something. And when the monster is gone, both hermos and the other equip monster are gone. If either hermos or the other equip monster are gone, the other equip is gone too. Like that

    That's for their dragon forms only.

    What I say about their Knight forms is this:

    -Timaeus would have an effect like Polymerization to fuse with Critias and Hermos at the cost of Life points and they would separate every time the owner turn ended.
    - Knight of Destiny, their fusion, would be have the same attack as all three Knight and the same Defense (2800/1900?). His effect would be able to destroy one card on the field, but he cannot attack that same turn. Somewhat similar to Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning.
    -Kritius would bring a trap from the graveyard and then activate it during battle, but the Trap would be removed from play.
    -Hellmos/Hermos would remove three monsters from your deck to the grave to negate one attack that turn and it could only be used once.

    Yet Konami hasn't really bothered with these monsters, and I guess they are anime only brand.

    I really think that Konami should bring the Knights in for the TCG. Maybe not as playable, but collectible.

  • Hmmm...I haven't played YuGiOh in 2 years, but when I did, I was a pretty damn good player...my theory for this is that they're waiting for a special reason (new starter dack) or because they're simply the kind of cards that would be totally misused if they were put out to the public...

    Yes. A Starter Deck would be a nice convo with them.

    I just hope they will not abuse them like the Egyptian God.

  • I havn't seen the shows or played the game in a long time D: There was one game that I LOVED. Its called Yu-Gi-Oh Dulest of the Hearts. Awsome game. Purely fun. But, Uh... I havnt seen anything of what your taking about so... I have no clue o_O

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