• I'm stuck again in the early stages of the story. I really don't want to go back and delete some shit to help with the story.

    I need help on how I want Shrukan to move, grow, and learn about his powers. That and also get revenge against Avinash, aka The Plague.

    Here's a quick list of what is going on:

    • Shrukan got his power of Balance. He can use fire, water, ice, lightning, wind, earth, light, and dark, but cannot control them.
    • He never learned to use swords. He's fairly new to using them, and he's really weak with em.
    • Avinash is searching for Shrukan and try to kill him. In trying to kill him in the beginning, Shrukan's stepfather intervened and took the blow from Avinash's sword.
    • Shrukan keeps having dreams about the future, and namely what may or may not happen. Around this area I'm stuck, so this is mainly an idea.

    Shrukan has no choice but to leave his homeland in the Mountains and has to travel around to learn and such.

    But I need ideas to help me continue. Anyone have ideas?