• Anyone heard about this show? It's a bit funny, but not a whole lot. I don't watch it either, but this is the only funny part I like:


    Crack an egg... *throws egg at wall*
    Add one cup of Sugar. *Swallows sugar, but spits it back into bowl when told he messed up*
    Introduce two sticks of butter to the bowl. Mr Butter, meet Ms. Butter.

  • Eh, I didn't really find it funny that much. I mean, sure it has its ups and downs (I like that mammoth guy), but overall I guess it's ok. Not as good as Billy & Mandy or KND, but good.

    So I have a girl in my sig, big whoop, wanna fight about it?
    Sprites! < Still a W.I.P.

    Quote from The Shoutbox

    *Muigi has banned the user YOUR FACE from the shoutbox*

    http://muigi01.deviantart.com/ Feel free to stop by!

  • It sucks, it has a bad voice acting in it. But, CartoonNetwork really needs to focus on Anime in my opinion.
    Otherwise, the only shows i like on CN are: Billy and Mandy, Naruto!

    If you want this type of sig go to:

    90% of teens today would die if Myspace had a system failure and was completely destroyed. If you are one of the 10% that would be laughing, copy and paste this to your signature.