• Heh! Hi, I'm Blaze.:tplink:
    I'm PL's cousin.


    What are you waiting for? A house to fall on your head? Welcome me! =P

    Sprite animated by Wild Cucco
    Formerly known as Platinum X

  • Heh! Hi, I'm Blaze.:tplink:
    I'm PL's cousin.


    What are you waiting for? A house to fall on your head? Welcome me! =P

    NO WAI!


    My undercover name is Blaze_Dranor... Which really isn't undercover anymore... but, um...

    Welcome, to the greatest place on the internetz besides pron!

    ~[Most perverted '07]~
    ~/<><{[Tywar - Tyna]}><>\~

  • I know. I like it already. Can't seem to place why my cousin left this place....Thanks, though Tywar.

    Sprite animated by Wild Cucco
    Formerly known as Platinum X