• Chapter Eighteen: The Gerudo Leader (Part 2 of 2)

    They sat in silence for a time, and then they could hear two people approaching. Soon, the guard led a young woman into the room. Zale and Lila stood at their entrance. Zale was happy to see that the woman wasn’t in chains.

    As the three sat down, Zale asked, “You are Riju, daughter of Nabooru?”

    The woman nodded. “Yes,” she said simply.

    Zale continued, “It is my understanding that you are the next in line to be leader of the Gerudo.”

    Riju showed no emotion as she asked, “Did my mother tell you that?”

    “Yes,” Zale said.

    “Then it is so,” Riju said. She sat back in her chair, arms crossed.

    The hairs rose on the back of Zale’s neck. Something about Riju felt hostile. He supposed being raised under Ganondra’s reign molded her differently than Nabooru. He would have to be careful when dealing with her.

    Zale asked,” Will you speak for your people?”

    “Yes,” Riju said.

    “Then we can begin,” Zale responded. “I know you want your freedom. I want that for you as well. If you cooperate with our demands, you may have it.” He paused, but Riju merely watched him with her steady gaze. “Our demands are simple: stop harassing men, and allow them to see their daughters.”

    Riju exploded, “Unacceptable!” She raised from her seat with her fists clenched. “What you ask cannot be done! Our land is sacred. No man may step foot there.”

    Zale stayed seated and remained calm. “I’m not asking you to allow men into your land. I’m sure you can arrange to let fathers see their daughters outside of the Gerudo Desert.”

    “That is not our way,” Riju asserted. “I cannot meet with your demands.”

    “Then I’m afraid there’s only one other option left to you,” Zale said solemnly. “You and your people will no longer be allowed in Hyrule. You will have to relocate after being released from our prison. I will give you time to decide.”

    With that, he stood and knocked on the door. Lila followed him out of the small room, leaving Riju behind. Zale stalked down the hall and Lila hurried to keep up with him.

    “Are you okay?” Lila asked.

    “Me?” Zale said. “I’m fine. It’s Riju I’m worried about. I really wanted to have peace between our people.”

    “Not everyone feels the same way you do,” Lila said.

    “I know,” Zale sighed. “I just hoped…” He sighed again and stopped his mad walk. “I think I know what option she’ll choose, and there’s nothing I can do to change her mind.”

    Lila placed a hand on his shoulder. He grasped it with his hand and shut his eyes. They were alone. He took a few calming breaths and then turned around to meet her eyes.

    “It is her choice. I need not worry about the matter.”

    “That’s right,” Lila said. “You have more important things to deal with.”

    Zale sighed and looked down. “Yeah.”

    “I’m sorry!” Lila said. “She tilted his chin up again. “Don’t worry about it! You’ll be fine!” She smiled and he smiled back.

    “Do you know that I love you?” Zale let slip out.

    Lila blushed, not expecting his words. “You may have mentioned it.” Her eyes flitted to his lips and then back up.

    They stood gazing into each other’s eyes. Time seemed to stop. Zale’s body temperature rose. Was this a good idea? Could he stop himself if it wasn’t? There was nothing in the world he wanted more than Lila.

    Slowly, gently, their lips met. There was no saying who initiated the kiss. They were one. Zale and Lila. Lila and Zale. Together, the only people in the whole world. Nothing could be sweeter.

    When it was over, Zale wished for more, but his duties tugged at him. He ignored them and pulled Lila in for a deeper kiss. He couldn’t get enough of her. She was the most precious thing to him. He shunned the idea of having to leave her, even for a second. All he cared about was Lila. His love. His life.

    Finally, Lila broke away. Breathless, she said, “We have a rehearsal to attend. Besides, what would people think if they saw us together like this?”

    “Who cares what others think!” Zale said just as breathless. “Let me love you.” He leaned in for another kiss, but she pushed him away.

    “Not now. We’ll save it for another time.” Lila disentangled from his grasp and pulled him along down the hallways.

    Zale sighed, a smile on his lips.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Nineteen: The Rehearsal (Part 1 of 2)

    Zale and Lila smiled at each other all through lunch. They didn’t look at anyone else while they ate. Ella kept trying to engage them in conversation, but they only gave hums in answer. They had to be reminded to eat several times and were the last ones to finish eating.

    Eventually, the party moved to the throne room where several people waited. There was the Royal Choir, which consisted of six members. There were also four guards in heavier armor than usual. One wore red, another green, the third was in blue, and the last wore purple. Each one carried a cushion on which rested a dull rock. Finally, there was an old man dressed in ornate white and gold robes. Zale knew him as his father’s advisor Eugene. Everyone bowed when they caught sight of Zale.

    “Please rise,” Zale said uncomfortably. He would have to get used to people bowing to him.

    “Now that you have arrived, Prince Zale,” Eugene said cordially, “we may begin the rehearsal.”

    Eugene started by arranging everyone into their proper places. The choir went to the back, on the right side of the throne. The four knights mirrored them. The advisor stood in front of the throne, and Zale was in front of him on the steps. Ella was placed in front of the choir, while Lila and Salvatore stood on opposite sides of the throne.

    “First will be your performance,” Eugene said. “You will be able to practice that later. Then I put this robe over your shoulders to symbolize the sailcloth…” Eugene pulled out a white robe. When he unfurled it, the Hylian crest adorned the back. He placed the robe over Zale and then continued.

    “Next will be the presentation of the Royal Jewels. Knights, come forward.”

    The knights took one step forward and then turned abruptly toward Zale. He looked at them curiously.

    Eugene said, “They have rocks for now but will have the jewels when the real ceremony commences. Prince Zale, you will take each one as they are presented to you and will name their corresponding element.”

    The green knight came forward first. He knelt in front of Zale and held up his cushion. Zale took the rock and said, “Earth.”

    The red knight was next, to which Zale declared, “Fire.”

    The blue knight, water, was followed by the purple knight, wind.

    “Now repeat after me,” Eugene said. “With these four elements, I vow to protect and rule Hyrule with an eye toward peace.”

    Zale repeated the words, staring out into the invisible crowd.

    “Then the knights will take back the jewels.” One by one, the knights did just that.

    “And there’s just one more step to go,” Eugene said. He handed Zale a book. Zale opened it and revealed blank pages.

    “Hold that open and repeat after me. I vow to record the history of Hyrule as sacred knowledge to be passed down to my inheritors.”

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Nineteen: The Rehearsal (Part 2 of 2)

    While Zale said the words, Eugene placed the crown on Zale’s head. Suddenly everything felt heavy, like the crown carried all of the burdens of the entire kingdom. Zale’s breathing became labored and he struggled to get the words out. He thought of his father lying dead in the road and wished he could talk to him once more, despite the final farewell he had been granted. At the last word, Zale dropped the book and collapsed.

    Lila was by his side in an instant. She knelt on the steps of the throne and cradled Zale in her lap.

    “Zale, what’s wrong? Talk to me!”

    His face and lips were pale, but his eyes fluttered open.

    “What happened?” he asked wearily.

    Lila hugged him to her chest and Salvatore said, “You passed out. Are you alright, sire?”

    Zale held a hand to his head. He felt dizzy.

    “Perhaps a little something to eat and a glass of water will help,” Eugene suggested.

    Salvatore bowed, saying, “Yes, sir,” and left.

    Eugene continued, “I’ve seen this before. Your father did the same thing when he received the crown.”

    “He did?” Zale asked.

    “Oh yes. There was so much on his mind. Grieving the loss of his wife, caring for a young child, and having to rule the kingdom.”

    The revelation brought Zale closer to his father. He started to feel the dizziness subside and sat up on his own. Lila kept a hand on his shoulder.

    “I think I know some of how he felt,” Zale said. “Thank you for sharing.”

    Eugene bowed and said, “You’re welcome, sire.”

    Salvatore hurried back into the room holding a piece of bread and a cup of water. He handed the items to Zale.

    Zale said, “Thank you, Salvatore,” even though he felt like he didn’t need the sustenance.

    While he ate, Eugene said, “You’ll be alright soon enough. Just take your time.”

    Zale nodded and finished off the bread. Then he washed it down with the water. He handed the glass back to Salvatore and got to his feet with Lila’s help. He said, “Thank you for the respite. I feel much better.”

    Lila squeezed his hand and then went back to her post.

    Ella handed the fallen crown to Eugene.

    “Thank you, dear. Should we run that part again?”

    They practiced each of Zale’s vows until he could say them without prompting, then went through the whole ceremony one more time. Afterward, the choir and Ella got to join in as they played and sang with Zale’s harp. They rehearsed until everyone was satisfied. Though exhausted, Zale invited all of the participants to dinner, after which he gladly went to bed.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty: A King’s Funeral (Part 1 of 2)

    The funeral was held early the next morning, too early for Lila’s taste. Zale felt a lump in his throat as he prepared for the ceremony. He let tears fall as he put on his special clothing and looked in the mirror. He appeared more regal than he felt. He felt like a lonely little boy about to say goodbye to his father for the last time.

    He looked at his eyes in the mirror and steadied himself. Memories of his father’s life came into his mind. He would remember the happy times, however few, and not the sad times. He would make the funeral a celebration, not a day of mourning.

    In the Temple of Time, adjacent to Hyrule Castle, crowds gathered awaiting the day’s events. Hyrulians of every race came to pay their respects to the fallen king and witness the rise of the new king. Hylians were predominant, but there were also Gorons and Zoras.

    The generals held a place of honor at the front of the crowd. With them were their spouses and their children. They all wore their most ceremonial attire. Even Lila was given a fancy outfit to wear, and she adorned the Master Sword proudly.

    Lila and Salvatore escorted Zale to the Temple of Time when he was ready. No one had the heart to speak, but Zale held Lila’s hand the whole while.

    Zale was pleased to see that Impa had returned. She wore traditional Hylian armor to blend in. Zale wondered if there were other Sheikah in attendance and glanced around, looking for white hair and red eyes. He caught sight of a Sheikah woman standing near Ella and Nellie. Good. Presumably, that was Ella’s new guard. Zale would have to compliment Impa on her speedy work.

    Before Zale entered the ceremony room, Salvatore went forward to announce him. The crowd bowed until Zale and LIla were seated near the casket. Ella was already there, and Zale wondered if she had been announced like he had. He watched the crowd. They were whispering and pointing at Ella, a strange girl so high in the ranks and so beautifully dressed. Zale deduced that she had not been announced. That would be his job later on.

    While looking at the crowd, Zale was surprised to see Link, Zelda, and even Rova. He caught Zelda’s eye and gave her a nod. Some of those around them looked around to see who the prince was nodding to. Link, Zelda, and Rova pulled their hoods closer over their heads.

    Zale then turned his attention to the room. It was beautiful, with stained-glass windows lining the upper part of the walls. The images depicted were of important events in Hyrule’s history, including the Twilight War. Prominently displayed at the head of the room were the glass images of the Hero of Courage, the Princess of Wisdom, and the Wizard of Power. A calmness came over Zale as he looked at the portrait of the princess.

    A few flowers decorated the room. A large bouquet of warm safflinas rested upon the king’s casket. Two portraits of the king stood as sentinels on either side of the casket, completing the decorations.

    It came time for the funeral ceremony to start, and Eugene took his place in front of the casket. He was wearing the same robes as yesterday.

    “Hyruleans, we gather here today to honor a great man, King Gaepora Nohansen Hyrule. As advisor to the king, I had the pleasure of getting to know him personally.”

    Eugene gave a moving speech that taught Zale some things about his father he didn’t know. Afterward, the Royal Choir sang a beautiful hymn. Then, Eugene performed the ceremonial magic that made the casket disappear in a flash of light. In its place, a mask hovered, turning in the colored lights of the stained-glass windows. Eugene took the mask in both hands and, walking slowly and deliberately, presented it to Zale. Tears slid down his cheeks as he beheld the face of his father.

    Eugene bent down and whispered, “I’m sorry for your loss. That goes in the Royal Treasury.”

    Zale nodded his thanks since his throat was choked up.

    Eugene returned to his place and bowed to the crowd. Everyone bowed back to him, including Zale and the royal party. There was a moment of silence with everyone’s heads hanging low. Then Eugene straightened up, signaling for everyone to do the same, and said, “This concludes the funeral ceremony. This evening will commence the coronation. Thank you.”

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty: A King’s Funeral (Part 2 of 2)

    The crowd began to disperse. Zale stayed in his seat, staring at the mask of his father. The tears dried up and he called to mind the happy times. He smiled at Lila and said, “Let’s get lunch.”

    Lila wiped a tear from his cheek. She smiled back. “Okay, my prince.”

    The time between the funeral and the coronation was uneventful, except for when Zale stole secret kisses from Lila. Soon enough, it was time for Zale to receive his crown. The ceremony went smoothly, and then it was time for Zale’s announcement. Eugene stepped back to give the new king room.

    With the crown on his head and the blank book in one hand, Zale said, “Thank you all for attending. It is an honor to serve you, people of Hyrule. I promise to rule with a kind heart, just like my father. It is my pleasure to announce my successor. My sister, Princess Zelda. Ella, come here,” he added gently.

    While the young girl stepped lightly to Zale’s side, the crowd murmured in hushed though shocked tones.

    “Princess Zelda has been kept a secret for her protection, but now it is time for her to reveal herself,” Zale explained. “Should I die before a new heir is old enough, she will become the new queen.” He nodded to Eugene who came forward again.

    Eugene said, “All hail King Zale and Princess Zelda,” and knelt.

    “All hail King Zale and Princess Zelda,” the crowd repeated, also kneeling.

    After a silent moment, everyone stood up again.

    Eugene said, “Thus concludes the coronation ceremony. Everyone, please enjoy yourselves. This is a joyous day!”

    The crowd cheered and slowly left the throne room. Many people threw looks at the royal party as they waited their turns to exit. Zale wasted no time in leaving the room as well, his hand clasped tightly to Lila’s. Though it was dinner time, Zale led her to a private room. His heart fluttered wildly.

    Lila giggled as he closed the door. “You’ll be missed at dinner.”

    “Who cares about dinner,” Zale said. He was flushed with excitement. “There’s something important I have to ask you.” His eyes shone brightly.

    Lila caught his mood and she had to gasp. “What is it?”

    Zale knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his. He took a deep breath. “Will you be my queen?”

    Lila’s open mouth held a ghost of a smile.

    Zale went on, “You’re the most amazing, beautiful, courageous woman! Will you be my wife, for me to love you forever? I know, being a queen may seem like a lot of work, but I’ll be by your side–”

    “Yes,” Lila said, breathless.

    “Yes?” Zale asked, rising to hug her. “Yes?”

    Tears were in Lila’s eyes as she smiled and nodded. “Yes!”

    Zale held her up and twirled her around.

    “Yes! You said yes!”

    “Yes, I did,” Lila giggled. “I will be your wife!”

    Zale kissed her passionately, again and again. They leaned against the wall, kissing with all of their might.

    Then Lila’s stomach grumbled loud enough for both of them to hear.

    “Oh! I’m sorry!” Zale said. “I’ve kept you from dinner. Shall we tell everyone the good news?”

    Lila’s eyes glimmered like the stars. “Yes, why wait?”

    Zale laughed, “Good point!”

    They walked hand in hand to the dining room, which was unusually full. Link and Zelda weren’t there, but the generals and their families were. Everyone was waiting for the king to arrive.

    Zale couldn’t help himself. As he entered the room, he held up Lila’s hand and declared, “We’re going to be married!”

    The room erupted into applause. Congratulations were thrown around like confetti. The happy couple took their usual seats at the head of the table. Then dinner was served.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-One: The Fight (Part 1 of 2)

    The next day was LIla’s fight with Link over the Master Sword. She woke up unusually early (for her) to practice in the yard. She had been too busy the last two days to practice. After a while, Zale came to watch her.

    “You weren’t at breakfast,” he said.

    Lila didn’t pause her movements. “I’m too riled up to eat.” Her stomach growled in protest.

    Zale laughed. “Sounds to me like you’re ready for some food.”

    Lila finished her forms and put away her sword. “Okay, you win,” she teased.

    He led her to the dining room, where everyone else had finished eating. He ordered a servant to bring Lila some food and then she chowed down. Zale watched her feeding frenzy.

    “Slow down,” he laughed. “There’s no need to rush.”

    Lila listened to his advice and tried to slow down. She swallowed what was in her mouth and said, “I just want to get back to practicing. I haven’t used my sword in so long.”

    “It has only been a few days, my sweet.”

    “That’s too long,” Lila retorted, though she couldn’t help smiling at what he called her.

    Link entered the room with a serious look on his face. “When will we start the fight?”

    “As soon as Lila’s done eating,” Zale said.

    “Hang on,” Lila protested. “Give me some time to digest after. Link, have you eaten?”

    “I don’t need to eat.” Then his stomach growled.

    Lila and Zale laughed. Lila said, “It seems your stomach says otherwise. Pull up a chair. Join me.”

    Grudgingly, Link sat down and got his own plate. Zale told the servant to bring more food.

    Zale said, “Warriors need to eat a lot if they’re to keep their strength up.”

    Neither Link nor Lila replied.

    Zale continued, “So, this fight. I don’t want either of you hurt too badly, so I want you to be careful. Just tap your opponent. When one of you surrenders or is obviously at a disadvantage, the other wins. Can I get you both to agree to that?”

    Lila nodded and said, “Yes, sir!”

    Link was more solemn when he said, “I’ll do as you say.”

    “Good,” Zale said. “Now hurry up and eat so we can get this over with.”

    An hour later, Lila and Link were well-fed and rested. The time had come for their fight.

    Zale made sure the practice yard was clear. He didn’t want anyone besides himself and Zelda to witness the fight, even Ella. He allowed Salvatore and Impa to be there, however. Salvatore in case they needed anything, and Impa because she was Zale’s personal guard.

    Lila and Link each took down a soldier’s blade and felt the balance. Both agreed the swords were acceptable and stood in the center of the practice yard.

    “Remember,” Zale said from the side, “I want a clean fight. Be careful.”

    “You got it,” Lila said, eyeing her opponent.

    Link merely nodded.

    “Ready?” Salvatore called out. “Go!”

    Link lunged forward only for Lila to block. She smoked. This was going to be easy.

    Zale watched fascinated as the two moved through forms one after another. Sometimes the weapons and feet moved too fast for his eyes to follow. They appeared equally matched, and Zale wondered who could possibly be the winner.

    They moved across the yard. Sometimes Lila would push Link back. Sometimes it was the other way around. However, often they were in the middle, their swords ringing off of each other in a fierce battle.

    The fight dragged on and on. Five minutes went by. Then ten. Fifteen minutes and they still parried one another’s thrusts. Sweat made their tunics cling to them.

    Eventually, their movements slowed. Their attacks became more wild. Lila drew the first blood. A tiny scratch on Link’s wrist. After that, blood was struck more and more.

    “Be careful!” Zale shouted, getting worried. He thought Link was becoming reckless in his attacks. He seemed to have the upper hand all of a sudden.

    Then Zale saw something that chilled him to the bone. Link’s next attack was going to kill Lila. Without thinking, Zale threw himself into the fight. He managed to block Link, but at what cost? His vision blurred and blackened. He fell.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-One: The Fight (Part 2 of 2)

    “Zale!” Lila shouted. She threw her sword to the side and caught the king as he fell. Salvatore and Impa rushed to their side.

    “What have you done?” Salvatore demanded of Link.

    “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to,” Link said, shock plain on his sweat-drenched face.

    “Zale, hang in there,” Lila coaxed.

    Impa took the king from Lila and ran him to the infirmary. After a moment of hesitation, Salvatore followed.

    Lila threw herself at Link and wept. Surprised, he wrapped his arms around her. He stroked her hair, trying to comfort her. To comfort her! A minute ago he tried to kill her!

    “He’ll be okay, won’t he?” Lila sobbed. “He has to be okay. We’re g-going to get m-married.”

    Zelda came close and caught Link’s eye. They held a silent conversation over Lila’s head. Link seemed to say, “I can’t do it.”

    “Come with me, dear,” Zelda said, pulling Lila from Link. “It will be alright. We’ll go to the infirmary and check on King Zale.”

    Lila clung to Zelda as she led her away. Link followed listlessly. They made a slow procession to the infirmary. Lila kept muttering between sobs, “He has to be okay!”

    The infirmary was in a flurry. A nurse saw Lila’s group and ushered them out, saying, “You can’t come in here just now. Oh, I see you two are bleeding. How bad is it?”

    “We can wait,” Link said through the lump in his throat.

    “Good,” the nurse said and scurried off.

    Salvatore and Impa were standing outside of the infirmary. Impa took Lila from Zelda and held her soothingly. Salvatore rounded on Link.

    “What were you thinking?” Salvatore demanded. Link held his head in shame. “You were about to kill Lila, and instead you may have killed the king!”

    “I’m sorry,” Link whispered. “I-I-all I can say is I’m sorry.”

    Salvatore glared at the pathetic form in front of him, drenched in sweat and blood. “That’s all you have to say for yourself?”

    “I’m sorry,” Link repeated.

    Salvatore sighed. His whole body slumped. “I can see you mean it.” He dropped into a chair. “I apologize for yelling at you.”

    There was silence except for Lila’s weeping. Eventually, she cried herself out, and the silence was deafening.

    Suddenly, Link sprang up and grabbed Lila’s hand. “Come with me,” he said, pulling her to her feet. “I need to tell you something important.”

    “Can’t it wait?” Lila said. All of the energy in her body seemed to be gone.

    “It’s important,” Link reiterated.


    Lila followed him away from the infirmary. He led her down several corridors until they came to his room. He shoved her inside, came in, and locked the door behind him.

    “What’s so important?” Lila asked, her curiosity piqued.

    Link paced the room, wrestling with himself. Lila was anxious to get back to the infirmary, but she said nothing to interrupt his thoughts.

    Finally, he said, “I think Rova’s wrong. She told me to make sure I won the fight, even if it meant killing you. I was about to, you know, kill you. Zale saw it. That’s why he stepped in. I’m such an idiot for listening to her!”

    Lila cocked a half smile. “You weren’t going to kill me. I was about to win.”

    Link glared at her. “You’re not listening! Stop being so cocky and listen! Rova is evil! I see that now.”

    The smile dropped from Lila’s face. “What do you mean?”

    “I mean we have to stop her,” Link said emphatically. “I don’t know her plan, but we have to stop her!”

    “Stop her how?”

    Just then the lock clicked and the door opened. Rova stepped into the room, a staff in one hand and a round mirror shard in the other.

    “You’re too late,” Rova sneered. “If you won’t be my dog, then I’ll just have to trap you.” She raised her staff, which had a red and blue colored ruby on the top.

    Lila saw her menacing yellow eyes and something clicked in her mind. Before she could grasp it, however, her head burst into a splitting headache. She screamed in pain and Rova laughed.

    “Here, let me lift that particular spell,” Rova said.

    The headache disappeared and suddenly Lila knew.

    “Kotake and Koume!” Lila gasped.

    “Yes, it is us,” the evil woman laughed, though for a moment there were two old witches in her place. “You may have defeated us for a time, but we are too powerful for you.”

    Rova raised her staff again and chanted. Lila and Link felt cold all over and their vision wavered. Then a shadowy form came out of each of them. Lila and Link collapsed. The shadows fused together. Lila could just make out her own face staring back at her. Or was it Link’s face? The figure switched between the two people, but it was no longer a shadow.

    Rova cackled. This time she raised the mirror along with her staff.

    “Enjoy the Twilight Realm.”

    Everything went black.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Two: LiLink (Part 1 of 2)

    Zelda, Impa, and Salvatore waited for news about Zale’s condition. Zelda sat in her chair with her legs crossed at the ankles. Even though she wore commoner garb, she looked regal. Impa was pacing the floor, hating the hopeless feeling that tied her stomach in knots. Salvatore held his head in his hands, his breathing shallow.

    “Link and Lila have been gone for a long time,” Zelda said suddenly. Impa and Salvatore looked at her. “I hope everything’s okay.”

    “Why wouldn’t it be?” Salvatore asked.

    “Those two get into fights easily,” Impa said.

    “That’s right,” Zelda said. “There’s no telling what trouble they may have gotten into.” She stood up but Salvatore stopped her.

    “There’s no point looking for them,” he said. “They didn’t say where they were going. They might come back before you find them.”

    Zelda sat down again and sighed. “I suppose you’re right. But if they don’t come back soon, I will go looking for them.”

    The silence dragged on again. Impa resumed her pacing, and Salvatore took up his position once more. Zelda began tapping her foot.

    Finally, Link appeared. Alone. He had a strange smile on his face. Zelda shot out of her chair to greet him.

    “Where have you been? Where’s Lila?” Zelda demanded.

    Link’s features changed slightly and his hair grew to Lila’s length.

    “I’m here,” said the voice of Lila.

    Then she shifted back to Link.

    “We’re both here,” Link’s voice said.

    Zelda and the others gaped at the strange figure, not comprehending.

    The form of Link spread his arms. “We are LiLink. Rova helped us reach our highest potential. Now we don’t have to fight over the Master Sword.”

    Zelda grit her teeth. “No, you just have a body to fight over. How is this better?”

    “Wo don’t fight over our body,” Lila said.

    Link said, “As we said, Rova helped us. We know when it’s our turn to come out.”

    Zelda’s fingers dug into her palms. “This isn’t right. You aren’t yourself.”

    “Do you know that Rova is two beings in one?” Link revealed. “They can do it, so can we.”

    Zelda shook her head. “Lila, what about your marriage to King Zale?”

    “That’s not as important as protecting the kingdom.”

    “Not as… now I know you’re not yourself. How could you possibly say that after all you’ve been through with him? You two were made for each other!”

    “The kingdom comes first–”

    “If you break the king’s heart, I’ll break you,” Impa said. Her stance was one of ready to fight. “Change yourselves back!”

    “That can’t happen,” LiLink said. “We are as we are, and the kingdom will be better for it.”

    “I’m going to talk to Rova,” Zelda said as she walked toward the door.

    LiLink stopped her with a firm grip. “You can’t speak to her right now.”

    “Why not?” Zelda huffed. She tried to break her arm free but LiLink only squeezed harder. “You’re hurting me, Link.”

    “We told you, we are LiLink!” They shoved Zelda away from them. She looked at them with sorrowful, shocked eyes.

    Just then, the nurse entered the room through the second doorway. Salvatore and Impa looked at him, but Zelda and LiLink continued staring at one another.

    The nurse announced, “King Zale is stable. He will wake up soon.”

    “That’s a relief,” Salvatore sighed.

    “Can we see him?” Impa asked, relaxing.

    “Yes, but please be quiet,” the nurse said. “He needs his rest.”

    Salvatore followed the nurse. Impa touched Zelda on the arm and said, “Come on, he’ll want to see us.”

    Zelda tore her eyes from LiLink and followed Impa. LiLink took up the rear. They took the form of Lila, a calm look on their face.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Two: LiLink (Part 2 of 2)

    The nurse led them to a private room where Zale slept restfully. It was a bit crowded with all of them there, but they were given time to be with the king. The doctors and nurses left them alone. Salvatore sealed the room so they could talk privately.

    Since no one else took up the position, Impa sat next to the bed and held Zale’s hand. She felt strange, knowing Lila should be there instead of her. But LiLink stood rigidly next to Salvatore, indifferent to the situation.

    No one spoke. No one felt the need to break the stillness. All eyes were on Zale, although Zelda occasionally glanced at LiLink. The strange person seemed like a doll, a puppet. No emotions showed on their face. Even the eyes were dull, lifeless. Not at all like the Link or Lila she knew. She had to figure out a way to get them back to normal.

    After a short while, Zale started to stir. He had large bandages covering his right arm and shoulder. There was no sign of blood. The nurses must have cleaned him up well. His face was a bit pale, though. He made noises in his throat as though trying to groan. Finally, his eyes flickered open. He didn’t register anything at first. Then he turned his head to see Impa.

    “Impa?” Zale whispered. A surge of panic swept through him. “Where’s Lila?”

    “Here,” LiLink said. They smiled but it didn’t reach their eyes.

    Zale looked up with an effort, but his eyes were blurry. “Lila?” he puffed. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” He closed his eyes and concentrated on breathing.

    Zelda turned to Salvatore and whispered, “He’s too weak to learn about Lila and Link. We should leave him.”

    “What was that?” Zale asked weakly.

    LiLink heard Zelda and cut her off. “We have exciting news. Link and I have joined forces. We are now one entity called LiLink.”

    Zale scrunched his forehead. His wounds ached. “What do you mean? You’re a team?”

    “No,” Zelda cried. “They have joined bodies! They are no longer themselves. I wanted to keep this from you until you recovered a little.”

    Zale looked around the room, trying to understand. He saw Salvatore, Zelda, Lila, and Link–no, wait, There was just one of them. But which one?

    LiLink said, “We have done this to better protect the kingdom. Rova can help you and Zelda do the same.”

    “Never!” Zelda gasped.

    “Let’s not discuss this now,” Impa said. She still held Zale’s left hand. She could see his breathing becoming more labored.

    “No,” Zale said, “I need to understand. Rova merged Lila and Link into one body?”

    “That is correct,” Zelda said haughtily.

    “And you’re suggesting that Zelda and I do the same?”

    “Of course,” LiLink said. “For the good of the kingdom.”

    Zale felt lightheaded. He tried to grasp the implications of what they were telling him.

    Zelda helped by saying, “They are not themselves. There is something wrong with them now that they’re joined.”

    “We are better, more focused,” LiLink said. “We no longer fight over petty squabbles.”

    Zelda brought out the biggest objection. “Lila doesn’t want to marry you anymore.”

    Zale’s breath caught. He took a moment to process. He shuddered. “You-you can’t mean that,” he choked out.

    “It’s for the good of the kingdom,” LiLink insisted.

    The room was silent.

    Tears formed in Zale’s eyes. He couldn’t breathe properly. His heart was breaking. His world was breaking.

    “You need to leave!” Impa burst out.

    “Lila… no…” Zale whimpered. He held out a hand for her, but she just stared back at him. All of the spark was gone from her eyes.

    Impa stood up and shouted, “Leave, now!”

    Salvatore opened the door and shoved LiLink out.

    “I’ll go, too,” Zelda said quietly and left.

    “I’ll guard the door,” Salvatore said.

    And then it was just Impa and Zale, the latter of whom started weeping softly. Impa smoothed his hair and made shushing noises.

    “Lila, my Lila. What has Rova done to you?”

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Three: The Twilight Realm (Part 1 of 2)

    The first thing Lila noticed was pain. she had numerous cuts on her body and an ache lingered in her head. The cuts were from her fight with Link, she remembered. Then she recalled the last moments before she passed out.

    She gasped and sat bolt upright. Rova was Kotake and Koume. How could that be? Lila had defeated the witches days ago! (Was it really only days?) Sitting up made her head spin and she closed her eyes, hand to her head. A groan escaped her.

    She heard moaning by her side and peered around. Link was sitting up beside her, shaking his head.

    “See,” he said, “she’s evil.”

    “Where are we?” Lila asked. She took this time to look around her surroundings. Everything was bathed in an amber light, as though it was twilight. Flecks of gold and black danced in the air, although she felt nothing when they touched her.

    They seemed to be within a set of ruins. Black columns crumbled in a wide circle around them. They were sitting on a square platform. On one end were steps leading down. On the other end, curved rock stretched, broken, to either side. Shards of glass were stuck in a crack, suggesting the rock once held something.

    “Rova said something about the Twilight Realm,” Link said. “This sure looks like twilight.”

    Lila nodded. “Yeah, it does.” She stood up, dusting off her clothes. More shards of glass cut her hands. “There’s glass everywhere,” she said. “What happened here?”

    “This is where we said goodbye.”

    Lila and Link spun around to see a woman coming up the steps. Portions of her body were shrouded in black, while the other half of her skin was an eery blue. She wore a slanted skirt that showed off tattoos on her right leg and a long black headdress. Her hair and eyes were sunset orange. She was taller than any Hylian. As she approached them, she walked with a serene grace that radiated royal power.

    “Who are you?” Link asked.

    “Don’t you remember me, Link?” the woman asked. “Ah, but I see you’re not the Link I once knew.”

    “You knew one of our past lives?” Lila asked.

    The woman looked at her with a curious smile. “Yes, I think so. Time moves differently here. You both look so much like him. The Hero of Twilight, they called him.”

    “That was a hundred years ago,” Lila gasped.

    “Like I said, time moves differently here. I wonder, do you know my name?”

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Three: The Twilight Realm (Part 2 of 2)

    Lila and Link looked at each other and then shook their heads.

    “Should we?” Lila asked.

    “I guess not,” the woman said. “I am Midna, queen of the Twili.” She giggled, a surprising sound from someone so noble. “It’s nice to meet you again.”

    “I’m Lila, and, as you guessed, that’s Link. Um, can you help us get home?”

    Midna sighed. “You won’t stay for a visit?”

    “I’m sorry,” Lila said, “we have work that needs to be done, as soon as possible.”

    “Well,” Midna said, “I’ll be honest. I thought the doorway between our worlds had been closed forever. Can you tell me how you came to be here?”

    “It was a witch named Rova,” Link said. “She had a magic staff and a shard of a mirror. I don’t know any more than that.”

    “I think she chanted something,” Lila added.

    Midna put a hand to her chin in thought. Lila felt uneasy in the silence. What if there was no way home? She had to get back. She had to make sure Zale was okay. Oh, Zale…

    Lila must have groaned because Midna looked up at her. “What’s wrong?”

    “It’s Zale…” Lila said quietly. “The king of Hyrule. We… we just got engaged. I have to get back to him. He’s… he was gravely injured.” She glanced at Link who looked to the ground.

    Midna either didn’t notice or ignored the exchange. She rested a hand on Lila’s shoulder and smiled. “I think I’ll be able to get you back to him.”

    Lila looked up at her hopefully. “Really?”

    “Yeah,” Midna replied. “As you noticed before, there’s a lot of glass around here. Fragments of the mirror that opened the doorway between our worlds. I might be able to use my magic to restore the fragments long enough for you to cross through.”

    Lila clapped her hands. “I hope so!”

    “Stand back,” Midna instructed.

    After Lila and Link stepped off of the platform, Midna raised her arms as though in supplication. Slowly, flecks of glass floated from the ground. The shards flew toward each other, forming a disc where they once resided. The new mirror shimmered in the twilight air as each tiny piece rotated in place. The mirror grew black with intricate white lines creating a magnificent pattern. The Triforce was displayed prominently in the center.

    “It’s beautiful,” Lila said.

    “Hurry, it won’t last long,” Midna said through a strained voice.

    “Come on,” Link said, pulling Lila along. The two stood in front of the mirror, or doorway.

    Lila took one last look at Midna and said, “Thank you.”

    “Goodbye,” Midna said with a tear in her eye.

    The doorway pulled Lila and Link through back to their own world. As soon as they were gone, Midna dropped her arms and the mirror fell.

    “I’ll have to do something about this,” she said to herself.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Four: The Spirit of the Sword (Part 1 of 2)

    Lila and Link walked through a dark tunnel that shone with stars and lines. Before long, a bright white light filled their vision. Lila put an arm up to block the light from her view, but it was over in a flash. Then they were in Rova’s room.

    “What? How?” Rova said, mystified.

    Before she could do more, Link grabbed Lila’s hand and ran out of the room.

    “Where’s the Master Sword?” Link demanded, running down the halls.

    “In my room,” Lila answered. “What are you–?”

    “We have to stop Rova!” Link said.

    Lila heard something and looked back. Rova was hot on their trail. Lila shouted, “Hurry, she’s behind us!”

    Link let go of Lila’s hand and ran faster. She hurried to catch up to him.

    “This way,” Lila said. She guided Link through lesser-used halls, hoping to avoid running into anyone.

    A tongue of flame nearly hit Lila.


    The two lowered their heads but kept up their mad dash.

    An icicle shot at them but missed. How long would their luck keep up? Could they make it to Lila’s room and the Master Sword in time?

    Lila and Link continued to dodge the flames and ice blasts. Then the attacks stopped. Lila didn’t know why, and she didn’t care.

    “Keep moving,” she warned.

    Finally, safely, they made it to Lila’s room.

    “Move!” she shouted to the guards at her door. She barreled inside, grabbed the Master Sword, and whipped around to fight. She came out of the room and said to the guards, “Protect yourselves. This fight is bigger than you.”

    “Give me a sword,” Link told one of the guards.

    “No time for arguing,” Lila said. “Give him your sword and hide in my room!”

    The guard did what was asked of him.

    Then Rova walked casually around the corner.

    Not thinking straight, Lila struck out with the Master Sword. Rova easily blocked her with a wall of ice.

    “Tisk tisk,” Rova said. “That was weak, Lila. How you managed to defeat our other form, we’ll never know. Time for you to go back to the Twilight Realm.”

    Rova raised her hands, one holding her staff and the other holding the mirror shard. She chanted, but nothing happened.

    “Strange,” Rova said. “I guess that’s no longer an option. I’ll have to send you somewhere else. Perhaps… the Desert Mine will do?”

    “No!” Lila shouted, but this time Rova’s chanting took effect. The cramped hallway faded and rock walls took its place. It was dark, but torches lined the walls, burning as fiercely as the day Lila crawled through the dungeon.

    Lila stood there for a minute to get over the shock. Link wasn’t faring much better. They had to hang on to the wall to keep from losing balance.

    “Watch out for screamers,” Lila warned in a low voice.

    “What’s that?”

    “When they scream, your whole body locks up. You can do nothing until the effect wears off, which gives them time to attack you. They’re slow,” Lila explained. “I wish we had a ranged weapon. We’ll just have to avoid them as much as we can.”

    “I think I know what you’re talking about,” Link said. “ReDead Knights?”

    “Yeah, that’s what Zale called them.”

    “Okay. Give me the Master Sword. I know how to handle them.”

    “Not on your life,” Lila said, pulling away from him.

    Link managed to grab her wrist but not the sword. “C’mon. Give it to me!”

    As they grappled, the sword was raised high in the air. Link was able to touch the hilt with one finger…

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Four: The Spirit of the Sword (Part 2 of 2)

    Before either could move, the sword started to glow blue. Lila and Link were stunned as they watched. The glowing formed into a blob, pulling away from the sword. Then it jumped away and morphed into a feminine figure, completely blue. Lila and Link stood transfixed in shock. When the figure spoke, it had a melodic harmony, as though the voice was echoing.

    “I calculate it has been many millennia since I was forged,” the woman said. Then she took a closer look at the pair holding the Master Sword. “I also calculate a ninety-eight percent chance you two are twins. No, data analysis complete, one-hundred percent chance. You two are twins.”

    Neither said a word, so the woman went on.

    “Twin Heroes… The chances of that are so remote, not even I can calculate it. It seems a problem has developed. Data shows both of you want the sword, correct?”

    “It’s my sword!” Lila answered.

    At the same time, Link insisted, “I deserve the Master Sword!”

    They glared at each other, still holding the sword in the sky.

    “Ah… yes,” the woman said falteringly. “There’s only a thirty-five percent chance both of you will need the sword for the coming battles.” Then she looked right at Lila. “Fifty-seven percent says the sword belongs to you.”

    “Only fifty-seven?” Lila shouted. She kicked Link right between the legs, making him let go and curl up in pain. “How’s that for fifty-seven percent?” She swung the sword around pompous to emphasize her point.

    The woman cocked her head to one side, watching Link roll around whimpering in the dirt.

    “You dirty little cheat!” he squeaked at Lila.

    Lila smirked. “It’s payback for cheating in our fight. Why do you need the sword?” she asked Link.

    “Because it belongs to me,” he answered, rising from the ground.

    “That’s not a need,” Lila countered. “Why do you need the sword?”

    Link had no answer for that. His head fell and he mumbled something about technicalities.

    “I need the sword,” Lila went on, “to defeat Rova. I need the sword to protect Hyrule.

    When Link didn’t respond, the woman chimed in, “I prefer to ber with the girl. The Blade of Evil’s Bane was forged to save Hyrule, and it will continue to do so throughout all time.”

    “It’s settled, then,” Lila said. “I’m keeping the sword. She turned to the woman. “Is that your name, Blade of Evil’s Bane?”

    The woman shook her head. “No. I am called Fi. The Blade of Evil’s Bane is one of my titles. Another is the Master Sword.”

    “That’s the one we’re familiar with,” Link said. “I’m Link and that cheater is Lila.”

    Lila rolled her eyes.

    “I have served many with the same names,” Fi said wistfully.

    “You have?” Lila asked. “I thought I was a fluke.”

    “You being twins is a fluke, but there have been many female heroes.”

    Link asked, “What would you say to Princess Zelda having a twin also?”

    Fi said, “That another power is at work.”

    “Rova!” Link fumed, clenching his fists. “She’s been planning this from the beginning!”

    “That doesn’t change anything,” Lila said. “We were going to stop her anyway.”

    “I guess you’re right,” Link said, calming down.

    “This Rova person,” Fi asked, “you need to defeat her to protect Hyrule?”

    “Yes,” Lila and Link said together.

    “Then I will help you. I have a special ability that can only be used when your health is full. Give a horizontal slash and my power will come out as a sharp wave.”

    “No fair, you get all of the good stuff,” Link complained.

    “I am sorry,” Fi said to him. “This only works with the Master Sword.”

    “You don’t have to rub it in,” Link muttered.

    “Ready when you are,” Fi said, disappearing into the sword.

    “Let’s get moving,” Lila said. “There’s no telling where we are in the mine. We’ll just have to explore until we make our way out.”

    “Lead the way,” Link pouted.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Five: A Skirmish (Part 1 of 2)

    In the waiting room outside of the infirmary, Zelda glared at LiLink.

    “Why did you tell Zale?” she demanded.

    “We thought he needed to know,” LiLink said simply.

    “Of course, he needs to know,” Zelda seethed, “but not yet. He just woke up from almost dying. He needs time to recover before getting such huge news.”

    “You’re the one who brought up the marriage,” LiLink countered.

    Zelda blinked and stepped back. Of course, the abomination was right, but how could she admit that? “He-he wanted all of the facts. It was my duty to make sure he understood.”

    “It was our duty to tell him what happened.”

    Zelda slumped into a chair. There was no use arguing with this… thing. Besides, she said everything there was to say. Time to change tactics.

    Zelda stood again and said, “I’m going to see Rova. Don’t try to stop me this time.”

    “Go ahead. We won’t.” LiLink stood aside and swept out a hand. They followed Zelda when she left the room. She felt a chill down her spine, knowing they were behind her, but didn’t look back. She wouldn’t give them any validation.

    At Rova’s room, Zelda didn’t bother knocking. Rova was sitting at a desk that had been brought in for her, studying a circular mirror with a gold frame. When Zelda barged in, Rova reached for her staff. Upon seeing Zelda, however, Rova relaxed.

    “Zelda, dear, how sweet of you to visit,” Rova said. “Although, I must insist you knock next time. I’m quite busy.”

    “What have you done to Link and Lila?” Zelda demanded.

    Rova’s smile froze in place. “They have become whole. After the fiasco with their duel, I realized a better solution. I should have thought of it sooner, really.”

    “Because you’re really two people merged into one body?” Zelda challenged.

    “Who told you that?”

    “Your LiLink,” Zelda spat.

    “They are correct,” Rova said, sitting back in her chair.

    Zelda got a good look at the mirror. Shadows seemed to dance inside its depths. One shadow grew to encompass the whole mirror. Then it popped out of the mirror and formed the shape of Zelda.

    Zelda gasped. “What is that?”

    Rova merely looked curious. She said, “That is your inner darkness, I believe. Fascinating.” To LiLink, she said, “Keep Zelda here. I’m going to see the king.”

    “You can’t!” Zelda protested, but LiLink shoved her deeper into the room so that Rova could leave.

    “Shadow,” Rova said, “come with me.” Her staff glowed and the shadow obeyed.

    Zelda tried to reach her, but LiLink blocked the way. “Leave King Zale alone! He needs rest!”

    Rova ignored her and closed the door.

    “Link,” Zelda pleaded, “You have to let me go.”

    “We are LiLink.”

    “Please, Link, snap out of it!”

    “We are LiLink,” was all they said.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Five: A Skirmish (Part 2 of 2)

    On the way to the infirmary, Rova examined the mirror. It did nothing for her, but she had no inner darkness. Her darkness was on the outside already. She didn’t want random shadows popping out, so she hid the mirror in her dress.

    In the infirmary, she spotted Salvatore and went up to him, knowing the king would be behind the door he guarded.

    Salvatore said, “You are not welcome here!”

    “Then I will make you move,” Rova said.

    Before he could react, she raised her staff and lit him on fire. He yelped and jumped away, trying to put out the flames. Rova ignored him and went into the sick room, Zelda’s shadow on her heels.

    She confirmed that the one sleeping in the bed was Zale and then raised the Dark Mirror. She didn’t care that Impa was there. Two shadows dripped out of the mirror.

    “What are you doing?” Impa asked, rising to her feet.

    “Kill her,” Rova said to Shadow Impa. Impa defended with her dagger, but the shadow parried every move perfectly. While she grappled with her shadow, Rova chanted, fusing Zale and Zelda’s shadows. They formed a solid figure, just like LiLink.

    “You are ZaZelda, ruler of Hyrule,” Rova told it. “I am your Mistress. Obey me.”

    ZaZelda bowed to Rova.

    All of the commotion woke Zale. He saw Impa struggling with a shadow and Rova looking down at a kneeling figure with golden hair. He thought it was Link or even Lila. What they were doing in his room he had no idea.

    “Guards!” Zale shouted.

    Rova jerked her gaze to him. “Be silent, boy,” she hissed. She pointed her staff at him and ice sealed his lips together. He felt at his frozen mouth, heart pounding, but could say nothing until the ice thawed.

    Despite her attempt to keep him quiet, his initial yell alerted those outside of the room to the danger within. A guard entered the doorway and grabbed Rova.

    ZaZelda sprang up and commanded, “Release her.”

    The guard looked confused but let go. “Sire, what’s the problem?”

    Zale tried desperately to speak, drawing the guard’s attention. He could barely see her due to Rova and ZaZelda being in the way. The guard grew more confused.

    “Nothing’s wrong here,” Rova said, blocking the guard’s view even more.

    “Take her staff!” Impa yelled.

    The guard craned her neck to see around Rova. Fed up, Rova hit the guard’s head with her staff. Another guard took her place and tried to wrestle the staff away from Rova.

    “Stop that,” ZaZelda said.

    With a painful tear, Zale got his mouth free. “Don’t listen to that imposter! Stop Rova!”

    Rova growled. A bout of flame enveloped the guard, who shrieked and let go of the staff. Rova chanted and mist swirled around her and ZaZelda. Within seconds, the mist obscured them from view. When the mist dissolved, they were gone.

    Aware of Impa’s fight, Zale yelled, “Someone get in here and help Impa!”

    A third guard ran in. She quickly assessed the situation and then struck at the shadow’s back. The shadow reeled and Impa was able to finish it off. The shadow dissipated into nothingness.

    Panting, Impa said, “Thank you.”

    “You’re welcome,” the guard said. “May I ask, what was that?”

    “My shadow,” Impa said. “I guess. It looked like me, at least.” She turned to Zale and added, “Rova made one of you, two, sire. Then she merged it with another shadow and called it ZaZelda.”

    Zale cut her off with a wave of his hand and spoke to the guard. “Gather as many knights as you can and find Rova. As you saw, she’s dangerous and not to be taken lightly. Be careful. Oh, and don’t listen to that imposter.”

    The guard clicked her heels together and bowed before leaving.

    Doctors were tending to the injured outside of Zale’s room, so he had Impa close the door. Once she had, he asked, “Are you hurt?”

    Impa shrugged. “Not too badly. I can wait until the others have been seen to.”

    “Continue your report.”

    “Yes, sir. The only other thing is that ZaZelda reminded me of LiLink. Do you think they were made the same way?”

    Zale said, “That would make sense. Hopefully, that means Lila and Link are alive somewhere. Is there anything else you wish to discuss?”

    “No, sire.”

    “Then go get healed up.”

    Impa shook her head. “I’ll be fine. I need to protect you.”

    Zale opened his mouth to protest but thought better of it. “I suppose you’re right. What about Salvatore?”

    “I’m not sure,” Impa said, frowning. “Should I check on him?”

    “Please do.”

    Impa left and returned a few minutes later. She looked worried.

    “He’s one of the wounded,” she told Zale. “He sustained a full-body burn.”

    Zale gasped, “No! Will he be alright?”

    “They think so. They managed to put the fire out quickly.”

    Zale leaned back into his pillows and groaned. “I hope he’ll be okay.”

    “Me, too,” Impa murmured.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Six: Captive (Part 1 of 2)

    Rova reappeared in her room where LiLink still guarded Zelda. Zelda shuddered when she saw her own face on the lifeless doll that was ZaZelda.

    “What have you done to Zale?” she demanded.

    “Nothing,” Rova replied, “yet. This is merely yours and his shadows, fused just like LiLink. I call them ZaZelda. What do you think?”

    “I think you’re a monster,” Zelda retorted. “What’s your plan? Why are you doing all of this?”

    Rova snarled at her. “My plan was to take over the kingdom of Hyrule, but that doesn’t seem to be working. I have been planning for too long to see it all end like this. Now, what am I to do…?” The last part she seemed to say to herself.

    “There’s no shame in surrendering,” Zelda suggested dryly.

    “I will never surrender!” Rova growled. “Be quiet, girl. Don’t make me kill you. I might still need you.”

    Reluctantly, Zelda stayed silent. She didn’t see how arguing would help her situation. She waited for Rova to speak again.

    Finally, Rova said, “LiLink, tie her hands behind her back. We’re going to get you a sword.”

    Zelda didn’t understand what those things had to do with one another, but there was nothing she could do. She swallowed nervously when LiLink bound her hands. She noticed Rova was packing up her things. Zelda knew the artifacts they had collected were in that bag. Her eyes widened at the thought of the Fierce Deity Mask. What was Rova planning to do with the mask? When worn, it could give the bearer immense power.

    “That mask is sacred,” Zelda cried. “What do you think you’re doing with it?”

    “LiLink will wear it, won’t you, my pet,” Rova said.

    “Yes, ma’am,” LiLink said sounding hollow.


    At that moment, someone pounded on the door.

    “Open up!” a guard shouted.

    “Perfect timing,” Rova said, smiling. “Stand back, everyone. I’ll handle this.” She opened the door and shot out an icy blast from her staff. Zelda heard shouts of surprise get cut off. Rova then stepped out of the room and disappeared from view for a moment. She carried a sword when she came back. She handed the sword to LiLink.

    “Come now,” she said, raising her staff. “We must leave before they recover.” The mist surrounded all four of them, Rova, ZaZelda, LiLink, and Zelda, and transported them just outside of the Desert Mine. The sun was just starting to set and the full moon could be seen at the opposite end of the sky.

    “Where are we?” Zelda asked, looking around at the desert surrounding her. There was a boulder the size of a house next to a set of steps leading down to a wooden door.

    Rova answered, “This is where I sent Link and Lila. They have the Master Sword. We need the Master Sword. Simple.”

    A thrill of excitement shot through Zelda at the thought of the two heroes being alive. Thank the Goddesses they weren’t transformed into LiLink!

    Rova sat on a rock. “May as well get comfortable,” she said. “We might be here a while. I sent them deep into the Mine.” She made a fire appear to keep them warm in the night air.

    Lila and Link broke all of the pots in the room before leaving. They seemed to be in a treasury there were so many pots. They collected several rupees and found some floating hearts that healed their cuts when touched. There was even a treasure chest containing a map of the mine.

    “This would have come in handy the last time I was here,” Lila remarked as the two of them looked over the map. “It looks like we’re in that weirdly shaped room there.”

    “This one?” Link asked, pointing. “Yeah, good guess. Then we just need to go… where exactly?”

    “Well, the entrance is a circular room,” Lila said. “It has a ramp around the edge. Here, hold the map for a minute.”

    Link took the map from her.

    “There,” Lila pointed, “that’s the entrance.”

    Link whistled. “That’s a long walk. We better get going.”

    “Look, there’s a secret room marked ‘treasure’! And it’s on the way!”

    “No, it’s not. We have to go around. See?”

    “Oh, you’re right. We’ll just leave it be then, eh?” Lila said, elbowing Link.

    “No, we can take a detour…”

    With that plan in place, Link rolled up the map and stuffed it into his pocket. Then they opened the door, with Link in the lead.

    “Keep your distance from me,” he cautioned. “Then if I get stunned, you won’t.”

    “Good plan,” Lila said, surprised.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Six: Captive (Part 2 of 2)

    “I told you, I know how to deal with them.” He sneaked out of the treasure room, keeping his eyes peeled for ReDead Knights. Lila waited for a few seconds and then followed him out. Link peered around each corner before moving on. At one point, he waved to Lila for her to come closer.

    “What?” Lila asked.

    “We have come upon our first enemy,” Link said. “Use Fi’s magical attack on that guy.”

    “Okay,” Lila said and stepped around the corner. As the ReDead Knight prepared for a scream, Lila sliced the Master Sword horizontally, just like Fi instructed. A blue-white arch appeared and cut the Knight in two. It dissipated into nothingness.

    “Good job!” Link praised.

    They continued like that through the mine. Sometimes, Link would attack a Knight that was looking in the other direction, and sometimes Lila would use the horizontal slash. Every now and then they consulted the map to make sure they were going the right way.

    Finally, they reached the other treasure room where they filled their pockets with rupees and healed up with floating hearts. They didn’t need much healing because they were so good at defeating the monsters of the mine.

    Once that was done, they made the climb up the ramp of the entrance. When they finally opened the door, the moon was high in the sky.

    Suddenly, they were encased in ice. Lila shivered and felt that moving would free her. Eventually. Link walked into her field of vision. No, wait, that wasn’t Link. He – or… it – tried to take the Master Sword from her, but it was just as frozen as she was.

    “We can’t get the sword, Mistress,” the entity said in a haunting voice. It seemed to ring in Lila’s ears.

    “Pity. I suppose you’ll have to fight for it,” came a female’s voice. It was Rova’s.

    At this point, Lila broke free from the ice. She swept her sword up at the ready, anticipating an attack. Instead, the fake Link walked over to Rova, who handed them a mask.

    “No!” the real Link shouted. He ran forward but was too late.

    The fake Link put the mask on and transformed. They became bigger, burlier. Their tunic turned pale blue, and armor appeared. Their sword grew as long as they were tall. The sword made a helix shape with blue and white parts.

    “Link, what’s going on?” Lila asked wearily.

    “LiLink has put on the Fierce Deity Mask,” Zelda said. Lila looked at her in surprise. She hadn’t seen her there. Next to her was a false Zelda.

    Zelda continued, “Be careful! They’re more powerful now!”

    “So you’re called LiLink?” Link remarked, taking up a ready stance. “You don’t deserve to wear that mask!”

    Quick as lightning, LiLink struck at Lila. She had just enough warning to block the attack, but it made her stumble back, almost falling into the hole of the mine’s entrance. Before she regained her balance, LiLink struck again, meeting the Master Sword with a loud clang. Lila fell to her knees under the strain.

    “Leave her alone!” Link shouted. He attacked LiLink’s back, aiming for an area without armor.

    LiLink seemed unfazed as they whirled around and attacked Link. Link held up his sword to block.

    The distraction gave Lila time to recover and stand. She made a horizontal slash, unleashing the blue-white wave. It struck LiLink in the same place Link had hit it.

    LiLink spun around to face Lila again. This time she was ready for their blow.

    Attack after attack, Lila and Link battled Fierce Deity LiLink. It was even harder than when they dueled each other. LiLink was stronger and faster than them. Had Lila or Link been on their own, they would have been overwhelmed. As it was, they barely held back LiLink’s strikes. At least their teamwork allowed them to land a few strikes of their own.

    Zelda watched in fear. She wished she could do something, anything, but her hands were still bound behind her back. What could she do, anyway? Maybe take Rova’s staff. But then what? She had no idea how to use it. She wished she had her weapons. She knew how to use those.

    Rova smiled throughout the fight. Even if LiLink failed, she could use her own power to finish off the weakened heroes. Of course, if Lila and Link did somehow win, Rova would be without a champion. Maybe she should step in before that happened…

    Lila, Link, and LiLink started showing signs of wearing down. They were all panting heavily, and they had numerous cuts and bruises. Lila’s horizontal slash no longer worked. Link had a frustrated look on his face. Even LiLink looked worse for wear. They bled the most out of the group.

    Deciding now was the time to interfere, Rova shot a fireball at Lila.

    Lila screamed and fell, her tunic on fire. She rolled on the ground to smother the flames while Link fought on his own. Rova wasted no time and froze Link, allowing LiLink to land a devastating blow.

    “Link!” Zelda cried, tears springing to her eyes.

    With Link down, LiLink turned to Lila, still on the ground. Lila crawled backward, careful to keep a hold of the Master Sword. LiLink approached slowly, menacingly. They knew they had won and snarled.

    “Give us the sword,” LiLink said.

    “I’ll die first!” Lila declared.

    “Fine.” LiLink lunged at Lila, who threw her sword up just enough to avoid being skewered.

    “Stop resisting,” Rova called out.

    Lila thrust her sword so that LiLink lost their balance. She quickly stood up and went in for another attack. This one was blocked, though.

    Link was down but not out. His left arm hung uselessly by his side. After Rova’s attacks, he knew he had to take her out if they had any chance of winning. Her attention was fully on Lila, so Link was able to sneak up on her. He gave her a mighty slash, and she fell with a shriek.

    “Traitor!” Rova gasped. She shot a fire blast at Link, but he dodged easily.

    “You’re the traitor,” Link yelled back. He struck her again. She used her staff to block. Link deftly swept her staff out of her hands and pressed his sword to her throat. He said, “Call off your dog!”


    Link slashed and Rova dissolved into thin air.

    “You did it!” Zelda cheered.

    Link looked at her, having forgotten she was there. He hurried to her side and used his sword to free her.

    “Now go help LIla. Quickly!” Zelda said.

    ZaZelda came forward to stop Link, but he shoved them away. Zelda picked up Rova’s staff and aimed it at ZaZelda. A deadly icicle shot out and hit ZaZelda. The puppet turned black and then dissipated into smoke.

    Meanwhile, Lila was doing all she could to not get killed. She kept giving ground, leading LiLink in a circle. Link hurried to intercede.

    “‘Bout time!” Lila said.

    “I was busy,” Link said.

    “So am I!” Lila countered.

    The two continued to fight LiLink.

    Zelda ran over to them and aimed Rova’s staff at LiLink. A fireball shot out and hit them in the head. Lila and Link each gave one last slash, and the abomination was gone. The Fierce Deity Mask fell with a clatter. Zelda picked it up with reverence.

    “Did we really win?” Lila huffed.

    “Yeah,” Zelda said quietly.

    Link cheered. The three hugged each other. Tears streamed down Lila and Zelda’s faces.

    And then they had a grueling walk home.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Seven: Right Again (Part 1 of 2)

    “Rova is nowhere in the castle,” a guard reported to Zale. “We found her in her room, but she vanished. Along with the imposter and two others.”

    “What others?” Zale asked anxiously.

    “The one called LiLink and a girl who looked just like you,” the guard said. “The girl was bound. Who was she?”

    Zale sighed. “I can’t tell you. Just know that she’s a visitor from another land.”

    The guard looked skeptical but said nothing.

    “Is that all?” Zale asked.

    “Yes, sire.”

    “Then keep searching for Rova. Search all of Castle Town if you have to. I want her found,” Zale ordered.

    “Yes, sire!” the guard saluted and left.

    Zale relaxed in his bed. He was still in the infirmary with Impa. Where could Rova have gone? And why did she take Zelda? What was that imposter? Could it be anything like LiLink? If so… could Lila and Link be okay?

    Too many questions and no answers. Zale groaned, closing his eyes.

    “What’s wrong, Your Majesty?” Impa asked.

    Zale kept his eyes closed. “There’s just a lot on my mind right now.”

    Impa watched him, but he said no more. She sat back in her chair, her legs crossed.

    After a few hours, she told him to sleep. He tried to, but he didn’t get much rest. Eventually, his body gave up and he fell asleep.

    The sun was beginning to rise by the time Lila, Link, and Zelda arrived at the Castle Town gates. Link was pale and had to be held up by the others. Lila felt like she was dead on her feet. She longed for a bath and some rest. Zelda carried Rova’s staff and bag.

    There was only one guard at the gate, and he was asleep. The trio had to yell for what felt like ages before he woke up and opened the gate.

    Lila asked him, “Where are the other guards?”

    “Looking for Rova, Lady Lila.”

    “Well they can stop,” Lila said dully. “Rova’s dead.”

    The guard brightened. “Really?”

    Lila and the others ignored him and continued. They had to get to the infirmary before Link passed out.

    With it being so early in the morning, the streets were practically empty. The few people they saw bowed to them with puzzled looks on their faces. No one wasted time by talking to the townsfolk.

    Finally, they made it to the castle proper, where one guard stood posted.

    “Rova is dead,” Lila told him unceremoniously. And then they moved on.

    In the infirmary, Link was handed off to doctors. The doctors wanted to look after Lila as well, but she told them that she needed to see the king first.

    Impa slept in the chair next to Zale, who slept fitfully. Trying not to wake Impa, Lila shook Zale awake.

    “I’m here, my love,” Lila said softly.

    “Lila?” Zale looked at her with blurry eyes. “Is it really you?”

    “Yes, love, it really is,” Lila assured him.

    Zale put a hand in hers, though what he really wanted was to hug and kiss her.

    “I-I thought…” Zale whimpered.

    “You thought I merged with Link,” Lila finished for him. “That I gave up on our marriage. Never, my love. You will have me forever.”

    Zale sighed. Exhaustion took over and he fell back asleep. Lila patted his hand and then left, closing the door quietly. Then she let the doctors see to her wounds.

    Zelda waited to make sure Link was okay and then she took Rova’s bag and staff in to speak with Zale. He was awake and feeling restless, wishing to be with Lila, but Lila was still sleeping.

    “Come in, Zelda,” Zale said when she opened the door.

    “Perhaps I should go by another name while I’m here,” Zelda said, taking the chair beside him. Impa wasn’t there. Zale had finally convinced her to get healed.

    “Our ancestor used the name Sheik,” Zale said. “It’s not known by anyone but the Sheikah.”

    “I know about Sheik,” Zelda said. “Okay, that’s what I’ll use. And Link can be Deku. But I didn’t come here to discuss names.” She patted the bag she held. “This is Rova’s bag. Inside are artifacts from different times, including the Dark Mirror. One of them, the Fierce Deity Mask, is actually from a parallel world. That was tricky to get.

    “Anyway, we have to figure out what to do with them,” Zelda, or Sheik, went on. “The Dark Mirror in particular needs to be stored somewhere where no one will see it.”

    “What is the Dark Mirror?” Zale asked.

    “The mirror that created our shadows,” Sheik explained. “Just looking into it will trigger the effect.”

    Zale thought for a minute. “Hm… I have an idea of where to put it, but it will depend on the Gerudo. I believe they are going to leave their land, and Ganondra’s castle will be the perfect place to put it.”

    “Good,” Sheik said simply. “Now about the Fierce Deity Mask. It’ll prove difficult to return it. The world it’s from is hard to escape. I think it’s best to protect it in this time rather than attempt to return it.”

    “Will anyone miss it?” Zale asked.

    “I don’t think so,” Sheik answered. “It was already used for its purpose when we took it. It was just on display at a museum.”

    “Well, if you say it’s dangerous to return, then I suppose we can keep it in the Royal Treasury. That’s where we keep the death masks. We can keep Rova’s staff there, too.”

    Sheik nodded. “Good. Finally is the Ocarina of Time. It’s what allowed us to travel among the different time periods.”

    Zale said, “Lila has an ocarina. Maybe she’ll know what to do with it.”

    Sheik looked skeptical. “If you’re sure…”

    Zale nodded. “I am. I’m sure she knows something about it.”

    “Well, that’s everything,” Sheik said. “Oh! I almost forgot about the loftwing in the stable.”

    “Loftwing? In the stable?” Zale balked.

    “I suppose that should be returned to its time so it doesn’t get lonely,” Sheik said.

    Zale still marveled at the fact. “Yeah, probably,” he said dreamily.

    “Link will have to take care of that when he recovers,” Sheik said. “I’ll let him know.” She stood up to go.

    Zale said, “Keep the bag safe until we can handle what’s inside. I don’t want it falling into the wrong hands.”

    Sheik bowed. “Yes, sire.”

    “Don’t do that,” Zale groaned.

    “You’re the king.”

    “But you’re my sister.”

    Sheik shook her head. “No one is to know that. I am just another of your loyal subjects.”

    Zale sighed. “If you say so.”

    “I do,” Sheik said. She bowed one more time and left.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Chapter Twenty-Seven: Right Again (Part 2 of 2)

    General Davros came in an hour later looking angry as usual.

    “What’s this I hear about an imposter running around the castle?” the general demanded.

    Zale raised his good hand and said, “Settle down, General Davros. The imposter has been dealt with.”

    Davros didn’t relax. “Then who’s the girl in the infirmary? She looks just like you. Plus, she’s with a boy who looks just like Lady Lila.”

    “They’re not imposters,” Zale said.

    “Then who are they?” Davros roared.

    “General,” Zale said sternly, “I am your king. I will have you remember that. The blood of the Goddess flows through my veins. Now, show me the respect I deserve.”

    Davros looked at him in awe. Then, slowly, he knelt and bowed his head. “I apologize, sire. Please forgive me.”

    “You are forgiven,” Zale said in a softer voice. “Just know that I will no longer tolerate your outbursts.”

    “Yes, sire.”

    “You may rise now,” Zale said. The general did so. “The girl is named Sheik and the boy is Deku. They are travelers from another land, and their appearances are entirely coincidental. You can be at ease concerning them. There was an imposter, but Sheik defeated them at the same time Deku defeated Rova. The threat to the kingdom is gone.”

    Davros struggled to contain his anger. “Then you will admit there was a threat?”

    “Yes,” Zale said simply.

    The general was silent for a moment. “It’s good to hear that the threat is gone.”

    Zale asked, “Is that all?”

    “Well, actually… sire. Maybe next time you can keep me in the loop. I am your second in command, after all.”

    “I will remember that,” Zale said. “But you must remember that I have Lila by my side, and she has proven capable of handling many problems on her own. There will be times when I defer to her instead of you.”

    This seemed to incense General Davros, but he managed to keep his anger contained. “Yes, sire.” Then, as abruptly as he came, he left.

    It was nearly dinnertime when Lila woke up. The first thing she did was barge into Zale’s room. He was alone and snoozing, but when she entered, a huge grin broke across his face.

    “It’s really you!” Zale said.

    “Oh, Zale, I love you!” Lila said, rushing over to hug him. “I want to never leave your side again!”

    Zale laughed with pure joy. “Let’s never part, my darling. If I could wish on the Triforces, I’d wish for us to be together forever!”

    Lila let go of him, a curious look on her face. The backs of their hands were burning, where the Triforce symbol was. They looked in awe at their hands. Zale had the Triforce of Wisdom. Lila had the Triforce of Courage… and Power. The Triforces glowed brightly on their hands. Then the glow faded and the symbols were gone.

    “What just happened?” Lila wondered.

    “Between the two of us,” Zale said in awe, “We had all three Triforces. They must have heard our wish.”

    Lila smiled and wrapped her arms around Zale. “Then we’ll be together forever!”

    The two sat on Zale’s bed, hugging, laughing, and kissing. Nothing could ruin their joy at that moment.

    ∴ THE END ∴

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • Laxyak Loves LoZ July 16, 2024 at 8:30 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Real Courage” to “Real Courage [Complete]”.