So about that upcoming Zelda movie...

  • There's so much to talk and speculate, but I'll start with some questions and let you know my thoughts in the replies.B-)

    How do you guys feel about the revelation of a movie being in the works?

    Are you okay with it being live action or do you think a different medium would suit it better?

    Are you hoping for an adaptation or an original story? :tektite:

  • Quote

    How do you guys feel about the revelation of a movie being in the works?

    I'm kinda excited, but I like to reserve my judgment.


    Are you okay with it being live action or do you think a different medium would suit it better?

    With the technology we have today, I'm okay with it being live-action. As long as they don't make it too visually dark, like the DC movies.


    Are you hoping for an adaptation or an original story?

    I think I'd prefer an adaptation just because I don't want them to add to the canon.

    The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage :grinning:

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the prince of Hyrule place his faith in the wrong person?

  • I'm kinda excited, but I like to reserve my judgment.

    Haha. Fair enough.

    It is a very weird feeling for me. to be completely honest at times it still feel like the it is just a rumour. I've lieved through decades of people faking movie posters and debating whether a movie would be a good idea or not.

    In fact, I cannot think of a Zelda movie without thinking of that one fan film "The Hero of Time" by BNB Finishes. I remember how they talked about taking years to make it but then they tried to put it in small local cinemas or something similarly profit, if I remember correctly, and Nintendo fell on them straight away. it was close to Christmas so they let them have the online film but to be deleted right after. I mean there are some pretty interesting live action shorts around that will give me hope, but I also feel like it is going to be difficult to create a a movie that will be without controversy. I feel as a community of passionate fans there will be a lot of nitpicking in just a few moments of a teaser, haha.

    So I am curious and I will probably will be there on first row when it comes to the movies but I am also keeping my excitement restrained until more is revealed.

    With the technology we have today, I'm okay with it being live-action. As long as they don't make it too visually dark, like the DC movies.

    I always thought the series would go really well in 2D animation or even CGI given the fantastic work of recent 3D films. CGI has definitely gotten better but also, point taken that this also applies to the CGI effects inserted in live action movies, a lot of the effects from studio to digital ones definitely blend better than what they did some decades ago, hahaha.

    I think the first hurdle is going to be who they choose to play which roles.

    I think I'd prefer an adaptation just because I don't want them to add to the canon.

    Oooh, that is an angle I hadn't even considered. I was thinking that I'd rather an original story so we don't pick apart every little thing they do differently to adapt it.