New Holiday Bundle: BotW Explorer's Edition

  • If you have been on the fence regarding this game or if you are a Zelda collection that wants to get Breath of the Wild goodies, I have good news for you... unless you are not from the United States. Feel free to sit with me and resign to either be quick, get luck to order it online or just pass it up.

    Nintendo of America has announced a bundle for this year Holiday Seasons called "Explorer's Edition". It might not be the big box of the release Deluxe edition but these two items I am sure can be appreciated by the fans of the game.

    ■ A two-sided map of the wilds of Hyrule
    ■ A 150 pages long guide with tips.

    Best of all is that the suggested Retail price is the same as the standard edition. So it is quite an enticing option coming out on Novemeber 23th.

    Are you intersted in getting it?

  • Outstanding news post, and I am sorry about the parsehtml stuff. But I love having news posts counting towards forum posts.

  • I really like it too.

    And with Xenforo permissions I think we can even make it viewable but in a way that regular members can comment on these threads but can't start threads.
    We can create a user group for the website news reporters (or use the webmaster / staff usergroups) to have them being the only ones able post new threads here.

    I know I might be getting ahead of myself but if we managed that, we could then get rid of the section "gaming news" and have this one become that.