Eternal Hyrule X-Treme Kombat!

  • KIRBY POWERS!!! *Eats Alex, While sucking myself out*

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • Ha! Thats one down! *Heads after Shrukan*

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • *Fairy*
    Here, Take one *Gives Alex a Fairy*

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • *Snickers*
    That was a DARK fairy,
    Alex Dies

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • Heh, *Runs after Shrukan, Sending immense fireballs after her.

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • *Grabs Shrukan and throws her to the other side of the Arena*

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • *she is carted to the Emergency Wing where Doctor Bastardos awaits to sedate her with morphine and then poison MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!*

  • *Gets Alex and slams him on the wall 100 times

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.


  • *Doc Bastardos joins DL in kicking back and relaxing and they relish in there victory and av a few beers and watch Wicked TV*

  • Grrr...OH YEAH??? *Kicks Shrukan all the way to Japan*
    *Continues relaxing*

    We all have a phantom, a "mirror image". It looks back at you each time you look into a mirror.

    Will yours consume you, or will you triumph in the light.
